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Bear here.....


The dreaded D-word is getting back on track (despite two D-Days) - 67.2Kg** as of this morning, de-fuelled and downloaded.  That's a Tick; 65Kg is the Target.


**According to the fancy new Salter Digital Scales.


Today?  Well I have some sorting to do (possibly involving some difficult decisions...), some wood to re-arrange in the sh*d (yes, that wood...), a dose of Bertie the Bosch driving (not actually due until tomorrow but it'd be nice to get it out of the way) and a new choo choo to test.  Oh yes, and a kettle to descale (yes, that kettle....as mentioned some weeks ago....).



If a cake tin is a 2Ib size does that mean it's the right size if all the ingredients weigh a total of 2lb?  Or do you have to allow  free space to allow for the cake rising as it's cooked?

Askin' for a friend.......





Edited by polybear
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Ey up!


Bit wet still here but its due to dry out later so I may get some cricket watching time in later.


Thanks to a good mate a problem has been solved on my layout. Yippppppeeeeedddddoooo!  Rogue why has been removed...


I hope to get a decent walk in today in preparation for my walk around the beach in Horden on Sunday. I will be interested to see and hear the National Trusts' take on the area.


Herself had an interesting day volunteering yesterday. Someone had donated a.....

Sporran.. pricing that up was, shall we say, interesting apparently.


Tempted to put the heating on..,it was not warm here overnight..


Have as good a day as you can!



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Dry(ish) and bright out, though cool this morning.  My thoughts turned to putting the heating on when I got up, caused by the temperature differential between tte cozy bed and the not so cozy bedroom...


However, I shall hold off until predicted OUTDOOR temperatures fall to nearer 10C, they're in the 13-15C range this week.  Not that you save much on the gas bill, the standing charge is the main contributor and there's not much that can be done about that!


Oh well, if it remains dry, I shall go unto the Garage and do more sorting and chucking....


Edited by Hroth
spelin korrekshun
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22 hours ago, Peter Kazmierczak said:

In the twilight zone between waking and actually getting up, is a good time to think. This morning I thought about chocolate.

So why do so many begin products with the letter "M"? Is it because they want to imply there is a milk content, or is it just random?

Mars / Milky Way / Milky Bar / Marathon / Munchies / Maltesers / Milk Tray / Milky Stars...

Mars is simple, it was the surname of the founder of the company. 



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Mooring Awl,

5 hours sleep long awake 2 hours sleep..


House is warmed through heating knocked back a bit, fire will be lit Saturday.


It's blowing a soggy hoolie out to which I have to venture.

I'm suited and booted, for the museum, the required parallel bits of metal are in the landrover for the MRC later.


Time to get, the outer periphery water resistant clothing 

I'm, gone



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4 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Brisbane metro (2.5m) does not have the population of Toronto metro (6m) but they built multiple tunnels to relieve street congestion.


They are not nearly as long as that proposal. The north/south bypass, Clem Jones tunnel is around 7km as is the the Airport Link tunnel, and the Legacy Way tunnel is around 6km.


Looking them up, different sources quote different lengths and I'm not sure if some are counting the cumulative length of each bore, or approaches but they are an order of magnitude smaller than the Toronto proposal.

I rember the Brisbane airport tunnel very weoo, our taxi driver nodded off atv50kpand I had to prod him awake.  Fortunately no injuries.  As to Highway 401 across Toronto, we drove that on part of our honeymoon but then it was 1979 and we were immortal  mid twenty year olds.


Code in dose still going but getting better.  Off to the chemist shortly then trainspotting this afternoon. 



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10 hours ago, Gwiwer said:


She has an extremely important engagement in her diary next week with someone called Charles at a location described as "St. James' Palace".  




Plenty to talk about as he's going 'Down Under' next month . . . . . . . . 


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Morning, dry but windy sur le rock, 8c is a bit chilly though.  Old Farts bike club run this morning, for a warming UPF fuelled breakfast somewhere, yum.


Then washing, already got the first load going, 2 should do it, wonder if it'll stay on the line though.


Mrs NHN at work work today, she usually works from home on Fridays but she and her boss, the Big Boss, are off to visit all the satellite workshops.  No not space satellite ones, (although we do have a space industry here - honest!) but those spread around the kingdom.  Police, airport, fire, small machines, harbour, fabricators etc.  The boss likes to shake the tree occasionally and walk in unannounced.  One senior manager found out to his detriment recently, it works....unlike the person in question!

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  • RMweb Gold
1 hour ago, polybear said:

If a cake tin is a 2Ib size does that mean it's the right size if all the ingredients weigh a total of 2lb?  Or do you have to allow  free space to allow for the cake rising as it's cooked?

A 2lb / 1kg loaf tin is about right for 900 gram of dough/cake mix. It will allow space for rising (if all goes well). If you have other tins eg, round ones the Doves Farm website has a table showing equivalent rectangle to round tins. 
If it goes wrong, serve with custard!

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2 hours ago, polybear said:

65Kg is the Target.

 My target is 95kg. The last time I was near that was when I was taking Metformin and visiting the loo a lot. I don’t think it will be long before I get to 95kg. The other target of blood glucose levels was met so the change in eating habits is working. It hasn’t been really difficult doing it so far. Just need to up the gentle exercise a bit more regularly. 
Aditi sent her latest blood pressure results in on Wednesday and mentioned in the comments that the side effect cough was now worse.  She got a phone call this morning, letting her know that they were changing her prescription and she could collect the new medication from the pharmacy  later today. 
Someone. Is arriving soon to rate our house for energy use. We need the certificate if we apply for a heat pump. No idea if we will , need to see all the specifications, but an energy certificate is required. 

Edited by Tony_S
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The sun has put in an appearance this morning but it is only 8°C so the boiler has been working, the house is comfortable enough for now though when it gets a bit colder the thermostat will be turned up.  It was cold enough yesterday for my fingers to go white while I was outdoors so I need to be sensible about heating so as to get warm quickly after I've been out.  I think there will be more showers today.


In a few minutes I need to go and buy a new camera bag for the new camera as the old spare one I was going to use has a defective zip which renders it uselsss - I don't want the camera to fall out.


Then if it stays dry  I may go and look at the sea, if not I'll come home and do odds and ends as usual.


This morning I thiught my Toyota Assist (=AA/RAC) needed renewing as the car is a year old so the free year ends.  I rang them and found that as I have a service plan it doesn't expire until 2026 which is good news.





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  • RMweb Premium
2 hours ago, Hroth said:

Dry(ish) and bright out, though cool this morning.  My thoughts turned to putting the heating on when I got up, caused by the temperature differential between tte cozy bed and the not so cozy bedroom...


However, I shall hold off until predicted OUTDOOR temperatures fall to nearer 10C, they're in the 13-15C range this week.  Not that you save much on the gas bill, the standing charge is the main contributor and there's not much that can be done about that!


Heating?  Pah!  Nottachance for a while yet as I just don't need it; when I do it's normally a leccy underblanket on the Bear Pit to warm it up - it goes off at snoozybear time.


2 hours ago, Hroth said:

Oh well, if it remains dry, I shall go unto the Garage and do more sorting and chucking....



You've gotta Garage to sort?  Bear hasn't....😢

Have I mention that...?


1 hour ago, Mike Bellamy said:

Plenty to talk about as he's going 'Down Under' next month . . . . . . . . 



Maybe Mrs. G could ask Charlie if he'll carry a few jars of Marmite out for Mrs. G's rellies?

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1 hour ago, New Haven Neil said:

The boss likes to shake the tree occasionally and walk in unannounced.  One senior manager found out to his detriment recently, it works....unlike the person in question!

More details please, if you are allowed too.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. A good night last night, 3 + 2 + 1 hours sleep, the interruptions were due to the noise of the rain. Fortunately when I went out last night it had stopped but started again as soon as I was inside the venue and it also stopped for the ride home then restarted. I will have to shop this afternoon otherwise  I will be on an enforced (zero calorie) diet, the fridge is empty.

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