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Early Risers.


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I logged on at 2:20 (12:20 your time) and sat with the "off line" message until I got a notification of Tony's post, so pressed "Refresh" amd here we are!

Greetings all ER's. That was a l o n g 24 to 48 hours!

Am very glad to be back with you all. I wonder when the others will 'wake up".

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  • RMweb Gold

Over the last few days I've learned how to twittle (tweeter?) and even did some soldering on the new layout. I would have done more wiring but couldn't find all the wire I had put in a safe place so had to go shopping for more.

I've just come back from a very cold and wet walk with the dog. He will get another walk later as he is going to the vets to have a lump on the leg inspected. I think it is probably one of those "don't worry about it" things but I'd rather have the vet tell me. Fortunately Robbie likes going to the vets and it is a lot less frantic than when we used to have small rodents. I looked very silly when I mistook what the South African vet asked once. Tail and towel sounded identical to me with her accent!



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  • RMweb Premium

Do we have to keep US hours now the server has gone west?


Don't tempt fate! I am on the wrong side of Chesterfield apparently, the South East. Have designed a 2010 challenge layout found a better piece of plywood and bought 3 lengths of track, in between conquering the Roman world.

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  • RMweb Gold

I drove through Chesterfield (the town not the sofa) once. I think it may have been when we went to the Midland Railway Centre. I hope the Roman Empire settles down. Was it something like the Rome, Total War game?

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Evening All,


Woo hoo! We're back :icon_wave:

I'm only half back. (Does that make me Matt Dawson?) RMweb is working on my iPhone but not on the computer. Tony has indeed got the hang of Twitter (and found me on it!). May I recommend following @aggersbracken - Springer Spaniel belonging to a certain TMS commentator.

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm only half back. (Does that make me Matt Dawson?) RMweb is working on my iPhone but not on the computer. Tony has indeed got the hang of Twitter (and found me on it!). May I recommend following @aggersbracken - Springer Spaniel belonging to a certain TMS commentator.


Are you with some obscure IP who only refresh their DNS cache every fortnight. I wasn't sure if I needed to flush any local ones but I did anyway. It was nice seeing a command prompt again on the PC again!

I'll have to have a word with my spaniel what with the aggers dog and Edward Stourton's spaniel having a column in the Telegraph Weekend section. Robbie wouldn't even sit down to be weighed at the vets this afternoon so I can't see him Twittering or blogging.



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Good morning all!

Another summery day.

Did you read about the South African 2010 team's head quarters/traing quarters. They had been booked into an ex railways training school, "Esselen Park school of excellence". It now transpires the premises have been totally neglected and are completely run down. The residences are uninhabitable and the fields overgrown. All other suitable premises have been booked by other international teams, so the host country's team have last choice! Ha, ha, ha!

Did I tell you I am not a soccer fan?

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Morning All,


It's good to be back! So far I have been back everywhere I have tried - my DNS server at home refreshed itself.


A pretty rainy morning here, but the temperature is in the mid single figures - so that should see off the last of the snow that is hanging around.


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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Morning all....smile.gif


Finally got it, but had to slip the doorman a few quid to let me in. Was beginning to think I'd been barred.


Nice to be back mes amis..


Edit. Got the old Driver Error statement when I pressed Send, but the post appeared anyway. No doubt there are lots of odds and sods that will need tweaking. Just happy the team managed to get us back on line again....icon_thumbsup2.gif

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