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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Good to see that despite the change of forum, the old attitudes & humour still remains.


Whilst I've not been posting, I have been reading - I remember the BOFH when it was published in a weekly computer mag... wonderful stuff, but a bit scary as I was only a humble programmer.


The good news is I have secured another source of employment - the bad news is this will severly cut into my new found modelling time... But Cement Shed will be developed as and when SWMBO lets me (apparently the main lounge /stairs / landing needs decorating - it was only done about 10 years ago...)



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  • RMweb Premium

Boy, did I miss this place :( . Nice to see you're all fine, chaps! :)


Started reading up for my final exams this afternoon - made me quite nervous, I admit, although I still have some five weeks to go :unsure: .

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Whilst I've not been posting, I have been reading - I remember the BOFH when it was published in a weekly computer mag... wonderful stuff, but a bit scary as I was only a humble programmer.


The good news is I have secured another source of employment




Congrats Stu, its a worrying time for all in the IT industry at the mo, so glad you made it back in.. I use to work with so many of those BOFH's in my past.. you can still get them on theregister.co.uk



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  • RMweb Gold

Here we are again then. Seemed like ages since I was last on here.A new little life has arrived on this planet in the shape of my first grandson. No name as yet, he's a belter, he will like Thomas, layout is already being planned. I'll post a pic when able.

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Hello again,


Just checking I can still post now the clock has been corrected!




The forum did throw a wobbler when time was reversed earlier! We seem to have warped to 'now' again, though so (whatever defines) normality appears to have been almost resumed!

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  • RMweb Gold

Here we are again then. Seemed like ages since I was last on here.A new little life has arrived on this planet in the shape of my first grandson. No name as yet, he's a belter, he will like Thomas, layout is already being planned. I'll post a pic when able.

Congratulations Grandad.

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  • RMweb Gold

Congratulations Grandad.

Thank you - unfortunately I've felt like a Grandad for quite a while now....

Here he is - the baby with no name.




edit - that didn't work then, will upload again when images are working.

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Morning all


Seem to have gotten into a pattern of waking up at 05:30am :( and not sure how to break it as dont need to be awake till 06:30, maybe its the excitement of being back on rmweb! anyway glad all things are restored now. Had a bit of a scare last night as had a meal that was made for me that had some tiny shards of glass in due the bottle of sauce being used being dropped and then thought all was ok to use, but when pored in added some 'bits'. Swallowed to my knowledge 2 bits, rang NHS Direct in a panic and got some dozy mare that wanted to keep asking my postcode @??*^ Not what you need when in agitated state. So I have made it through the night! All may ok now.. must say I was a bit concerned last night though :)


Anyway, pitch black here but nice hot mug of sweet tea to calm the nerves


Have a great day.



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Good morning all.

Congratulations Phil on the unnamed grandson. Looking forward to the Thomas layout

Hope all remains well with your innards BoE (backofanenvelope is far too much to type and just t is easy to overlook)


Thanks Don, going to celebrate new life with Bacon and Egg Sarnie this morning at work :icon_drool:


Maybe I should change my username to 'The artist formerly know as t.' but think I will start using tom.?© :icon_lol:



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