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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all


Sorry to hear about your wife's fall, Tony - hopefully nothing too serious.


Good news from me is that the physio is very happy with my progress, and my arm is starting to show a lot more mobility. Even better news is that after 15 years, my diabetes is coming under a lot more control - long term blood sugar of 7, and blood pressure also down. The bad news is that the enforced change of my statin has resulted in my cholesterol creeping up - still you can't win them all.




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Good morning all.

Largely cloudy here but dry. A nice cool 25.

How are the wife's injuries Tony? Is she able to go to work? How was the trip to Swansea?

Hi Stewart. Glad to hear progress is mostly good.

Happy Thursday everybody.

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Morning, Don et al.


Just solved a little track laying puzzle without the need for a saw so I'm quite pleased with myself this morning.

I'll have to send you some little electrical queries, Don.


In case I give the wrong impression, I haven't actually LAID any track yet, just trying to position it with pins.


Can't wait to get to grips with some scenery.


However, enough of this model railway nonsense.

Have we run out of fish names yet?

Bloater hasn't turned up yet.

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They are rattling around in my head, Don.

Some are forced on me by the situation.

For example the rural single track lane that wanders down the scenic hill to join the road to the canal, farm and church in one direction and Much Wittering station and Industrial Estate in the other, passing a residential area and shops and café en route.

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Morning All,


I've got a day off today - so posting a little bit later than usual. I had got plans for the day, but they didn't work out and consequently I'm feeling a bit down this morning :( . Oh well, at least the sun is shining.


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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It's already struck home that anything N scale is difficult.

For example, why have Peco put huge lumps of plastic on each end of a piece of track?

Why do Lyddle End buildings weigh a ton?

Why are rail joiners so flimsy?

Why do track pins migrate from the packet to make surprise appearances elsewhere?

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Got some errands to run today, so I, too, am a bit later than usual. Slightly below freezing outside and windy - the forecast for the weekend said something about rain, too. Have we not had enough of that yet? :unsure:


Later ;) .

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello all.

I'm now back after the trip to Swansea. My only concern was making sure we got to Paddington on time as the advance tickets were train specific. We got a guided tour of Swansea (it apparently has "everything" except a zoo) on the trip out to the campus which really is over the road from the beach. The day did turn out to include an interview for Matthew but that didn't worry him. They will send an offer in a couple of weeks. Some of his exam results (module grades and resits ) come out today so we are waiting to hear.


My wife had a restful day yesterday. She had started to become a bit concerned about her wrist but said it was better as the day went on. She is still sore and bruised though and is taking another day off but expects to be OK to return to work tomorrow. The colleague she eventually landed on is OK.


My model rail tip for the day (for Dd). If you are only pinning track temporarily, mapping pins are useful. Of course you can't drive trains over them but if it is just for layout or to hold while ballasting I find them a useful accessory.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Tis Thursday but a virtual Friday for me as I have tomorrow off to go into a blind panic mode and pack the trainset up for shipping to Basingstoke exhibition at the weekend. First public appearance so it would be quite nice if things worked! If they don't I'll just havwe to describe it as a diorama. Better get on with some work in the meantime. Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all


Only a couple of oktas here this morning, but quite cold first thing - neigbour thought it was pointless to put a cover on the car last night, and to put some anti freeze in the locks, but as per usual, there was a nice skin of frost on everybody else's car, and I was able to drive off with very little work! Forecast is for the cold weather to warm up a bit over the next few days - it will make a change to wake up to something a little bit warmer.


Still doing my stretches every hour to make sure that the shoulder mobilises, and have now been recommended to go to the physio department every day if poss to use some of the specialised equipment in their gym - which is actually quite well equipped for an NHS facility - what they want is for me to stand at this socking great wheel with a handle on it, and turn it in using various positions, as that gives the shoulder a good workout. It's boring, and I have suggested that they should put a dynamo on it, and hook it to the hospital power supply!




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  • RMweb Premium

I think if I try to wake up next to something a little warmer my injuries will be worse than Stewart's and Tonys wife's combined! Unless it turns out to be the cat (just my luck) in which case I maybe forgiven.

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  • RMweb Gold

We'll be waking up somewhere a little cooler this weekend. We are taking Matthew to Leicester University for a Geography department open day on Saturday. We will then drive on to Nottingham to stay at my mother-in law's house and drive home after Sunday lunch. My MIL will have only arrived back Saturday morning having been travelling (not back-packing though) round India for a month. I suspect we will be complaining about the cold and damp more than she does though. We would normally take Robbie to stay in Nottingham but as we will be in Leicester University for most of Saturday morning/afternoon he will be be going to kennels for the weekend. He seems happy there so it isn't stressful taking and leaving him. Matthew is quite keen on Leicester but all his preferred places did depend on him getting quite good grades. His module and resit grades today were good. I think we were all proud of the D grade in Philosophy AS he worked hard to increase it from the U grade he got last summer. He did insist on taking it even though it isn't exactly one of the easier subjects.



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Quite a thick mist this morning, but it should clear later to a comfy 28.

Going clothes shoping tomorrow - to Woolworths. Ours is still flourishing.

It opens at 8:00 so I should be home by 9:00.

F1 practice and qualifying tomorrow morning, then 6 Nations on telly tomorrow afternoon, F1 itself on Sunday.

Couch potato weekend.

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Morning all,


After a pleasant trip loco spotting in Newort docks last evening (66075 was moving some hoppers around whilst I delivered my cargo!), it's back to normal with the regular run this morning.


2C, no frost, can't see the oktas; they're hiding in the dark.


Happy POETS day, folks!

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