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  • RMweb Gold

Well, it's fixed for now. But the words "accident waiting to happen" and "deathtrap" were used so it looks like I'm going to have to shell out £3k for a new boiler. Lucky me...


Do you have a boiler scrappage scheme in Scotland like the one in England?



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Well, it's fixed for now. But the words "accident waiting to happen" and "deathtrap" were used so it looks like I'm going to have to shell out £3k for a new boiler. Lucky me...


Part of the gas man's training seems to include a course in slagging off their colleagues' work; you're not the first person to comment. Still, glad to hear that the problem's fixed and that a solution has been identified.

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Tis a good job I don't have a tail then. I take it that it is transferable from ponies to humans, if not that either means I'm a horse or I have something else ;) Interesting too that us New Foresters are the last ones to find out too :rolleyes:


Could be branded for life, then! Be careful next time you've lost your voice - feeling a little hoarse? :lol:

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  • RMweb Gold

Sadly not. I don't think I qualify for any discounts either...

The service/repair contract we have with our gas supplier will contribute up to £1000 for replacement if the existing boiler is not repairable. Perhaps there is a clause in any contract you have?

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£3k for a new boiler.....blink.gif


Must be worth shopping around at that price. Our plumber had to cancel today and is coming back Tuesday to fit a new rad and change our pump. As he had to clamber into my railway room loft, I thought I'd better remove this in case he panicked and fell through the ceiling. Seems I made a few thousand homeless.....









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  • RMweb Premium

(...) so it looks like I'm going to have to shell out £3k for a new boiler. Lucky me...


Oh dear, I can imagine you did not need that right now...well, actually at any time, no? :lol: Felt so groggy earlier this afternoon that I laid down for a nap of sorts, but am not exactly feeling more awake now either. Think this is the transition to spring which tires me out.


Will have to fix dinner soon ;) .

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  • RMweb Gold

£3k for a new boiler.....blink.gif


Must be worth shopping around at that price. Our plumber had to cancel today and is coming back Tuesday to fit a new rad and change our pump. As he had to clamber into my railway room loft, I thought I'd better remove this in case he panicked and fell through the ceiling. Seems I made a few thousand homeless.....




I wonder what they chewed up to make that nest.

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  • RMweb Gold

Seems an odd environment in which you reside; the drinks and food are always broken and you have to fix them! :lol:



It seems every time I go out for the day I have to fix something in the kitchen. When Matthew and I got back from Swansea my wife informed me she broken the fridge. Fortunately it was only the salad/vegetable container at the bottom but it isn't really possible to glue it so I've ordered a replacement. Not quite as expensive as Mike's boiler but not cheap.

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  • RMweb Gold

That's what was worrying me Tony.....


I'll have to take a really good look round over the weekend, assuming the ceiling doesn't fall in.


I'm sure the ceiling will be OK , what about the railway?

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I'm sure the ceiling will be OK , what about the railway?


It would take a nuclear bomb to take that out. It's sitting on some huge RSJ's....smile.gif


Access to this loft space above our lounge is from the railway room and as the build progresses, access was going to become more and more difficult. Thought I would move it now and remove that worry...


Mind you the wasps nest explains all those tiny little discs of material I kept finding. I thought they were some form of blossom, but now know they were material from the nest. I have no idea how long that has been there....

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Well, the boiler itself is only a small part of the cost. There's replacing the flue to the outside world, installing a pump and routing its waste pipe out into the water waste pipe, putting scaffolding or a safety rail up on the flat roof (I'm 4 floors up here), plus a couple of sundry extras like a new radiator and thermostat...


I suspect I could find cheaper, but there's also £500 worth of free boiler cover over 2 years in that price (which I currently pay for), and it's a good quality boiler (Worcester Bosch)... Paula got a new boiler and radiators when she moved house recently, but the Scottish/British Gas guys were highly uncomplimentary about that particular brand (amongst a number of other European-made ones)... I guess going with Scottish/British Gas gives me some peace of mind...

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  • RMweb Gold

Well, the boiler itself is only a small part of the cost. There's replacing the flue to the outside world, installing a pump and routing its waste pipe out into the water waste pipe, putting scaffolding or a safety rail up on the flat roof (I'm 4 floors up here), plus a couple of sundry extras like a new radiator and thermostat...


I suspect I could find cheaper, but there's also £500 worth of free boiler cover over 2 years in that price (which I currently pay for), and it's a good quality boiler (Worcester Bosch)... Paula got a new boiler and radiators when she moved house recently, but the Scottish/British Gas guys were highly uncomplimentary about that particular brand (amongst a number of other European-made ones)... I guess going with Scottish/British Gas gives me some peace of mind...



Don't forget to include tea and biscuits for all the fitters doing the installation.

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  • RMweb Premium

Seems an odd environment in which you reside; the drinks and food are always broken and you have to fix them! :lol:



Yeah, and all this only to consume and digest them in the end anyway! :lol:


Morning all - meeting with some friends later today, but other than that it looks to be a calm day.


Have a good day all ;) .

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Morning All,


I'm away on a trip at the moment - so logging in a bit later waiting for a meeting to start.


It's a right dreary morning here, grey and raining on and off.


Sorry to hear about your boiler Sixoh - how old did you say it was? This business of criticising colleagues work is interesting. It is no different over here! Having said that, we have the chimney sweep who comes and measures the emissions - and has no interest in selling me a new boiler. The plumber comes and sucks his lips (in a "It's gonna cost you, mate" sort of a way) and makes comments about the thing living on borrowed time - then the chimney sweep turns up, says all is fine and comments that until something goes wrong that can't be repaired leave it alone!


I wonder what they chewed up to make that nest.


Cardboard boxes probably. My parents had a similar sized nest in the attic, and discovered later that half of the storage boxes were chewed up!


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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Morning all,


welcome to a bright, sunny Saturday - I wish! 8 oktas mostly leaking down here; still, it's 5C so not too bad!


Working today and tomorrow so won't be able to get to Basingstoke to see Cramdin Yard (looks good on your thread, Dave!) nor to Portsmouth. C'est la guerre!


Have a good weekend, folks!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Plenty of oktas in these parts but thankfully not currently leaking. Just as well a few folks are working John, can't have everyone enjoying themselves playing trains now can we? Everything on the trainset seemed to be working last night when Phil and I set off for the pub leaving others behind still setting up their stuff. Mightily glad I'm not a trader shifting all that stuff in and out every weekend.




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