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Early Risers.


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Morning all.  Decided to take a week off from RMweb while I was on leave last week.  And I certainly wasn't an Early Riser for most of the week!  I see we've gained some extra smileys while I've been away.


Right ear got power-washed on Thursday but I've been warned the left needs doing again (grrrr).


I failed to redecorate the flat while I was off (I did varnish one door), but I succeeded in watching all 20 episodes of the first series of The Killing and have now developed a Fair Isle Sweater fetish (try saying that three times fast...!).

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Morning all from overcast Hampshire. 


Managed to get some of the platform made yesterday using foam board. The end result had two flaws. Firstly the scalpel - the scalpel wielder, more like - was not that accurate and there are a number of large chunks missing from the platform surface. Secondly the platform is on a curve, as is the bay, due to my ineptness there are gaps on both sides. More a case of my 4mm passengers having to be long-jumpers rather than merely "minding the gap". Maybe a cardboard deck on top will help disguise things. The absolute upside of this, however, was that I actually did some modelling. Woohooo! 


Snails have had my mixed salad leaves, leaving 2 or 3 very tall, leafless stalks. I'm thinking that this is basically theft, so preparing the garlic butter to make sure that I at least somehow get some value out of growing the snail fodder! 


Spent last week finding and vetting new component suppliers. Feels like herding cats at times. Makes me have a lot of sympathy for manufacturers like Hornby and Bachmann who take a lot of stick for what they "don't" achieve often from folk who have no concept of how to run a manufacturing business themselves. It's hard work all the way!


Anyway, got to dash as there's work to do and snails to fry. 

Have a nice day everyone, Andy


Andy, our curves (I am talking track here, not those relating to persons of the feminine persuasion) are measured in inches of radius, whilst the 12":1' uses chains. Surely we can have passengers with chain-mail or linked in a chain gang in order to "mind the gap" in our micro-worlds?

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


from the rather overcast Thames Valley although the rain seems to have passed by (for now).  Today is supposed to be rotovating day so fingers crossed for the weather staying up in the clouds although last night's rain should have helped soften the ground - hopefully not too much and fortunately I already have a chiropractor appointment booked for tomorrow.


That apart still recovering from two days spent largely on my feet at the Fawley Hill event - which it seems is not to be repeated in this form  although presumably the smaller local fete will re-emerge next year all being well; overall a great weekend and I hope it has been successful for the charities.


Have a good day one & all.  OOps and sorry I missed your birthday yesterday Ashers, happy birthday +1.

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Late again today fixed car now back with main dealer cos it isn't fixed!  Courtesy car provided - which was nice of them as they are keeping mine in till its fixed properly...


A bit gloomy but managed two cricket games over the weekend - both played with the Spirit of Cricket.


Tidying garage up as we have visitors for this weeks test and need more car room.


Bit of modelling later hopefully


have a super day

Barry O

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The mist/murk/haze has cleared, not by becoming sunny but unexpectedly rain. So this means I won't be putting the washing out. 

I could have done with a chainmail glove yesterday as three fingers have a substantial dog-bite. I'm really not sure why but Robbie for some reason took exception to being brushed yesterday. Very out of character for him. I think he was sorry or whatever the canine equivalent of remorse is. I bleed quite easily (medicine side effect) so I'm glad the Dulux Endurance scrubbable magnolia was used in the utility room.



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  • RMweb Gold

 , but I succeeded in watching all 20 episodes of the first series of The Killing and have now developed a Fair Isle Sweater fetish (try saying that three times fast...!).

If you watch the other Scandi-crime programme from last year "The Bridge" you will see another side of Malmo to the one you may have seen on Eurovision on Saturday.

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The mist/murk/haze has cleared, not by becoming sunny but unexpectedly rain. So this means I won't be putting the washing out. 

I could have done with a chainmail glove yesterday as three fingers have a substantial dog-bite. I'm really not sure why but Robbie for some reason took exception to being brushed yesterday. Very out of character for him. I think he was sorry or whatever the canine equivalent of remorse is. I bleed quite easily (medicine side effect) so I'm glad the Dulux Endurance scrubbable magnolia was used in the utility room.



Tony, I sympathise with you but would not pop a heart-symbol on your post, people may talk!


Yes, I know the problems with bleeding. I have lacked personal roof thatch for many years but seem to be more prone to knocking my skull these days. We were in Padstow a couple of years ago and I had (for reasons I will not bore you with) to enter the roof space of the place we were renting. Not being familiar with its layout  I clouted my head and tore open a flap of skin. OK, quick patch of Elastoplast (other brands may be more successful) and out we went to eat in a restaurant near the harbour - not THAT one. Clearly the walking exercise had some effect as my heart was forcing blood through the cut and then bandage, resulting in a trickle (which became a stream) running down the side of my head. The restaurant staff were really great, we were served without fuss (but with many extra paper napkins) after moving to a corner table out of the main traffic. I certainly felt I had to leave a reasonable tip - and it wasn't that they should avoid anti-clotting medication! I didn't get it stitched but it took almost a week to properly close.

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Another exciting fun filled Monday,  not.


Our 18th wedding anniversary today. Not planning on doing anything special tonight as tomorrow is our annual opening day visit to the Chelsea Flower Show. Packed lunch, Pimms, and Primroses. We usually get to the smaller gardens first thing in the morning to watch the medals being given out.

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  • RMweb Premium

Another late one here, work and all that - boo, hiss.....


A bit achey today after all that exercise at Groudle Glen yesterday, that counts as being theraped I think.  I'm sure I walked many times as far as I could just a few weeks ago, recovery seems to be at a faster rate now I'm more mobile, at last! :locomotive:


Very misty on the tops here today, OK here at sea level, but although home is also near sea level (30m) the bit in-betweenwe have to drive over is rather high!


Lunch calls....

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If you watch the other Scandi-crime programme from last year "The Bridge" you will see another side of Malmo to the one you may have seen on Eurovision on Saturday.

Thanks Tony, I'll investigate that one after the remaining 2 series of The Killing.  I'm still hopeful that Lund will be hosting Eurovision next year...

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I go to Bracknell for the weekend, refrain from buying anything remotely connected to railway modelling (although I was sorely tempted), log on and find I have missed Ashers's birthday.


So a belated 'Hippo Birdy 2 Ewes'.





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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Tony, I'll investigate that one after the remaining 2 series of The Killing.  I'm still hopeful that Lund will be hosting Eurovision next year...

I assume you mean Lund the detective not Lund the town! We went to Sweden for a day "over the bridge" when we were in Denmark a few years ago. We didn't stay long in Malmo but had a very pleasant afternoon in Lund. It was a damp Sunday afternoon, very quiet, and we had a traditional Swedish lunch of pizza.

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The mist/murk/haze has cleared, not by becoming sunny but unexpectedly rain. So this means I won't be putting the washing out. 

I could have done with a chainmail glove yesterday as three fingers have a substantial dog-bite. I'm really not sure why but Robbie for some reason took exception to being brushed yesterday. Very out of character for him. I think he was sorry or whatever the canine equivalent of remorse is. I bleed quite easily (medicine side effect) so I'm glad the Dulux Endurance scrubbable magnolia was used in the utility room.



If he doesn't normally bite he may have a small cut, bite, splinter or something like that and the brushing coming into contact caused a sudden pain to which he reacted. Dogs tend to react quicker than they can think so it wouldn't be personal. Monty gets lots of tangles and if using the comb you need to hold the fur beeath the tangle so it does not pull on his skin if it is a real tangle I find the scissors best.


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While we were out Robbie was very cooperative and I was able to do an inspection in the furry bit that caused the reaction yesterday. He seems OK now. Normally if he doesn't like a particular grooming procedure he will attempt to remove the brush or comb if you carry on after he has tried to move. Anyway whatever it was, especially as I was using the softest brush at the time, it was out of character. I don't think I will need a muzzle for him.


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As it's getting windy outside, I'm now sat here with some after-dinner whiskey and making plans for some additional loco moddings which I hope I'll be tackling in the near future! I'll be up early tomorrow again, though, so I'll be sure to call it a day early enough.

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The sunny day forecast here has degenerated into a grey windy dampish yeuch.  I had visions of sitting out this evening, ha ha, I should have shielded my thoughts from the weather making entity, maybe a bacofoil other brands etc) hat or something might have worked.  I'm sure there is something going on, the weather just won't work properly.....harumph.

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I think I may have found a reason for Robbie's touchiness yesterday. He seemed this evening to be suffering some discomfort when he was attempting a "bowel movement" as I believe it is politely called. The final result was a complete sock (that which is called a pop or knee high ) appearing. Aditi declined my offer of returning her sock.



Edited by Tony_S
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We had a large mongrel Jack who regularly thieved pop socks. He had had a bad start in life. When we first brought him home I picked up a stick to throw as our other dog loved chasing sticks. Jack disappeared and was shaking behind the bungalow. He was a little difficult to walk round the village as he would dart across the road once he had the smell of a discarded chip bag. Largely due to Marion's gentleness he became a wonderful pet.


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Breaking News:

The town of Moore (just outside Oklahoma City, OK) has been struck by a devastating Tornado. Estimated to be an EF5 in strength.


The storm  was a 60,000feet tall,  SuperCell" which had a high rotational speed itself. The actual Tornado was at one time up to one mile in diameter with estimated winds of 300mph and was spawning smaller high speed vortices  inside itself. Accompanying this was Hail to 2.5" in diameter. The whole SuperCell is moving to the North East direction at 60 mph.


Unfortunately anyone in it's path wouldn't have much chance of survival unless they were in a Tornado shelter. Tornados are expected in this part of the country so a lot of people do have shelters.


It is not necessarily the wind speed that kills you but the flying debris contained in it.



Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

Breaking News:

The town of Moore (just outside Oklahoma City, OK) has been struck by a devastating Tornado. Estimated to be an EF5 in strength.


The storm  was a 60,000feet tall,  SuperCell" which had a high rotational speed itself. The actual Tornado was at one time up to one mile in diameter with estimated winds of 300mph and was spawning smaller high speed vortices  inside itself. Accompanying this was Hail to 2.5" in diameter. The whole SuperCell is moving to the North East direction at 60 mph.


Unfortunately anyone in it's path wouldn't have much chance of survival unless they were in a Tornado shelter. Tornados are expected in this part of the country so a lot of people do have shelters.


It is not necessarily the wind speed that kills you but the flying debris contained in it.



I was reading the BBC report and it said children were being rescued from under the wreckage of their school. I assume this would mean the school had a shelter? My first Google following your post took me to a major US broadcaster, Their report was clear and informative but the website comments were not, soon turning into abuse about the religious causes of weather,

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I usually use weather/com, National Weather Service or my favourite: Weather Underground, wunderground.com. I couldn't find any religious nonsense on those.....


6 bodies found so far......


Best, Pete.

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