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  • RMweb Gold

I've not had a chance to go through all the Easter messages after my trip away, so I do hope all is well in the land of ER.


My Sunday and Monday were of a chilsome nature.


having set up the air gun range on Saturday afternoon, I arrived on the Sunday morning to a balmy -7C. fortunately I had taken along lots of layers, including my old Army Long Johns.


Now in 20 years of soldiering, I'd never used them, but I was glad I'd put them on, because the gentle breeze soon brought the temperature down. The good thing about this was that the ground remained frozen and refused to turn into a sea of mud.


Monday was similar, although the wind had picked up, and managed to blow away the clouds just in time to let the sun come out and smile.......as we were packing up.


Despite the weather and the lower than expected turnout, I had a good time.


I can understand why some people enter the teaching profession:


There is nothing that beats the look on a child's face when they achieve something new.


They also seem to radiate an enthusiasm that seems to rub off on those around them.


Mum and Dad, or perhaps Gran and Grandad all walk away with a big smile on their faces with their offspring chattering away and clutching their little certificate.


Now if only I could get the same instant fix for junior railway modellers!


Of course there is a down side:


I am often asked what is a good starter rifle, and I point the prospective buyer towards the rifle we have so much success with.


Well, the manufacturer of said gun was at the show, and offered me one of his deluxe versions, complete with a telescopic sight and all the various add ons for a price that it would have been stupid not to refuse.


When I got home and confessed to the Obergrumpenfuhrer, she just smiled.


However, I am left under the distinct impression that all future Christmas and Birthday presents will resume in Dec 2017.


Telford weather today? It's trying to snow!


All have a good day.





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  • RMweb Gold

Actually, I've long been wondering where horse owners can obtain food for their steeds. Not at your average pet shop, surely?

Since most horse-owners are country-dwellers, there is usually a feed merchant in the area, looking after the needs of the farming community. Here, more so than where we lived in Kent, there is plenty of arable farming, and so grain elevators are commonplace. They often have a shop attached. Outside Staplehurst station there was a feed merchant who had some of the biggest cats I've ever seen - they fed off spilt bags etc of cat and dog food, rather than the grains he also sold. The building was the former South Eastern Railway goods shed, and a previous tenant had been Graham Farish in their OO days, whose name still adorned the exterior.

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  • RMweb Gold


Well, the manufacturer of said gun was at the show, and offered me one of his deluxe versions, complete with a telescopic sight and all the various add ons for a price that it would have been stupid not to refuse.


When I got home and confessed to the Obergrumpenfuhrer, she just smiled.


However, I am left under the distinct impression that all future Christmas and Birthday presents will resume in Dec 2017.






Possibly shot yourself in the foot then Richard?



Good Morning All,

Light frost here early on but now blue skies & sunshine & 4oC.


Am contemplating walking around the garden to see what needs doing because "we" are thinking of a major overhaul. I'm trying to decide whether to do it myself (i.e. supervising some younger fitter members of the family) or employing someone. Once "we've" (guess who) has decided what "we'd" like I think I'll get some quotes.


Debs, your collies always look so happy!! :imsohappy:  :imsohappy:  :imsohappy:





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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, coffee break time at work again.


Another bright, windy and cold day here, farmer friends bemoaning the damage it has done to the grass, their dairy herd can't be set out to the fields as there's not enough grass for them to eat, resulting in more expense of feed for them in their barns.


Debs collies do always look so happy don't they!  Obviously properly looked after, there's nothing worse than a bored collie, but they look so bright and full of beans.  Who walks whom, though..... :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


bright sunshine - honest, and it's promised for all day, and the (fortunately small) load of pea gravel is also promised for today and that will help tidy up a bit out the front once the geotex is down to discourage the weeds.  I understand herself has a gardening day in mind but hopefully I might slope off to Reading to sample the new platforms in action but not sure if I can get there at the right time for any freights passing - not sure if there are problems but a number of trains have already been cancelled today.


That apart no other plans (or even instruction) thus far.


Have a good day one and all

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Clear blue skies and wall to wall sun yesterday, and today ........


....... it's snowing.

Lightly and it's not really lying but ths is starting to get silly.

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Morning all!  Been busy(ish) over Easter weekend so haven't logged on until now. Sunday involved a trip to the wildlife park near Comrie with the littl'un.  The view from the wildlife park was stunning, looking out over the valley of one of the tributaries of the Earn (then the Tay) to the mountains behind (including Ben Chonzie).


I've also been for 2 runs (finally getting back into the swing of it after a winter off, though the blisters have returned now the skin's had time to go soft again), each around 8 miles.


Anyway, back to work now...

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My last rifle is in the vaults of the War Museum in Lambeth. Heavy barreled L1A1 by FN (which is the most unusual part) accurized by Fultons of Bisley. Breathed on metal sights. Could just about hold its' own at 1,200 at Stickledown against specialized sniper bolt action rifles - which is not bad considering it was an SLR. The "new" bullpup Army rifle is a p.o.s........and the calibre sucks.


Wonderful day dawning here beautiful steel blue to sapphire sky. Will be chilly though at 46f. Blustery breeze.


Have a nice day everybody!


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

It is no good complaining Pete they followed the US idea, lower weight, more rounds and lessl damage. The SLR rounds habit of splitting trees and passing through brick walls etc was adjudged to be not suitable for close range urban work.....

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  • RMweb Gold

It is no good complaining Pete they followed the US idea, lower weight, more rounds and lessl damage. The SLR rounds habit of splitting trees and passing through brick walls etc was adjudged to be not suitable for close range urban work.....

And yet the cry is now to go back to 7.62mm!


Not wishing to be gruesome, but the idea of 5.56mm was also to bog down your opponent with looking after the wounded. Sadly the type of opponent the armed forces are faced with in present combat operations just keep coming at you, and are not worried about their casualties, you need something that stops them quickly and effectively.


As far as SLR was concerned, it was a semi auto clone of the FN rifle, which had an automatic capability. The Mod bought a few, but preferred the semi auto version as it required you to take aimed shots rather than the spray and pray technique seen in many films.


We had a couple of FNs and their capability was enhanced by the fitting of the 30 round LMG magazine as opposed to the standard 20 round mag on general issue.


I did like my SLR, and as Pete says the replacement was a real pos.





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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all.


Late on parade today, catching up with work after my week off but a pleasant day down here in Suffolk, it's been sunny since I left the house this morning.


Hope we all have a good day.

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  • RMweb Premium

Landed back home after a slightly longer half day.  9c here with sunny periods, all of a sudden it feels spring-like.  Won't last unfortunately, -2 predicted for this evening by the seaweed twirlers.


Still heaps of snow in the west, the farming losses appear to be turning into a national disaster. 

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A sunny day for my monthly voluntary stint in the church office. It was all going so well until I stuffed rather too much of a Cadbury's Crème Egg in my mouth and the 'phone rang. Oops!


In the room opposite the U3A are having a Music Appreciation session which is quite a pleasant accompaniment to my labours, such as they are.


Hope others have sunshine and the chance to enjoy it!

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 It was all going so well until I stuffed rather too much of a Cadbury's Crème Egg in my mouth and the 'phone rang. Oops!




It could have been worse, Sherry. I hope you don't have a 12 pack of those insidious eggs with you?


Btw my wife is a Sunday School teacher - I have great fun with that fact.....


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

BoD, I'm glad you enjoyed the York show. Has it inspired you to progress on your shunting puzzle?


Don, I have been using it for shunting puzzles - based on the pick a card method.  I suppose it's not the same as doing it in front of scenery (ask Ashers) but still enjoyable.  The rails have been painted and ballasting started but it's not worth putting any pictures up yet.  Last week i started working on the retaining walls and tunnel that will hide the off scene entry track.  I will report as soon as these are in place.

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  • RMweb Gold

Because in England you'd be the only one there?


No, not necessarily ....


....... but it would make the other six days a lot easier.

Edited by BoD
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  • RMweb Gold

Well the day has got rather more Spring-like, but the breeze still has that NE edge. Just had a rather short-notice delivery of hay. Ordinarily I'd be using less by this time, but the bitter weather has changed that this year. I knew that my hay-provider had a houseful for Easter - son's 18th - so didn't feel I could ring before this morning, but good as gold he and wifey turned up with a bale. They'd had 75 guests at the party, which was still in full swing at 6 on Sunday morning!


A year ago today, Deb and I were in the Vendee, while the builders knocked 7 bells out of our kitchen. We stayed at a nice adapted B&B Deb had found the year before, and one of her contacts on France Forum lived nearby, so dropped in for dinner at the B&B with his lady. I have a couple of pics of Deb taken at St Hilaire de Riez, a seaside place she had last visited 50 years before. Implausibly, it was the first time since we moved here in 2004 that we had really had time away together in France, other than Paris in 2005 for Deb's 50th. You never know when the opportunity will disappear, do you? Sorry to be maudlin!

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  • RMweb Premium

Indeed, a lesson we learned a few years ago when friend passed away in his late 30's from natural causes - don't put off until tomorrow, what you can do today!


Feel free to maudle, Ian - I find it gets it out of the system.

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  • RMweb Premium

Well, as it remained sunny throughout the day, we ended up going to the zoo after I finished my round of revising for today. There was offspring in several enclosures, such as these two kids in the goats section, which I understood were just three days old:




I was quite amazed that they weren't much larger than our rabbits! They were just so adorable... :tender:


Meanwhile, this fellow was fairly unimpressed by his visitors:



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