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  • RMweb Premium

Now that you mentioned gauntlet track, Pete – I know a similar arrangement at Kaufungen: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sechsschienengleis.JPG


This route is normally worked by one of Kassel's tram lines, but also sees occasional freight workings. These are routed through the central pair of running rails, while the trams – which are single-ended and have doors on the right-hand side only – use the outer pairs of rails closest to the platforms in either direction.


The Gemmenich Tunnel on the German-Belgian border is another such example, where freight trains with oversized loads must use the centre track, which overlaps the left-hand running rail of one of the outer tracks: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:GemmenicherTunnel03.JPG

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  • RMweb Premium

Just jumped in during a break at work to wish Ed well with the surgery - you'll feel like a new man afterwards - I know quite a few people who have had this amazing operation, and it has turned their lives around - strange to think that when I was a lad, heart surgery was something only done in dire cases, and today, everything up to and including transplants is seen as pretty routine stuff to the surgeons.


Edit - Pete - what was the gold disc for?  and when?


re-edit - Pete re coat and your state - don't abuse my auntie that way - she was amost sober at the time (so I'm told)

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Re: Pete's pic.

I do note that there is a distinct shortage of fixings on the plates.

But look how close the "sleepers" are to one another - not much more than the width of the sleepers themselves........




It was for helping out on a couple of big projects that otherwise would still be incomplete, can't mention artists....actually spread over some years. Oh, 1996.

Your Auntie was extremely accommodating  - but I did escape her clutches. There were about 70 people there, maybe more, of which I knew about 10!


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold



I'd put money on the track picture being New Jersey's answer to the London Underground 4 rail electrics.


I have spent most of the day in the garden.


Sadly it was not garden railway related tasks, but luck was on my side.


A neighbour was on his way to the tip with a load of junk. he accosted me as I was strimming out he ditch and offered me a box of metal bits that belonged to his late father.


'Dad used to be a toolmaker' he said.


On looking in the box I could see MT tapers, which on closer examination turned out to be 2MT......the same as my lathe tailstock. and loads of reamers and other useful bits and pieces.


At the bottom of the box were some Starrett measuring dividers, a handy little machine vice  and a load of spacing blocks for a milling machine.


I will find a home for all thse, although there are some hand mad fixtures in there that I have not a clue what they were made to hold.


Something to ponder over this evening!







i am 

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi All


Suffering withdrawal symptoms - Bergerac taken off ITV3 (or moved to different time?)  :cry:

Some consolation  watching Coast- Dublin to Derry instead with Todmorden to York (Great British Railway Journeys) on at 5pm.  :locomotive:


When I broke the arm I went from next to no telly to pretty much round the clock viewing.  Pattern still hard to break at times.


Portillo now.


Enjoy your evening/other part of day/night.


And get well soon to off par ERs



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  • RMweb Premium

A'noon.  Just back from getting theraped (no escape, even though I'm back to work) and on the rebound when the energy began to flow back I cut the front and back lawns....now I wish I hadn't!  Still, after three dry days (surely a record, as mentioned above!) and rain and gales forecst tomorrow I really had to do them.  Brownie points earned off Mrs NHN no doubt, especially as we're both off tomorrow so are having a nice 4 day break from work.  I detect modelling time approaching, mojo is beginning to return after the day  at Groudle on Sunday playing with real trains.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evenin' all.


Pleasant trip to the OFs lunch at Taunton - most trains right time in both directions (except going up the branch this morning where we suffered 'a fault'), saw a couple of flask related diseasals in the compound at Bridgwater, most of the flooding has gone (but not all), a good meal and chat, plus today there was actually some cricket training going on with marked spots around the pitch where the balls were meant to be aimed - I did wonder about taking some pics to flog to the other County clubs.


That apart a quiet day and 'The Rime' sudoku wasn't up to much but kept me amused for part of the trip home.  Tomorrow being Friday the first duty will be a Waitrose trip, got to be early with a Bank Holiday weekend looming and the shopping vultures jockeying for car park spaces.  Oh and a trip to the bank assuming laddo coughs up for me paying his MoT and Car Tax (beyond what he cleared after I lumbered him with paying for our dinner out last night.


Oh and I understand the squirrel has been quacking again,


Have a nice evening one & all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All


This is my formal visit for today - last one was just to wish Ed well.


Neil - very odd sort of experience at work today, I was dealing with a call from a gent moving back from IOM to UK and looking for advice - as part of the enquiry, I have to take the address in IOM for records, and his address was Groudle, IOM - so as part of the conversation, I mentioned the railway, and it seems he lives in sight of the line, and mentioned a "new" loco which looked and sounded odd - it was with great pleasure that I was able to tell him what it was, and he was even more surprised when I told him the driver's name was Neil!


DInners ready

Regards to All


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Evening all. Many thanks for all the kind wishes. I was transferred by ambulance to the HAmmersmith hospital this afternoon, it seems my notes May not have been! I am waiting to be seen by a doctor soon, don't know what is going to happen. It has been suggested that as it is a Bank Holiday weekend I may be sent home!


The food Here is splendid, with proper menus and hostesses, much better than the poor old Lister in Stevenage. I think I am about to be seen so ill sign off and be in touch soon.



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Evening all. Many thanks for all the kind wishes. I was transferred by ambulance to the HAmmersmith hospital this afternoon, it seems my notes May not have been! I am waiting to be seen by a doctor soon, don't know what is going to happen. It has been suggested that as it is a Bank Holiday weekend I may be sent home!


The food Here is splendid, with proper menus and hostesses, much better than the poor old Lister in Stevenage. I think I am about to be seen so ill sign off and be in touch soon.



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All


This is my formal visit for today - last one was just to wish Ed well.


Neil - very odd sort of experience at work today, I was dealing with a call from a gent moving back from IOM to UK and looking for advice - as part of the enquiry, I have to take the address in IOM for records, and his address was Groudle, IOM - so as part of the conversation, I mentioned the railway, and it seems he lives in sight of the line, and mentioned a "new" loco which looked and sounded odd - it was with great pleasure that I was able to tell him what it was, and he was even more surprised when I told him the driver's name was Neil!


DInners ready

Regards to All



Ah, he'll live in Groudle Holiday Cottages.  Some of them have been sold as private residences now.  I bet he was surprised by your inside information though!!!!!! :O    The driver is looking forward to his next go, but the owner is away this weekend - damn! :senile:

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Neil - very odd sort of experience at work today, I was dealing with a call from a gent moving back from IOM to UK and looking for advice - as part of the enquiry, I have to take the address in IOM for records, and his address was Groudle, IOM - so as part of the conversation, I mentioned the railway, and it seems he lives in sight of the line, and mentioned a "new" loco which looked and sounded odd - it was with great pleasure that I was able to tell him what it was, and he was even more surprised when I told him the driver's name was Neil!


By coincidence: I`ve been to the Isle of Man today.........what a grand day trip cruise (sipping Californian White Zinfandel) in bright sunshine; aboard HSC Manannan on mirror-calm seas at 36+ knots. :boast:

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  • RMweb Premium

Ah, he'll live in Groudle Holiday Cottages.  Some of them have been sold as private residences now.  I bet he was surprised by your inside information though!!!!!! :O    The driver is looking forward to his next go, but the owner is away this weekend - damn! :senile:

He was indeed - totally gobsmacked, but I like to chuck in some fact about a place if I know it - adds a human touch to the business, and also as I've been around over the years, I normally have some snippet about a place - I'm pretty good on pubs, surprise surprise.  It does loosen up the call if partway through a call, you throw in "ah is the Dog and Duck still there, and does it still sell a good pint of Crudgingtons Old Grumbletum?" or whatever.

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Just got half way through a post and lost it, I can't seem to find the auto save facility on the iPad.Any ideas?



Glad to see you contributing Ed. I can't help on your i-Pad issue but think of it as therapy for yur mind and hands whilst being attended to in Hammersmith! Best wishes.

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  • RMweb Premium

By coincidence: I`ve been to the Isle of Man today.........what a grand day trip cruise (sipping Californian White Zinfandel) in bright sunshine; aboard HSC Manannan on mirror-calm seas at 36+ knots. :boast:

Lovely day for it Debs - work or pleaure?  Just as well you weren't on the 'Ben', they had a bump yesterday and she missed one and a half round trips!  We could have had lunch?

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  • RMweb Gold

I can't help Ed with his iPad either but sorting out the mysteries of IT devices is probably good for my brain today. Matthew didn't use his "big" PC much and I said I would do a clean install of Windows 8 (over the existing Vista) on it. Matthew's PC has a small very fast 70Gb hard drive and a huge second drive. There wasn't enough space on the first drive for the installation to work and nothing obvious to delete. I eventually found the solution to that one. It is reassuring when you do a Google search and there are pages of queries about the same problem. 


I think we have decided not to buy teak garden furniture. I'm now researching synthetic wicker.



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Good morning all from the West Coast of Canada... I've been having laptop problems for the last few days, so have borrowed some time on my G.F's!  Not had chance to catch up on whats been going on on here though, but best wishes to those out of sorts.  


My GF (bless her!) presented me with three 1:24 scale truck kits, then has been taking me around local hobby hobby shops for basic tools......modelling mojo may have returned. I know these are truck kits but will become scenic items in my planed 1:24 scale industrial NG dioramas. 


Have a good day.....more surprises I'm told tomorrow!  



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Good morning all from the West Coast of Canada...


My GF (bless her!) presented me with three 1:24 scale truck kits, then has been taking me around local hobby hobby shops for basic tools......modelling mojo may have returned.


Trev, have you been to Central Hobbies on Grandview Highway in Vancouver? If not, you should. IMHO, the best model rail store in the Vancouver area. And look at the mural on the back of the building, facing the Skytrain station.

Edited by pH
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Morning All,


It is not a bad day weather wise - but the weekend forecast has been revised from what was promised earlier in the week.  Unfortunately, not for the better.


Other than that, it is pretty quiet around here this morning.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Good Morning All,


Dry, sunny, blue sky, 5oC should increase to about 18oC.


Today's parting shot as I dropped Chris off at work was "How about drawing up a plan for decking to replace the (ancient crumbling) patio? Steven (our son) said he'd help you to build it next weekend!"


"AAAAAARGH" I thought to myself - I'd hoped I'd kicked that idea into touch for this year. Does she not know these things take weeks, nay months, to plan? :search:  


Am now on panic stricken hunt for the "chill pills!"  :help: :crazy_mini: :search:


Have a nice day folks




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Good morning all from our sunny corner of the SW, where we're about to enjoy our fourth day of sunshine since arriving home!


After a busy couple of days catching up with mail admin, meetings, laundry, etc., I hope to have a quieter couple of days ahead.


Hope those needing hospital treatment, especially Dom and Ed, are soon on the road to recovery and that everyone has a good weekend. And it's a three day one in the UK!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Looking dull outside, but the way things look, we'll be doing a trip to Dresden later on. I think this cold I caught is slowly improving, too...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, can't beleive I'm up this early to play a game of golf, due on the tee at 0730.How I agreed to this I'm not sure but never mind the full breakfast afterwards will compensate for the start time.

Due to healthy eating guidelines I've not had one of these for a while.

Yum !


Have a great day everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Sunny, not warm yet but should get warmer. it did yesterday. It is a bit like Groundhog Day (the film not the weather forecasting rodent) as I'm going shopping and looking at garden furniture again today.

Matthew begins his eastwards journey today as he is flying from Calgary to Toronto. 



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