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I've met Henry Blofield a couple of times, as he's sold his books at the Horning fete.


We  live 1/2 mile inland, in a storm we get salt spray on the windows. Two of the three possible exit routes from this village involve driving on roads often covered in sand.


I have two sets of descendants of uncles in OZ, or rather that's where they live, part of one set is in the UK at the moment, others to follow as there's a family reunion soon.


Afternoon Awl,

Bin sunny with occasional clouds all day, a bit breezy though.


Much work on the unmentionable, almost all works of woodworking type completed, except of course the beams.

Other work followed. It's one of those days where there is a huge visual step forward.

While doing this, swmbo was spinning Doggy fur, seemingly Daschshund is not very good for the purpose.


During that, there were discussions on clothing the layout. I won't be buying yards of black cloth. I've been donated some old curtains by SWMBO. Two have been chosen as they have vague similarity in colour to the moving kettles formerly in this area. SWMBO also promises to tailor the curtains to fit.


The above was followed by an hour's consideration of next moves, aka an eyelid inspection. In recognition of discussions in above posts, cake Icing is next, substituting calcium carbonate and talc for sugar.








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3 hours ago, Hroth said:


Cake-splatter licker-upping?

Have you no shame???


No, he doesn't.


Anyone who proselytises for curly fries and baked bean pizza has long abandoned any sense of decorum or of embarrassment.


Actually, come to think of it, I wonder if he is an "influencer" on the payroll of Dr Oetke (pizza), McCain (fries), Heinz (beanz) and the CoOp (LDC) - it would explain a lot.......

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The trip to church went well, I managed to the right things at the right times, didn't break anything and remembered to switch everything off afterwards.  


Back home I had a second cup of coffee having had one in the church hall and finished the days e mails and phone calls to friends.  This afternoon has been peaceful, I watched the last part of the Great North Run and then the Test Match while slowly reading a magazine and part of yesterday's newspaper.  I have never "done" the Great North Run, I used to enjoy running at school but never wanted to take it up again later.  A number of my work colleagues used to do it most years - some used to come in on the Monday following in considerable distress.


I think this evening will be more TV and reading.


None of the plants wanted watering today so they will have to wait until they dry out for their weekly feed.  Even the tomatoes haven't taken up as much water as usual.



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I've just had a most disturbing thought: what if Polybear's persona of being a down to earth, not-a-fussy-eater, an everybear kind of ursine is just a facade? A charade? A fabrication?


Perhaps he is promoting the products of big UPF companies as a way of making enough money to fund a sybaritic and self indulgent lifestyle. An expensive lifestyle.


Now that I think about it, maybe it was PB's indecipherable scrawl that I saw in the Diner's Ledger at the dining rooms of the prestigious Le club gastronomique exclusif de la société des ours gourmands  in Paris (membership fees starting at €100,000).


I know the above is just pure supposition, but don't you think it's curious that every time we have had a BT meeting at a Gastropub, @polybear always goes for the gourmet option – never pizza, never fries!

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7 hours ago, BSW01 said:

I’m on the final straight of the terrace house build, the frames of all 4 are built, just the chimneys, roofs doors and windows etc to finish, oh and the outside toilets! 

Later this afternoon, James, Sophie and Amelia are calling round, so I don’t think I’ll get all the work done

Buddy ‘ll, I wish my builder worker that fast!

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12 minutes ago, Winslow Boy said:

This is the Bear we're talking about isn't it?


Its something to do with the size of his headware...


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3 hours ago, The White Rabbit said:

Well, I spent some of the morning hurling small pieces of plastic at the spiders on the ceiling.

I found one running across the bedsheets just before I planned to retire for the evening. I found something to transport it outside but it apparently escaped between my bedroom and the front door - likely at the top of the stairs - where I thought I saw it on my way back, without being able to recapture it.


I'm seeing more house spiders. Even though it is still warm and dry outside they seem to know the seasons are changing and it is time to come inside.

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Our journey home was fine, I wonder if people were avoiding the motorway today. I decided we would just follow the sat nav (it has live traffic updates) and our normal route was clear, though it hadn’t been an hour earlier. Reports earlier suggest the traffic incident  involved a lorry and pedestrians, though there was also another one involving a car. The coincidental closure of the A12 junction this weekend can’t have helped. 

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I had one of those Facebook “on this day “ posts today. 
We found this place in 2019 as Matthew had told us about it. He had been there in 2013 . His photo and ours were very similar. 


He had helped some US tourists who had been anxious about using French and they took him out for a meal, his choice of  restaurant. He chose the one with rabbit (mainly rabbit) on the menu. We didn’t eat there though. 

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. A bit warm and muggy this evening though it's predicted to get colder by the end of the week, an expected low of 5C. by Friday morning as high pressure builds in. The joints have stopped aching from todays exertions which means I should get a good nights sleep tonight.

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... At the time of writing I’m cosy inside the caravan listening to the rain beating down. Elsewhere in the field there are a couple of people with car top tents. I wonder how they’re getting on. They’re more hardy folk than I am. ...



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6 hours ago, rockershovel said:

I have distant cousins in Oz - one of my grandfather's cousins emigrated (at the age of about 12) on some sort of Church-sponsored scheme.


My late father wanted to emigrate but couldn't get accepted because of his war injuries. He did arrive there but couldn't ultimately make it work, and returned. 


Its not for everyone and those who come here with unrealistic expectations (not referring to your late father, but rather many of those on youtube who post up excited "We re moving to Australia!" vlogs) can be quickly disappointed. House prices in the capital cities are some of the highest in the world, as a result rents are shooting upwards, and we have the same "Cost Of Living Crisis" as everywhere else.




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Good evening everyone 


More card building has taken place, although my first task was to print a sheet of roofing slates and a sheet of stone, suitable for window sills. I then started fitting the window sills and lintels, I was just about to add the window frames, when James, Sophie and Amelia turned up, at this point I packed up, but it’s almost done now. 


Yesterday I had an email from Bachmann Europe, informing me that their subsidiary companyEFE Rail are making an LSWR, Adams T3, locomotive, so I’ve got my name down on the I’m interested list!


I’ve just got off the phone from my monthly chat with my brother in Canada, as usual we didn’t discuss anything in particular, mainly what’s in the current news as well as my recent operation. But it’s always nice to catch up etc. 

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Goodnight everyone 

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1 hour ago, Coombe Barton said:

... At the time of writing I’m cosy inside the caravan listening to the rain beating down. Elsewhere in the field there are a couple of people with car top tents. I wonder how they’re getting on. They’re more hardy folk than I am. ...



 Canny sourdough is a baker based in Rothbury, one place he supplies is Tully's of Rothbury, a delicatessen.




I was in Aldersons, the ironmonger you took the photo of, last Wednesday buying things I can't find on the coast where I live.


Edlingham church is very worth a good look.  Next to it is of course the viaduct on the closed Alnwick to Coldstream line of the North Eastern Railway.

I think you will be able to find enough churches in Northumberland to keep you interested for a long time.  I've found Pevsner's book to be quite useful for information on the county's buildings, including the 70 (I think) castles.


The ship you saw is the Trinity House vessel Patricia.



The views on the road between Alnwick and Rothbury are very good in clear weather.  If you drive up the hill towards Alnwick from the turning for Edlingham church there is a parking space on the left near the top of the climb which gives good views to the Cheviot.



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8 hours ago, Hroth said:


Cake-splatter licker-upping?

Have you no shame???



Er, well since you ask.....




(I occasionally always received "Words of Advice" from a previous Polina when out to Lunch/Din Dins/Whatever when faced with an ikky stikky gooey plate after scoffin' some sticky cake/ice cream/whatever.  She'd say "DON'T YOU DARE...." as I gazed longingly at it; for some strange reason she considered a quick wipe(s) of the paw around the plate to be "poor form".  It was often followed with "IF YOU DO I'M GETTING UP AND WALKING OUT......."


Needless to say A Certain Bear became rather adept at distracting her so I never was actually caught...though the resulting evidence was plain to see.  I do recall hearing those immortal words "I MEAN IT....." on several occasions, however.....😁)



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