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I did that this morning. Bl**dy boiler's packed in again! Off to work for a shower, quick bit of work, then back home for 12 to wait for an engineer...


Sorry to hear that - mine is mysteriously behaving itself again. The infernal buzzing noise has stopped and all is normal. Interestingly enough, the chimney sweep came and did an emissions test on it yesterday. He said it is still more efficient than some modern boilers. Not bad for an appliance installed in 1983! :icon_eek:


Hope you get yours fixed soon Sixoh

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Fair few oktas in evidence. Panic mode now in full flight with the debut outing of the trainset tomorrow. One sound chip already re-programmed while eating breakfast and now it's time to get the vacuum cleaner out on the baseboards and then clean the track. Then there's still several locos and items of rollingstock that need couplings, the traverser to fix....




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  • RMweb Gold



It seems very quiet here this morning. Normally there are quite a few parked cars as parents park outside to take their children to a nearby school. Perhaps it is a staff training day? The weather is rather dull and damp here. Our trip to Leicester this weekend will now need a somewhat earlier start. Matthew had told us everything started "about 11". It turns out to be 9.30am so we will be leaving early.


My wife went back to work this morning.She doesn't seem to have any after effects of the fall apart from some bruises.



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  • RMweb Gold

...One sound chip already re-programmed while eating breakfast ...




I always wondered what the cereal port was for. Did you program it with bytes and nybbles?

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  • RMweb Gold

Apparently now we are only going to Leicester for the day as my Mother in law has decided not to return to Nottingham until after Easter. She is going to stay in London until Easter. She fell over (I wonder if it genetic, wife falling, MIL falling) and hurt her back. She would rather stay in her nice warm modern flat in London rather than a large cold damp house if she is going to have backache.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning - temperature here was ABOVE zero when I left for work - the first time for about ten weeks - I can only remember a couple of worse winters ever for the length of time that the cold has peristed - 1979 was bad - I can also remember one really bad winter in the 1960s.


Onwards and upwards now - found out today that I am not rostered to work Saturday 27th, so called West Coast Railways to book a seat on the double header from Lancaster to York - guess what - fully booked except for a few expensive premier dining seats which are over £100.00 so Mrs 45156 has vetoed that! Will probably get down the WCML somewhere to lineside it instead. Shame, I was looking forward to a double headed climb out of Manchester Vic to Miles Platting and over the Pennines - 46115 and 70013 are booked. I wonder how many of the punters will be disappointed as the service was originally booked double headed to Carlisle over the S&C! Also, the service is terminating at Preston on the return, with a bus substitution for Lancaster which is a little bit of a bummer for the Lancastrians travelling.



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I always wondered what the cereal port was for. Did you program it with bytes and nybbles?

ROFL, Tony!


or does the loco now make the 'Snap, crackle, pop' sound with occasional munching?

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Guest Max Stafford

Morning, well, afternoon. I didn't finish work until 03:00 and didn't turn in until 04:30!

7 Oktas here, but the one non-okta is very bright. Which is nice.

One more 10-hour job tonight. Finish at 3 and not back in until Tuesday.

Which is also nice...! :)

I think it's Motown / Northern Soul night at the local establishment tomorrow too!



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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all. Two Scottish Gas engineers here now correcting the work that had been done by the last engineer 3 weeks ago...



Are they called Flanders and Swann?


Hope it is all OK now.



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  • RMweb Gold

Hello everyone, it seems as though one of my sisters has given me a virus or cold of some sort. It's not a healthy week on ERs this week is it?! I'll have to cancel my music lesson which will be in 10 or 15 minutes, tried phoning him but no answer so I might leave a message or wait till he drives the 2 miles to my house. I had a free last lesson so I sat down and played the piano but I just didn't have any energy or concentration to keep playing and kept playing notes incorrectly so I admitted defeat and cycled home in hailstones. Too hot to wear a coat though!

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Sorry to hear you're not well, Jam; not 'New Forest Pony Flu' that's been doing the rounds, I hope :lol:


Cycling in hail - well that sounds pretty much a kill-or-cure treatment! Hope you find the right notes on your phone touchpad to avoid the black and white ones!



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:lol: Thanks John.

The New Forest Pony Flu, eh? ;) That's a new one on me, admittedly I have seen a lot of horses with coats on recently :P


Ah, now you know why ;). Word is it could be worse than other recent variants, so they'll be rounding the ponies up to inoculate them - usually a hot iron or some infected hairs removed from the tail seems to be favourite! :icon_rolleyes: :icon_winker: (Hope you won't need the inoculation!!)

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