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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all


Rained all night, and forecast was for it to turn to heavy snow about five this morning - thankfully it didn't - but when I left home for work, the teletext forecast was still saying heavy snow all morning here. I do wonder what the weather people use as a forecasting tool - a bit of wet seaweed hanging outside would be better. What we've got is eight oktas and occasional leaks. I am really sorry for those poor folks in Northern Ireland and Scotland who seem to have had a real caning again (and DDolfein too by the sounds of it) - I wouldn't relish being stuck in a car or bus in a snowdrift overnight - but the news report said some of those stranded refused to leave their cars - why??? they're just cars.


I'm still in the dark ages for some of my photography, and found a film that I hadn't taken to be processed - been lying about for nearly six months, and as a result, I decided it was urgent and took the 20 minute service at the processors. Turned out that it had some of the photos of my visit to Long Preston last year, so I've now got some new shots of 60163 including a couple of views of the cab interior - one day I'll learn to scan them and post them on here - perhaps!


Now back at work on full hours, but still not fully fit, and still not discharged from the trauma clinic - should know more on that front next week.


And yes, Mr manager I AM on my break!




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  • RMweb Gold

I'm probably on a break right now as well but my manager will start barking if I don't take him soon for his walk. I had a new printer arrive this morning. After downloading 232Mb of updates it now works on the XP and Windows7 pcs. I'll do Matthew's Vista PC later this afternoon. While the printer drivers were loading I did my good deed for the day and sorted out my neighbours PC. I don't know what I did but it works now, it must be the computer equivalent of faith-healing.

The nice people in Germany (they did accept the pdf in lieu of a fax)unlocked the software for my wife's new laptop installation. They did say if we want to change machine again just let them know in advance and they will unlock the licence ready for the installation. Unfortunately in this case I didn't know the previous pc was going to die but it is nice to know. My poor wife was in a state of shock when she thought all here work was lost and just kept saying "it can't be broken, it's a Sony"

I'm now off to do something less stressing than computers and walk the dog!



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I'm probably on a break right now as well but my manager will start barking if I don't take him soon for his walk. I had a new printer arrive this morning......

I'm now off to do something less stressing than computers and walk the dog!


You are one of the few people in this world who can truly say that your manager's barking and get away with it!! :lol:

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  • RMweb Premium

You are one of the few people in this world who can truly say that your manager's barking and get away with it!! :lol:



Who says Tony does get away with it? You never know how much dogs can understand! :lol:

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  • RMweb Gold

As Robbie can't open the cupboard where his food is stored he at least has to pretend to be nice to me! My mother used to get cross with me if I ever said something impolite about the dog. She was convinced he could understand English and would have hurt feelings. I was usually the one that was hurt as I only really imply the dog is daft when he has tripped me up.

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Morning all, and Happy April!


Clear sky (there's a big thing reflecting lots of light up there [think it's the moon!], so no oktas!) so, with a temperature of 2.7C, it's a case of chiselling off the frost again! Must be nearing the UK cricket season!


As Robbie can't open the cupboard where his food is stored he at least has to pretend to be nice to me!

Or has had the sense not to let on that he can open it!! :lol:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


I may see a doctor again today about the thing with the allergic skin reaction, so as to make sure I'll be in good shape for the weekend. Sky is clearing up outside and we had an almost full moon.


Have a good day, guys :) .

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Morning All,


It looks like it has the potential to be quite a nice day today. It is a bit on the cloudy side, but quite bright.


I had rather a stressful day yesterday - so hopefully today is going to be a little calmer with everyone winding down for Easter. I spent most of yesterday evening combing the different DIY shops for a 34mm socket so I can do a job over the weekend before everything shuts down for Easter. Unfortunately, no luck as of yet :icon_mutter:. I have got one more shop (an old fashioned ironmongers) left to try, so fingers crossed!


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All,


It looks like it has the potential to be quite a nice day today. It is a bit on the cloudy side, but quite bright.


I had rather a stressful day yesterday - so hopefully today is going to be a little calmer with everyone winding down for Easter. I spent most of yesterday evening combing the different DIY shops for a 34mm socket so I can do a job over the weekend before everything shuts down for Easter. Unfortunately, no luck as of yet :icon_mutter:. I have got one more shop (an old fashioned ironmongers) left to try, so fingers crossed!


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

Try the german equivalent of a motor factors a warehouse that supplies parts to garages, they often supply tools as well you might have to go for a 3/4 drive 19mm socket and a step up adaptor
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I feel like Mr McGoo (?) after working in N scale for some hours yesterday.

My idea for ballasting the track in cork granules actually works but much slower than I envisaged.


Lots of talk about York at the moment.

Must be all that chocolate.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. Last day today before six days off (I think they call it IBM time) - I have to do some family stuff tomorrow and drive on the MHR on Monday, but in between:






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Morning all, nice day today, sunny but not too hot.


Of course it did rain for a bit... just as I was walking up the shops, and stopped raining when I got home. :blink:


Should really make a start on crossing Vees for the layout sometime soon.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Fairly clear sky and sunny here but it isn't very warm. No messing around with computer software installation today as it is all done now. I've got to go shopping for vermicelli. We have been invited to my wife's cousins for lunch on Saturday and my wife volunteered me to make a dessert to take.

Matthew is on holiday now but will be going into college on some days for revision sessions.



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Morning all! Last day in the office until Tuesday, and only a 3.5 day week next week too! :)


Clear skies here too this morning after a fairly foul day for most of yesterday.


I like a good April Fool joke, but I think there were too many on today's MREmag...!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, No oktas but it's bloomin' chilly out. Postie dropped off a parcel with 10 Conrad point motors yesterday so those need fitting and wiring. I suppose I ought to build the points before I attempt that!


Morning all. Last day today before six days off (I think they call it IBM time) ...


Nah mate, if you are on IBM time then you wouldn't be going back to work till the 12th of April. More like 10 days off than 6!








Ho ho ho. You won't catch me with any of that April the 1st malarky.




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There was a good April fools joke on the radio this morning. It would also appear that some of the different radio stations have got together and decided to do it jointly because I was recounting the story having heard it on SWR and my colleague had heard the same thing on HR.


They introduced the story that the German government is going to start charging for e-mail at a price of 1 cent per e-mail starting from July. This will not only bring in much needed cash in the form of taxes, but also decrease the amount of spam. They even included somebody "from the government department for Post and Telecommunications" and several "callers" putting opinions for and against.


Apparently, if you register within the next few days, you get a 40% reduction for the first year :icon_lol:


PS: Thanks for the advice Mick - I might well try that.

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  • RMweb Gold

Never had pasta as a dessert...cool.gif


It( Seviya Kheer )ends up looking like rice pudding with almonds and pistachios. Apparently some people make a rice based version but Aditi's family favour the vermicelli based version. I think India got pasta from the same source as the Italians originally, allegedly the Chinese. I'll be getting mine from Waitrose or Sainsbury as Tesco only seem to have rice not wheat vermicelli.


I thought the April Fool joke in the April Model Rail was very subtle.



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  • RMweb Premium

Frankfurt's public transport coordinating agency, called "traffiQ", published an April Fool's joke stating that one of the tram lines is soon to be operated with horsecars during off-peak hours :lol: .

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There is another collection of ER photos on the Ally Pally thread posted by Baby Deltic. They are just after the post praising PhilH as being sensible.

That should be a tricky post to find!!

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