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  • RMweb Premium



That bluddy WWF decided to make up for previous slackness by visiting Bear at 01-summink last night, followed by 0431 🤬 - at which point I gave up hope so crawled out of the Pit.  TC's.

I guess the only +ve I can claim is that I'm somewhat "ahead of the curve" today....



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49 minutes ago, polybear said:

The flamethrowers are always primed and ready to fire....


Tragedy struck Bear Towers, when the owner (a certain Polybear) accidentally set the whole place on fire. Despite the best efforts of 5 Fire Brigades from across 3 counties the property couldn't be saved and now remains a pile of smouldering ash.

When asked what happened a distraught Mr Bear replied "I saw no less than 5 HUMONGOUS spiders lurking in the kitchen, so I gave them a 30 second burst with Freddy the Flamethrower, unfortunately Freddy sputtered and flames hit Stevie the Storage Cupboard which was full of paint, thinners and spare flamethrower packs and WOOSH up everything went..,,"

At least 25 Deltics are feared lost in the conflagration.


See, Bear, what could happen if you don't adopt a "live and let live" approach to spiders 

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  • RMweb Premium
8 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

 I had a strange dream that although it was still vivid in my mind  I can only remember bits of it.

Aren't all dreams like that, with most details quickly fading when you wake up ? Certainly, I'm dreaming a lot once I manage to fall asleep. The really weird thing is that a lot of the dreams relate to what I'm trying to do on the computer (looking at screen fonts for what they cover or don't cover), something I've been doing on and off for years, and a lot more frequently since last year. I get recurrent dreams related to that, for things I imagine I should have done but forgot. Then when I wake up it takes me ages to realise that the dream was false, i.e. I have never done the details I was dreaming about.


Oh well, time for me to go to bed, read ('night mode' is good!) and hope to eventually get to sleep.

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  • RMweb Gold
2 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:


Were they intentionally   posed to look exactly  like a rancid  hand rising out of  a swamp, or is it just me?


Kind of puts me off wanting to try  them, gotta say.


2 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Just you, I'm afraid Chimpey


I'm with Chimpy on this one.  VERY "Creature from the Black Lagoon"...


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  • RMweb Premium

Back to the flooding map...It's correct in showing where we are, is above the flood areas, but would / could become an island if there were big time flooding..

But since I'm muddling this area on this map, I know a bit about ground levels ..


This is what it looked like earlier this year.. see all those squares of "white" "not normally flooded",  Riverside house words are over the Main A149 beside the main bridge over the river.


Those white squares on the map are 10 ft below river level..

The area with on the other side of the river from the camera is called Heigham ie High village, that's the main spit of land visible, the flooded stuff that side of the river is called Heigham marshes....


Oh see this map...


The future Costco site is that vacant bit of land just above left of the larger white roundabout.


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  • RMweb Gold


I remember that in geography in school, we were taught about the importance of "Dry Point Sites" in the development of early settlements.  Very useful when selecting a place to live in later life!


We were also taught about the formation of oxbow lakes...


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  • RMweb Premium

Good moaning from the Charente.  Weed patches got cut yesterday.  Hedges to do this afternoon before the rain sets in again. Shopping this morning.  There are some lovely big spiders in the shed.  What we do need now is something to get rid of a plague of ladybirds,loads fell out of the kitchen door frame yesterday. 



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  • RMweb Gold
2 minutes ago, jamie92208 said:

Good moaning from the Charente.  Weed patches got cut yesterday.  Hedges to do this afternoon before the rain sets in again. Shopping this morning.  There are some lovely big spiders in the shed.  What we do need now is something to get rid of a plague of ladybirds,loads fell out of the kitchen door frame yesterday. 




Take the ladybirds to one of your sheds, they're only looking for somewhere to hide for winter and they're useful predators of aphids in spring.


They'll get along with the spiders just fine...


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  • RMweb Gold
6 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

For @Chris Snowdon



The Hitachi Rail/Kawasaki Heavy Industries H5 series Hayabusa Shinkansen

Until I got the correct sense of scale I thought that was an underwing store for a fast jet …

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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl,

1/2 hours sleep, short awake, 3 hours sleep, medium awake, 3 hours sleep..


Dry, dull and grey outside.. but a lot warmer than yesterday,


I remember the lesson on ox bow lakes, St Benets Abbey is on high ground that had the river to the North of it, at some point someone canalised the river, to the south of St Benets, creating an island, also cutting off two "oxbows" of the river Ant, though at the moment one one is still partly connected to the river, and the other is now drained.


Plans for today,

Maybe give the mower a run, just on the main areas,

create some land just to the above right of the main bridge on the road unmentionable,

plus some computering must be done..




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, from a grey windy rock, and a grey windy Fraggle too, for that matter.  11c and dry but looks a bit grim, I'm sure it's getting darker not lighter.


Gauges?  Surely 3 foot is 'standard' gauge?  It is here.  ;-)  The Snaefell Mountain Railway is 3 foot 6 inches, to allow for that pesky fell rail.  Most odd, however, was the Marine Drive tramway, that was broad (ie UK standard) gauge.  At least that has allowed one car to be preserved at Crich, the tramway didn't re-open after WW2.


Mate H coming around this morning to talk trains and trash, always nice to chat with a like-minded soul.


ION Anyone that dealt with us at Trackshack may wish to know that John the MD has had some very delicate spinal surgery, (robot assisted no less) but that has been totally successful and he is on the mend after a very tough time.  He is home and he will get good support in recuperation as his new Mrs was a Consultant.  

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  • RMweb Gold

A somewhat red sky at sunrise this morning, the remaining bits of blue are now being hidden by the encroaching cloud but it should stay dry.


The groceries came some time ago, all correct - well nearly, I got a larger size pack of one item but it doesn't matter as custard pots keep for a long time.


I shall probably have a walk this morning and then check the photos for my talk.  After that... I've not thought yet.



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