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  • RMweb Premium

I was a Civil Servant in an earlier existence, and I did the job I was paid for - I wasn't senior enough for three hour lunches, expensive taxi rides, or being above getting the blame.  I think that this immunity probably started about five grades higher than I was.

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Please don't lump all civil servants into the same bag.....some of us are very dedicated to our jobs, and go the extra mile.  Unless you would prefer to work with young offenders of course..... :butcher:

No doubt there are many who fit that description Neil and I would not impune them. Unfortunately there are a few - usually purported to be on 6-figure salaries - who seem to have no conscience and bring the honest, hard working (and much less well paid) majority into disrepute. This isn't just a Daily Mail or Daily Express argument - they get interviewed on TV and demonstrate that arrogance that pervades the metropolis's government establishments.

A while ago I tried going into a secondary school (not a repository for young offenders I believed) to try to make the pupils aware of the benefits of science and engineering in the workplace and wider world; I was saddened by the attitude of a few children who simply spoilt it for the rest. Sadly, the teachers have few tools at their disposal to control these oxygen wasters. After that experience, no - I wouldn't care to even attempt working with Young Offenders. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Please don't lump all civil servants into the same bag.....some of us are very dedicated to our jobs, and go the extra mile.  Unless you would prefer to work with young offenders of course..... :butcher:

Neil - I specifically said those who "sign off" legislation, not the junior staff who do the drafting. My target is the Whitehall mandarin end of the First Division, not the ordinary people.

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Neil - I specifically said those who "sign off" legislation, not the junior staff who do the drafting. My target is the Whitehall mandarin end of the First Division, not the ordinary people.

I think Ian that it was more my comments to which Neil took some exception. Your comments were clearly better framed than mine and I would include the tier that clearly tell ministers what they think they should (or would like to) hear - Sir Humphrey Applebies. There are then those who think they are in charge of the country because they head up something like The UK Border Agency, seemingly doing what they want without Ministerial approval! Such rarified CS's are unlikely to have constructive hobbies such as Railway Modelling, they would pay for membership at Covent Garden, Hurlingham and Wimbledon. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Wasn't aimed specifically at you, Ian, (edit - or you, Gruff!) just the world in general that doesn't realise that the rank and file workers are not happy bring lumped in with Whitehall mandarins, who as you say take huge salaries and do little to apprently earn them other than demonstrate the arrogance you speak of!  But the guys and gals dealing with young offenders, dishing out pensions or running a database on your car insurance, are all civil servants too, and we don't get paid a lot, don't get recognised often for our work, but get regularly panned.  It gets old real quick, as the Americans say!


/rant.   back to trains!

Edited by New Haven Neil
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"As he plays off a handicap of 1 it could be interesting..."


Unlikely to cheer you up, though, Gordon.


Pleased that a cure is aFOOT.


Back with new (to me) Volvo.

Very pleased with it after 160 miles return trip.

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  • RMweb Gold

Time to go home, time to go home.


And it's raining again ! - at least I got the 37s in the bag before it started, now off to get 66118 on a stone all being well.

Beast if you can get 66118, or any of her sisters on a stone, I'll come east and shake your hand.


I have difficulty getting 4 mm scale locos onto the track!





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  • RMweb Gold

Back with new (to me) Volvo.

Very pleased with it after 160 miles return trip.

Glad you got one. Was it it in a colour you liked?

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

Funny how that happens.  I wanted something sporty, maybe a Scirocco TSi, 'we' got a camper van......

Sounds a bit familiar - I was once tempted to take a job by the added incentive of a Company Golf GTI - three years later when the car was up for replacement, I was offered a Renault 19! (well it was a 19GTX so I got the GT bit) - it had one of the worst seats of any car I ever drove - after one particular long run in it, from Manchester to Croydon, my back went out and I needed physiotherapy.

Edited by 45156
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This is due to inadequately-worded legislation, so blame the civil-servants. There should be no need for nuts to be labelled as containing nuts, and the legislation should make that clear. Protecting the allergy-sufferer is important as the effects may be fatal, but protecting the seller from the inevitable ambulance-chaser is important too. What we desperately need is a mechanism for the actual civil-servant who signs off pieces of legislation to be sued. They might get it right then. 


Unfortunately there often isn't enough time to make legislation properly.  You're being pressured by a Ministerial timetable, the amount of consultation that has to be done and often internal struggles with one policy area at odds with another.


And it's not unknown for the Parliamentarians to add really stupid amendments in during the reading of a Bill which completely up all the careful drafting that the civil servants have done.  Not always our fault, guys!


Please don't lump all civil servants into the same bag.....some of us are very dedicated to our jobs, and go the extra mile.  Unless you would prefer to work with young offenders of course..... :butcher:


Laws are like sausages. It's better not to see them being made. Otto von Bismarck

German Prussian politician (1815 - 1898)  

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  • RMweb Gold

Yes - we came to an agreement.

I liked a black one.

She liked silver.

We've agreed on a silver one.

When I bought the Freelander I left a voicemail on Aditi's phone letting her know that I'd found a car I liked and to ring me back if she had any problems with my choice. By the time she rang back I'd bought it! It was black though.


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  • RMweb Premium

Snapshot of the current state of affairs on my workbench:




In front, you can see what is going to be the pair of 140 801 and 140 858, while the EMU further back is 420 001 which also needs some amendments to have it look just so.

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