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  • RMweb Gold



Duplicate pages again but obviously not a system problem.     I think I'll go and get a coffee and eat that last Cherry Bakewell .....





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19 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

I think most of our meals are too but if someone enjoys a Kipling cake while having tea at a friend’s house it isn’t going to do much harm. 

Technically true. But when you can only eat a limited number of calories each day, you don’t want to waste calories on rubbish. 191 calories (one Mr K’s Bakewell Tart with Cherries) is about twice the calories of my homemade egg mayo (and about the same if on a toasted muffin).


Homemade egg mayo without additives & enhancers or commercial chemical concoction? Decisions, decisions….

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  • RMweb Gold
3 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

But when you can only eat a limited number of calories each day, you don’t want to waste calories on rubbish.

But sometimes people just enjoy things. I do have to be aware of what I eat but it gets really irritating if do eat something and (extended not immediate) family members start giving me “should you be eating that “ lectures. They don’t seem to appreciate if I have something I may be intelligent enough to compensate later. 

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  • RMweb Gold
33 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

British (and many other expats) are utterly horrified to learn that children here actually walk to school - even the kindergarden children

Back then (rose tinted specs) again walking to school was just the done thing.  We moved house at the start of my final year at junior school and ended up 2+ miles from my original school. Rather than change schools my parents decided to leave me there for the final year and give me bus fare.  There were three of us in the same boat and more often than not we would just walk and spend the bus fare on kets.*


More recently I heard one mum complaining about the school run say to another “I need to get there at least half an hour before pick up time or I end up parking further away than we live”. You what???


*Durham (not Geordie) term for sweets.

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5 minutes ago, BoD said:

Back then (rose tinted specs) again walking to school was just the done thing.  We moved house at the start of my final year at junior school and ended up 2+ miles from my original school. Rather than change schools my parents decided to leave me there for the final year and give me bus fare.  There were three of us in the same boat and more often than not we would just walk and spend the bus fare on kets.*


More recently I heard one mum complaining about the school run say to another “I need to get there at least half an hour before pick up time or I end up parking further away than we live”. You what???


*Durham (not Geordie) term for sweets.


There are major differences today:

  • The roads are busier today than they were almost 70 years ago when I walked to Junior School. Today there is  a far greater chance of an inattentive child being knocked down.
  • The increase in unsavoury characters with evil intent upon children. Unlikely but would you take the chance?

SWMBO took both of our daughters to school until they started High School - we lived on a main road almost a mile from the Primary school. However most days she walked them rather than use the car.



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  • RMweb Gold

Our son was walked to school until he was in year 6 when he walked himself to school. It was only a short distance past the end of our fairly short road. Greatest danger was from other parents driving along the pavement. He took himself to secondary school which was a 10 minute walk away. He either used the bus or walked to sixth form college. 

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Some interesting comments above.


Walking to school. Of course I did that from age 5 unaccompanied to primary school.  It was the train to Tonbridge for secondary school. But as Danemouth points out, the roads were not busy back in the 70s. Elder Lurker was walked to school until year 6, and then was on his own (that was the school rules). He got the bus to secondary school. Younger Lurker has been driven partway to school and then walked the rest of the distance (about a mile to primary school). But there were people getting in the cars and driving that he walked past.


However, it wasn't all walking in the 70s. I had an infant school teacher who literally lived 2 doors from the school. And I spotted her driving there more than once! 


Food - growing up in the south east in a middle class family that was on one side a generation from being lower (my Grandma was in service before she married and then worked as a cleaner when her husband was killed during the war), we always called the evening meal "tea". And in fact the Lurker boys do now as well. BoD will perhaps be pleased to know that Mrs Lurker often refers to sweets as "ket"(without the s). Presumably because her step Dad was a Durham man - his parents lived in "Doggy".

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  • RMweb Premium

Monitor fitted fine (it was undertaken by A very nice lady who managed to get the pads to stick to me where they needed to be.


I takecthe monitor and leads back in a brown paper envelope to the dame place at 9am tomorrow 


The same unit has a dialysis facility, blood transfusion area, a maternity area and lots of GPs. There are  lot of these around Leeds which people never seem to notice.


Travelling too/from was relatively stress free as well.


I walked to infant and junior schools. (including crodding a main road which was the main link up the Durham coast). My Grammar school was 9 miles away..so we had special buses to take us too and from school. If you missed the bus you had to get service buses to get home... difficult if you had no money .. but you could, if really desperate, walk home..



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2 hours ago, Tony_S said:

But sometimes people just enjoy things. I do have to be aware of what I eat but it gets really irritating if do eat something and (extended not immediate) family members start giving me “should you be eating that “ lectures.

Don't get me wrong, I am all for self-indulgence, sometimes it is extremely necessary! 😁 And yes, I know how to "titrate" my diet.


But if you are going to indulge why do it with substandard items? Why have a chemical concoction from an UPF factory over the same thing made properly from a local business?


Is it cost?

Do you really begrudge yourself a few pennies that a good quality non-UPF version will cost over the factory version?


Is it the immediate availability of the indulgence?

Surely postponing the of self-indulgence it off until you can get the "good stuff" makes the self indulgence even more deliciously "sinful"?

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  • RMweb Gold
2 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

But if you are going to indulge why do it with substandard items? Why have a chemical concoction from an UPF factory over the same thing made properly from a local business?

Probably because it would be rude if you were a guest in someone’s house to denounce their cake offering?

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  • RMweb Premium

First primary school, bus, way too far to walk,

Second  primary school walked,

First secondary school, normally cycled, but if it was really chuckin it down, got the bus ( 6d).

Second secondary school definitely got the bus, it would have taken a couple of hours to cycle with not a lot between you and the North Atlantic...

Third secondary school, car, ferry, bus, ferry, train, bus.. journey time 10 to 18 hours but only at the start and of term. It was a 20 minute walk to school from the accommodation every day.


Bakewell tarts, yuk, while I like eating the almond nut, almonds processed in any way tastes very different  and I really dislike it..


Still going round in circles with legs, transport, size and weight of the unmentionables.




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