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Early Risers.


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Morning all. Apologies, but I do have a note from my Mum re yesterday. Seems I'm really slipping into this retirement lark and it's taking a while to get started in the morning.....


Quite cold, but clear sky, so bright and sunny.


26 years from a boiler? Shame, but then I guess you've probably had your money's worth...icon_thumbsup2.gif

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"it was installed in 1984, and it maybe time to think about a new one!"



We have some weird scrappage scheme in the UK - don't know if it's operational yet.

Don't think it extends to Mainz.


Well, you might have in Wales and England, but not here in Scotland! :icon_frustrated:


Morning all! My absence was clearly noted by Don yesterday!


Just attempted to install Windows 7 on my Mac with Boot Camp. We shall see if it works... :unsure: Anyway, time to go to work, I guess...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Sunny but 0C here. I only had to scrape the rear window of my wife's car this morning though.

I'm waiting for the man from Sky TV to come and change my Sky+ box for a Sky HD box. He will be here about 9am.


Not too sure what else I'm supposed to today, lots of clothes washing probably.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Clear bright one again. I have no option but to go into the office today, a whole bunch of old bu**ers are having a retirement do and it would be rude not to go and partake of the odd beverage. No way I can manage one for each of them though as there's a huge number leaving on Friday. I could probably attend a "do" every day this week if I was so minded. Gonna be a bit quieter around the place next week! Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Gold
I am about but didn't have anything to say, so I didn't say it!


A wise mantra. I'm sure that by the time our election is over there will be many others who should have applied it..... but won't.


Morning all

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Morning All,


It is pretty quiet around here this morning! I didn't get a chance to post earlier as I had a few things to do before another all day workshop.


The weather is quite reasonable today - blue sky and sunshine, although it is a bit on the chilly side.


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Premium



Cold here (again) but sunny with it. I've been given a back to work date (on restricted hours) of Monday next.


Three sessions of physio this week - plus fracture clinic for final x-ray to be sure all is OK.


Decided after physio yesterday to take a trip to Preston to get some speaker cable, and for a trip on a Pendolino - achieved both. Richer Sounds is still as good as ever - didn't have the cable I wanted in stock (although their computer said they had) so upgraded to a vastly superior cable which they did at the price of the one I wanted - the one I wanted was about half the price. On the way back, got stuck with the Transpennine 185 to Glasgow - I wouldn't like to have to do the whole run on that one! Just as we were about to pull out, a bloke turned to the carriage in general and asked what time we arrived in Blackpool - when he was told this was a Glasgow service he headed for the door just as the peeping started and the doors slid shut on him. Luckily the ticket inspector endorsed his ticket so he could return from Lancaster with no excess fare.


Rest of this week is busy with hospitals and things so I might not get on again this week.


Talk to you whenever...




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  • RMweb Premium

Just read a news article about how one or more unknown committers dispersed ethylbenzene at a school in Wiesbaden, resulting in 55 students suffering injuries, with eighteen of them being hospitalized for treatment. Just what the H did those who did this think they were doing? :blink::angry:

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  • RMweb Premium

Driving is still a bit awkward, but improving - it'll have to, as we are running VERY low on eatables now, and a trip to the suoermarket for the stuff that we can't get on the bus is in order. But it does make me wonder how the carless among us cope now that just about everything that you need is in the vast emporia on the out of town sites.

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Morning all (just). Been in to work and have now come back home. Decided the only way to get a bit of work done that I've been trying to do is to work from home. Sick of being interrupted by phone or in person queries and not being able to get a good run at writing what I want to write. So once the cuppa's made and the compurlter's ready to use I'll crack on...

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  • RMweb Gold

Just read a news article about how one or more unknown committers dispersed ethylbenzene at a school in Wiesbaden, resulting in 55 students suffering injuries, with eighteen of them being hospitalized for treatment. Just what the H did those who did this think they were doing? :blink::angry:



They probably "thought" it would be "amusing" to release something with an unpleasant odour in the school. The warning symbols only seem to encourage some people. When I was at school there were chemicals out the lab that would have to be locked away now or not used in school at all.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all (just). Been in to work and have now come back home. Decided the only way to get a bit of work done that I've been trying to do is to work from home. Sick of being interrupted by phone or in person queries and not being able to get a good run at writing what I want to write. So once the cuppa's made and the compurlter's ready to use I'll crack on...



I'm just off out. Every time I move or make a sound Robbie is reminding me it is time to go for a walk so as I'm finding it impossible to type silently I'd better go out.

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Driving is still a bit awkward, but improving - it'll have to, as we are running VERY low on eatables now, and a trip to the suoermarket for the stuff that we can't get on the bus is in order. But it does make me wonder how the carless among us cope now that just about everything that you need is in the vast emporia on the out of town sites.


I suspect they use Tescos Internet service - a lot of their blue vans seem to run around this area

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