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Bear here.....


A quick unwrap of Bear's new Choo Choo took place earlier - manufactured by a certain company residing in a place called "Chirk"; it's mounted/screwed(?) onto a clear perspex base which is securely held in a nice, strong box -  the likes of H & B could learn a lot.  As for the Choo Choo itself, well it's a rather diddy little jobbie in a natty looking blue colour; the prototype was apparently constructed

by H-L.  Early thoughts are encouraging.....




Bear scored a rather natty (and normally expensive) pair of new jeans yesterday - from the Hospice Ebay Shop for a mere fifteen quid (Buy It Now Price) & new/unused and still with labels on; the correct size and they fit a treat too (I picked them up today whilst delivering there).  It seems they are a ton's worth new - so definitely a Big Tick.  We actually get a fair few clothes donated that have never been worn and still have labels on - which is ideal, especially if they are of a good/known make.

I also spied a thick card filing "thingy" in the bin (one of those jobbies that's useful for stacking magazines vertically).  Tick.  The other find was one of those suction "clamp on" handles that's useful in bathrooms on tiled walls to provide an extra paw-hold in showers etc.; for some reason it was in the bin so I rescued it and fitted it earlier - it certainly provides a very firm paw hold indeed.  I'd actually been thinking of fitting a chrome handle to the wall a few days ago so the timing was perfect - it'll save me having to buy & fit one, with no risk of drilling the tiles either.  I'll add that to my mental "donation list" and make a suitable donation for that plus other useful little bitties I've accumulated during my travels (that actually works rather well cos' they get an extra 25% for Gift Aid at the same time).


And Finally...


A message via the 'Bay from someone asking questions about Harry....I'll not get my hopes up just yet.....

The existing Ad. expires on Saturday evening - there's very high chance that I'll not renew the Ad. for another month; it's had over 1400 views so far - there's a Dealer who's interested and has left an offer "on the table", he apparently wants it for himself but I get the feeling he's "scratching an itch" and at some point will do what Dealers do and aim to sell it on at a profit.  The big catch is it's somewhat lower than Bear would like - but as the original (reasonable) offer never materialised and several others have been from dreamers/chancers/Tw@ts then options are limited;  I really don't like the idea of putting it back into storage again (but will if I have to - I'll not have the p1ss taken) so I might have to lower my expectations a little.  We'll see.


Right, Bear hears the little wooden hill calling.....




edit:  Getting a lot of "This Community is Temporarily Unavailable" Messages being displayed - but only on ER'ers....

I've started copying messages I've typed before submitting them, just in case......

Edited by polybear
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4 hours ago, BoD said:

Evening all.


I'm not up to date with ERs , so hope all is well.


At the moment I have other pleasant things on my mind. Earlier today, just before the tasting.



By gum young man that's one hell of a hearing trumpet.

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2 hours ago, Hroth said:


A fine example of "The Art Of Living Dangerously" !

Do you prefer flowers or a donation to the RNLI?


I'd keep quiet if I were you, you didn't get a mention. Come to think about it neither did I. Oh Bear......

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  • RMweb Premium

Goodnight everyone 

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Evening rounds completed and cats and hedgehogs fed.  The latter, female is becoming bolder and unlike the others does not run away but she does still move into a corner for some perceived protection.    Slowly, slowly catchee @monkeysarefun.

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The companies I worked for did pension plans.  When I started (1969) we had a lot of pensioners who had been born in the previous century, so our programs had to take that into account.  I don't remember if we ever reached someone over 100 years old.  Other Y2K problems were handled by slightly more technical IT types.

Went to Stratford today to see a play London Assurance.  No actuaries or insurance salesmen in it at all.


Politicians lies:  How do we count them?  If a lie is repeated at successive events, is that one or many?  If it is repeated but some detail or number changes, is that a different lie?


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8 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:

Photographing the roof beam was difficult because it was encased in glass and the reflections played havoc. 

John, do you have a polarizing filter? I swear by mine - I rarely take it off for landscapes, though it does darken things, but can help with reflections - not perfectly of course.

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Just received this email from my insurer:



Hi Michael,

Thank you for choosing <insurer> to help protect what matters most. Your experience with <insurer> is important to us. It's why we want to make sure you understand what happens if you pay your bill late.

  • If your payment is two days past the due date indicated on your bill, a late fee will be applied to your account.
  • We know mistakes happen. As a one-time courtesy, we will automatically waive your first late fee after 10/14/2024. However, future late fees will not be waived.
  • If the minimum amount due is not paid, a notice of cancellation may follow.
  • Log in to <insurer>/payment anytime to pay your bill, enroll in auto pay, and more.

Your on-time payment helps us continue to offer the right protection at the right price. Thank you again for choosing <insurer>.

(My emphasis - that part is the first thing that caught my eye.)  I was tempted to substitute "Piranha Brothers" for <insurer>.


I paid my last bill in May. I don't expect another until October (homeowners') and have not received any communication from <insurer> regarding a bill. After spinning back down, this feels like some sort of shot across the bows - two months before a policy renews and at least a month before they even send me a bill.


I'm not (and won't be) signing up for autopay.


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4 hours ago, Andy Hayter said:

Evening rounds completed and cats and hedgehogs fed.  The latter, female is becoming bolder and unlike the others does not run away but she does still move into a corner for some perceived protection.    Slowly, slowly catchee @monkeysarefun.


It's a good thing that Harriet the Hedgehog is wary - too many people just can't be trusted, with some being downright thoroughly evil 'sterds.


48 minutes ago, Ozexpatriate said:

John, do you have a polarizing filter? I swear by mine - I rarely take it off for landscapes, though it does darken things, but can help with reflections - not perfectly of course.


They also do a pretty good job of protecting expensive camera lenses from being scratched as well.



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1 minute ago, polybear said:

They also do a pretty good job of protecting expensive camera lenses from being scratched as well.

So do traditional IR filters and they are much cheaper than polarized ones.

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11 hours ago, Tony_S said:

One of the things being considered for MiL after her last collapse and visit to A&E is a pacemaker. I wondered how this was possible for a 96 year old but the reported cases seem very positive. Mainly from reliable sources in the  US.

That’s if the NHS will actually do the procedure. There is definitely some serious ageist discrimination going on in the NHS.

One of my colleagues, a former professor of surgery, former NHS consultant and now a semi-retired pharmaceutical physician consultant, told me that late last year she had to go into hospital for a routine procedure; however, she is over 70.

She was being seen in a teaching hospital, and after being examined by the consultant and a gaggle of junior doctors and medical students, the curtains around her bed were closed and the consultant audibly conferred with his retinue and asked, quite plainly, whether it was worthwhile to do that procedure in someone “so old” (and this is despite them knowing that my colleague is a retired surgeon, professor of medicine and consultant). My acquaintance,  very audibly and very loudly said:







My colleague then told me that a very red faced consultant drew back the curtains and apologised fulsomely (and she did get her operation). But this does illustrate a worrying mindset that seems to be not uncommon in the NHS currently: not to operate in “old” people. But as is the case with all things NHS these days, it’s a postcode lottery and a lot depends on where you are.


Medically there is no reason why an older person cannot undergo surgery; but a few things do have to be in place:

  • Your physical condition should be good enough for you to undergo surgery and anaesthesia.
  • The surgery will bring significant benefits to you in terms of quality of life and pain free existence (most of the time this is a “no-brainer“)
  • You are assessed as able to effectively go through post-op rehab and recovery.
As much as this is true in “younger” people, it is especially true in the older patient: the sooner you intervene and take medical action, the better the outcomes, the less the disability, and the better the post intervention quality of life of the person being treated.
And it also makes sense financially: spend ££ now and return the patient as far as it’s possible to a healthy state; or put off treatment until it can’t be avoided, then spend.££££££ with no guarantee of an acceptable outcome.
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Mum is 92 and she does have a heart problem but they say its too risky to do the operation due to her frailty these days. When it wasp ut to Mum a couple of years ago she didn't want to go through with it in any case. It was after a fall that she went into hopsital and the doctors there told me that they said it was too risky to do the op. After Mums more recnt fall and stay in hsopital she is back to being a full on chatterbox and looking after herself. The carer visting once a day  has nothing to do when they get there but at least someone is there every day especially when we are not around.




Booked our rail tickets to Exeter in a future trip away. Nationalrail website came up with a good price via Salisbury (had to put in Exeter Central for it to give me that fare) so when I clicked on the link to buy the tickets it took me to South West Train website who wouldnt sell me a ticket via that route but only via Reading at over twice the price. Went on the LNER app and they would sell me the ticket but at £4 each more than National Rail was showing. This often happens but mainly when trying to book GWR trians on GWR website. All bizarre but emailing the various parties gets a carp reply so I just dont bother any more and find my own way around it.


Today is meet up for lunch with an ex school friend who we see occasionaly at shows as he has an interest in model railways.

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10 hours ago, polybear said:

Definitely a donation - but to CRUK; I always think "what a waste" when I see how much must've been spent** on Flowers


(**Especially when it's some sort of significant tragedy of the type that seems to appear on news reports all too often now, sadly;  just think what good could be done with that money - instead sending a sympathy card etc.)

You are talking about people's grief here which is not necessarily translatable into money.

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2 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

John, do you have a polarizing filter? I swear by mine - I rarely take it off for landscapes, though it does darken things, but can help with reflections - not perfectly of course.

Dark was quite a problem

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1 hour ago, polybear said:

They also do a pretty good job of protecting expensive camera lenses from being scratched as well.


UV filters perform the same function without the alignment problems as polarisers

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I seem to have given up using a dedicated camera for photography now and just use my phone camera. It does make lens suggestions though, usually to clean the lens. 

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4 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

I seem to have given up using a dedicated camera for photography now and just use my phone camera. It does make lens suggestions though, usually to clean the lens. 


Those nano-imps are always whinging about something or other nowadays!


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Ey up!


Today involves actrip to Harrogate to umpire an Over 60s cricket match between the Yorkshire Ridings and a visiting team from Western Australia.. teas are provided.. and a bbq will be available after the match. Hopefully we will all enjoy the game.


Time to get ready for the rest of thecday. Stay safe!




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41 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

I seem to have given up using a dedicated camera for photography now and just use my phone camera. It does make lens suggestions though, usually to clean the lens. 


Computational photography has allowed camera phones to be ridiculously powerful and with almost infallible exposure. I do find a noticeable difference between performance at longer focal lengths where the limitations of smartphone lenses become apparent but the results are still usable.


I use the 10x lens (230mm equivalent in 35mm film) for things like airliners and ships all the time, I do notice the lower resolving power but equally the results are good enough for me and way better than the alternative if I don't have my camera.


When using the 0.6x, 1x and 3x lenses I really struggle to notice a difference between my phone and my mirrorless unless really looking for differences.


It's a bit like audio gear, if different audio gear has no impact on musical enjoyment, it requires concentration to identify differences by actually listening for artifacts and the thought of getting it right in a double blind test causes a panic attack then there's no meaningful difference in audio performance regardless of being able to measure differences.

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Mooring Awl,

Another poor night due to heat, 3 hours sleep long awake, 2 hours sleep, no more dozing.

25C in the living room at 07:00 ISH windows open.


We had one non Y2K compliant computer (actually it's programme ) in my old lab, it was so old it ran DOS, but no one would pay for a new computer and write the new programme. So it sat in a corner, not allowed to be on the intranet,  running it's little programme and I transferred the results to a modern computer via a USB to be processed.


Oh good I can feel and hear a breeze has sprung up...


Getting a sour mouth regularly, not had this since I started Metformin, so the new pills must be lowering my sugar content.


Plans for today.

Take spade visit the this side ditch that has the pipe blocked under the road. See if I can clear it's entrance and rod the pipe out.


Then, that bridge, it appears the parallel bits running across it are very unusual in the way they are deployed, much muddling required.


Time to go digging.







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