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I bet the majority of folk put new blades in a hacksaw the wrong way around, Tony.


To continue, it's a circular route to treatment.

The idea I put on the table was to leave her out in the woods for a fortnight

But she heard and the jig was up.

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  • RMweb Gold

I bet the majority of folk put new blades in a hacksaw the wrong way around, Tony.


To continue, it's a circular route to treatment.

The idea I put on the table was to leave her out in the woods for a fortnight

But she heard and the jig was up.


It is a good job she didn't get cross with you or it might have been saw shaving for a while.



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  • RMweb Gold

This mitre go on for some time.


As an aside, I have just watched a Homebase advert in which they re-decorate and furnish the platforms at Carlisle station. An interesting idea for an advert. Any one know how long this has been doing the rounds?



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  • RMweb Gold

Screw this, i'm getting board... ;)


Hello everyone, I haven't posted for a while, haven't really had the time nor inclination to be honest. I'm still trying to think up plans for a Mk II Calshot as we speak but i'm not getting that far.


Thanks for updating the Cycling Thread, Robert - I was thinking about posting something over the next few days to bump the topic back up. I still cycle into college despite the temperatures, although admittedly I got so fed up of the cold frosts in the morning that my Dad has taken me in quite a few times! I still cycle home every day though.


Weather - Very sunny, hot in the conservatory but biting cold outside. Looks like a Sunday Roast is on the menu (in more ways than one - it's pretty warm in here!)


Glad to see the puns in abundance as usual!



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  • RMweb Premium

Could this be the final nail in the coffin?



As a general rule I would say - no. Rather, I would like to put it on file that we should all brace for another round of puns.

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Almost be a shame not to, now that we've gotten the bit between the teeth!


Stick around to see how we can a ply ourselves to this topic whilst, of course, maintaining the high caliper of puns already on Record!

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It reached 36 yesterday and despite some rain overnight, by 7:00 am this morning it was 29! Luckily I managed a good sleep overnight and was not kept awake by the heat. Another stinker in store.

Happy Monday everybody.

Sorry, can't compete in the puns fest.

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Morning Don, and indeed morning everyone,


It is a bit cooler than 36° here. In fact, it was -6°C when I drove to work this morning!


However, it looks like it is going to be a nice day. The sun is just coming up and there is not a cloud in the sky.


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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Morning Don, insomnia returned with a vengeance. Been kicking around since 4am. No idea why....


Was on assembly duty yesterday at daughter's new flat. Having waded through 24 pages of IKEA instructions a new chest of drawers eventually appeared from the huge stack of random shaped pieces. Thought I was done and just ready for a beer, when the flat pack bed appeared. Add two TV's, pictures and mirrors to stick up and the day was done, or rather, I was.....


The last thing I needed was total gridlock in the Clapham, Putney, Chiswick, Hammersmith area....Not a tweet on the radio, but nothing was moving. An hour there and three hours back....angry.gif


Enjoy your sunshine and warmth today...icon_thumbsup2.gif

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Morning all,


another clear sky overnight so -1C and a heavy frost. De-icing required before driving anywhere! Hey ho, soon be summer when, because of this hype called global warming, we are expecting temperatures up as high as +8 to +10C! :lol:


A thought - if ice bergs breaking off the polar caps is a new phenomenon, the Titanic should still be afloat!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,


as Robert said - clear sky and cold, -4° up here. Will have to run some additional errands concerning my personal documents later today, and get some parcels posted.


Have a good day all - and remember: Only four days until the weekend! :lol:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Sun is glinting on the heavy frost again.

I've seen photos of this year's snowdrops and crocuses - but none in the flesh yet.

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Croci (?) are almost a weed here and will be finishing soon.

Little chaps about 4-5" high.

Most of their flowering has been in/under the ice and snow.

I think the more cultivated type bloom later (if they have any hope of survival).


After all my moaning about the winter, it's absolutely lovely to look at today.

Zero oktas and bright sun.

Bluddy cold outside though.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Clear, bright and frosty in these here parts. Dashed unreasonable but someone has booked a meeting with me at 10am in the office! Don't they know it's Monday? Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Cool and slightly cloudy here. I've just taken Matthew to college. He is off on a trip to London to a politics conference today. The speakers are the Speaker and seven MPs from assorted parties.

Our cultivated crocus seem to have survived and are flowering but we do have a very ggod display of snowdrops this year. I can't see any daffodils at all yet but I think they may have been eaten.



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Morning all. Tried to post a woodwork pun last night but I got timed out. Probably due to severe froth on the line around the Barwell area. ;)


I'm sitting on a purple 170 (170412, I think) in Waverley, waiting to go up to a meeting in Pitlochry. Ah, moving now, bang on time! There's a chap the image of Andy Y just walked past me down the aisle...


This is one of the older 170s, sadly, so no power point for the laptop. [grumble] I wish ScotRail would install wifi like GNER/East Coast! [/grumble]

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A thought - if ice bergs breaking off the polar caps is a new phenomenon, the Titanic should still be afloat!


Funny you should mention that - a colleague of mine drew my attention to this picture recently. It is the USS Skate at the North Pole in March 1959. Not wanting to start a global warming debate, but you will notice that the ice isn't particularly thick...



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