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Thanks Dave.  I thought it was just automatic, but suppose thinking about it you have to provide bank details etc.  Less than 6 months to go now... :danced:

Presumably you claimed the winter fuel allowance being over 60!


My state pension started in time for the £10 Christmas bonus which is a bigger bonus than that received by my former colleagues,



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I was always told that you never ever, ever, under any circumstances wash a bird...  Mainly I think because of the potential for spreading salmonella via the splashes.



Interesting. I've been taught the opposite.


Of course, if you are able to source a free-range bird, the risks of salmonella are much reduced, if at all present.

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  • RMweb Gold



Please forgive me if I am telling you how to suck eggs .....


My state pension has just started; I filled the application in on line https://www.gov.uk/claim-state-pension-online about three months before it was due to start. Took 4 to 6 weeks to sort out after that.




A Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to you all,





Thanks Dave.  I thought it was just automatic, but suppose thinking about it you have to provide bank details etc.  Less than 6 months to go now... :danced:


I'm another who thought it would be automatic and that they would get in touch with me - but they haven't, unless it's got delayed in the Christmas post?  But even then it would be cutting things a bit fine as I'm due to pass the milestone date next week so hardly time I'd have thought for the bank transfer to be set up - especially at this time of year.  Not exactly a problem but my present pension will reduce from next week so if I have to borrow any money I think I'll sue DWP for whatever it costs me (some hope of victory on that one of course but it could be fun - looks like it could be an interesting conversation when I do get in touch with them ;) ).

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Morning all,


Hope all's well wherever you lot are, wet or dry. 'Slightly wet' just about covers it in our neck of the woods and it looks as though it'll stay that way for a few days. Ah well, there's food to be consumed, various liquid refreshments to help it all go down and one or two choice dvds to indulge in, so no complaints here.


Lots of fun and games at work last night, at one point I thought the entire railway was going to disappear up it's own fiddle yard but things got going in the end - it took a while though, with diverted Virgin Voyagers ending up in the wrong place with no train crews, cancellations that nobody knew about and one of them 'failing to proceed' on the single line twixt Leamington Spa and Coventry didn't exactly help much!


Cheery Christmas wotsits to all on RMWeb far and wide! :D

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I'm another who thought it would be automatic and that they would get in touch with me - but they haven't, unless it's got delayed in the Christmas post?  But even then it would be cutting things a bit fine as I'm due to pass the milestone date next week so hardly time I'd have thought for the bank transfer to be set up - especially at this time of year.  Not exactly a problem but my present pension will reduce from next week so if I have to borrow any money I think I'll sue DWP for whatever it costs me (some hope of victory on that one of course but it could be fun - looks like it could be an interesting conversation when I do get in touch with them ;) ).



State Pension is paid four weeks in arrears; my 65th Birthday was at the beginning of November and the first payment was made 7th December.





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  • RMweb Premium



Morning all ,


 back to dank ,dismal etc, again today . It would be nicer to have clear crisp

and cold ,


 My Tesco chicken pie is sitting in the fridge ready for tomorrow , I have

been invited out but I'm not at my best at the moment so I decided to

stay at home .


I'm not any good with fancy photo trickery so I'm unable  to do railway

related fancy card type things so this will have to suffice .


I'd like to take this time to wish all ER readers and their families a








Have a great time all .


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Because the coordination problems seemed to be quite variable at primary school he was always made to feel he wasn't trying.

In my case they were correct.


"Go on Martin, run and get the ball".


"But I don't want the ball."

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Blimey! the missus was all doom & gloom this morning and I thought that was our Xmas plans derailed, thankfully I have cheered her up since then and all is well - Phew.


So I'm going to thoroughly enjoy Christmas now so it just leaves me to wish all ERs a very happy Christmas and New Year.


All the best



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Yes, it is a good time to show some support for your favourite Charities........


I mentioned this on the front page and it went down like a lead balloon.


Best, Pete.

If you include a few cheques for charities when sorting out the presents you just include it in the general budget. That way it is what you can afford.


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Yes, it is a good time to show some support for your favourite Charities........


I mentioned this on the front page and it went down like a lead balloon.


Best, Pete.


Yule-tide is always a good time to give to those less needy than yourself! :mosking:

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I've run out of "likes"! Wot is a chap to do? I've been very pleased to award more than 50 in the OD Xmas Message thread - how could I not? Astonishing responses.


New Haven Neil - yes, the water here is lovely. We try not to be too controversial, and bask in the banalities of life, while supporting those who are having a tough old time of it. Dreadful humour and appalling puns are very much part of the fabric, and typing errors may be seized upon - you have been warned. Given your monicker - which NH livery do you prefer on a DL109? I like the grey stripey thing, once described as "Brooks Brothers".


I decided that the leg of lamb - 5 lbs - had defrosted rather more quickly than I had expected, so I'm cooking it tonight. I have a nice piece of entrecote for tomorrow, so that's hardly a disappointment.


May the magic of Christmas descend on ERs - wherever you are.

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Just taking a break from the round table, so I'd like to wish you all a very happy Christmas and wonderful holidays. Especially to all of you who've been under the weather this year in one way or another!

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