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It still saddens me that the Viz Mighty Disciplinarian wasn't issued to all schools and businesses, a colossal missed opportunity. 

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Looks as if its going to be another scorcher today, 28C forecast for today. Staying in because of the hay fever though there's little on the TV except for the limp wicks which I will definitely not be watching. Fortunately I have plenty to read with regard to things that run on parallel strips of metal.

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11 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Such injuries usually resolve themselves within 4 to 6 weeks with treatment and in about a month to a month and a half without.


11 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:


Is it just me, or......🤔

There are some injuries where medical intervention doesn’t actually speed up the healing process (muscle contusion for example) but simply makes the patient comfortable and - in some instances - prevents worsening of the injury.


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  • RMweb Gold
Posted (edited)

A fine bright and sunny (fairly) morning and pleasantly warm, it may reach 24°C by teatime.  I think I will be indoors of much of the day, I am already sneezing having beenoutside to pick some sweet peas.  My share of the houseowrk is done, Amanda should come shortly to do the rest.


I will attempt to tidy some bookshelves and may plant grass on the model railway, or I might just do not much at all, I have no "get and go" today, it went somewhere.


I should also tidy up and file the bank paperwork I received and sort of read last week.


I missed the Grand Prix yesterday afternoon as I fell asleep so I caught up on it after tea.



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  • RMweb Premium
29 minutes ago, DaveF said:

I missed the Grand Prix yesterday afternoon as I fell asleep so I caught up on it after tea.




It seems that A Certain Team would do well to invest in some decent scales (four, to be precise) - I imagine someone has had a new one torn into them.....

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  • RMweb Gold
Posted (edited)



1 hour ago, PhilJ W said:

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Looks as if its going to be another scorcher today, 28C forecast for today. Staying in because of the hay fever though there's little on the TV except for the limp wicks which I will definitely not be watching. Fortunately I have plenty to read with regard to things that run on parallel strips of metal.


There's a huge amount of interesting material on YouTube and I've recently discovered FreeVee which has got some good stuff (not exclusively though!).   FreeVee is an Amazon thing and we get it via a Firestick although presumably you could stream it via a PC too with an Amazon account.


12 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

Not been to NRM for about five years now but intending to go with a neighbor who I’ve just found out is also interested in things that run on parallel strips of metal.


Do let us know your thoughts once you've been.  I haven't been for Donkey's years but from what has been said on here/TNM over the months I'm not optimistic.     We really must get back up to Yorkshire sometime soon.




An early morning walk walked.   About 2.5 miles, not a huge distance of course but I need to ease myself back into everyday walking and then build up the distance a bit.


A low energy input, MIUAYGA in the shade sort of day from now on I fancy.





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9 minutes ago, PupCam said:

Do let us know your thoughts once you've been.  I haven't been for Donkey's years but from what has been said on here/TNM over the months I'm not optimistic.     We really must get back up to Yorkshire sometime soon.

We had 10 days in Yorkshire last November and didn’t visit the railway museum. We did ride the monorail at Jorvik though. We also had a journey from Settle to Appleby and another day travelling on the KWVR. I think the last time I visited the NRM was in 1988. 

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  • RMweb Premium
24 minutes ago, PupCam said:

There's a huge amount of interesting material on YouTube and I've recently discovered FreeVee which has got some good stuff (not exclusively though!).   FreeVee is an Amazon thing and we get it via a Firestick although presumably you could stream it via a PC too with an Amazon account.



There is indeed some excellent stuff on YouTube, the great thing about YT is it has allowed all sorts of people to create stuff and serve all sorts of niche interests ignored by broadcast media. Name an interest and someone somewhere will have a YT channel, and some of them are extremely well done. Of course there's a lot of garbage too, but that's true of broadcast media as well. I watch YT a lot and really don't miss broadcast TV.

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Yesterday we enjoyed lunch at the Logan Rock Inn, a venue we had noted for some time as having potential for such a visit.  Welcome and service were exemplary; food was served in a commendably short time and was quite OK but certainly not outstanding.  Will we go back?  Probably.  


That was followed by the trip up-country to catch up with friends one of whom fronts a local band among other talents.  A very enjoyable afternoon sitting beneath large pub umbrellas in the garden as the band performed and a dozen of us nattered and drank.  Orange juice and lemonade in my case as a designated driver.  


The phone doesn't record sound as well as it might.  Justice has not been done to Beckie's vocals.  She could out-sing, out-growl and blow-away some of the professionals.  



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  • RMweb Gold
4 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

Today is French class then do not a lot day as a Caniculevor or heatwave has been declared. 38°expected this afternoon.  



To avoid the heat forecast today, I was cutting next doors lawn at 08.30 but it took till gone 10 before I finshed as her friends arrived lastnight from Spain to avoid the heatwave there so ended tlaking with him for quite some time. Hes from Middlesborough  and said the town hads gone downhill which is what we thought when we visted the place on Saturday with a lot of closed down shops. It has a big knife crime problem but then so does nearby (to us) Croydon.


We also visited Saltburn and Redcar that are both very pleasant. Even ended buying a loco from the model shop in Redcar at a good price and very friendly people in there so much so that it delayed my first beer of the day!

Hartlepool was Ok with camerons brewery and adjacent taproom the highlight. However we were impressed with Sunderland after staying there two nights as in the past we have only made brief visits. Two traditional breakfasts and two teas for just over £8 in the Spoons nearest the station was good value considering Premier Inn charge around £13 each these days.



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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, PupCam said:

There's a huge amount of interesting material on YouTube and I've recently discovered FreeVee which has got some good stuff (not exclusively though!).   FreeVee is an Amazon thing and we get it via a Firestick although presumably you could stream it via a PC too with an Amazon account.

I don't do anything with Amazon due to their employment practices and tax dodging. I do use YT a lot, as has been said there's a lot of interesting stuff on there. I did switch the TV on this morning and watched one of the National Geographic channels on wrecks in the Black Sea.

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1 hour ago, roundhouse said:

Two traditional breakfasts and two teas for just over £8 in the Spoons nearest the station was good value considering Premier Inn charge around £13 each these days.


Meanwhile, @iL Dottore chokes on his Artisinal Cheese Sarnie & side salad.  Organic side salad....

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Fancy a nice, quiet day at Dovedale?




Not another one:




Bear here.....


Both choo choo's (ok, one's a chug chug) inspected and tested; the chug chug in particular is a rather nice piece of work indeed - I suspect it could pull the side of a house down.  A Happy Bear.

As for brass wrangling...well I went for a Hilly Wander instead.  Oops.  By the time I got to the top of the long hill I realised that it's warm it is out there.


Now?  Well there's a few Roses in the back garden that need dead-heading.  Bear can do that....



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Of all things today, it is raining, which is very infrequent at this time of year. We're not expecting a lot of rain.  The forecast is to be back up to 35°C on Friday, but it is delightful to see some rain this morning.

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Nice and warm here up on the Fold in the Hill.


Shame I have to be working. Even my intended lunchtime walk had barely got as far as Foots Cray Meadows before I had a phone call and had to turn home to deal with it. 


It's even harder because the rest of the house is on school hols and so had a lie in, followed by a leisurely breakfast!


I see we have managed to win some golds in the Olympics. Although not as many as the Australians as I am sure @monkeysarefun will delight in pointing out!

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  • RMweb Gold
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The house has been cleaned, some odd jobs done.  I went out and bought a new electric toothbrush in the local Boots as they were at 50%, slightly better than elsewhere.  It was disconcerting to look at the price label in the shop and see it gave the full price, but the discount was applied at the till.  The staff hadn't noticed the price displayed was wrong.....


It has become hot and humid so I slowed down after lunch and finished sorting out current and recent financial documents and filed them in the right places.  I will do a few things outside after tea, including the plant watering when it might be a little cooler.


I notice announcements have been made in Parliament this afternoon, pensioners not on other benefits will no longer receive a winter fuel allowance.   This is a purely factual statement, I am making no comment.



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Posted (edited)

Evening Awl, 

Generally a good day was had,

Buoys put out ok, no rescues required.


First race, good start in light winds, course 2p, Xp, 2p.

Held onto opposition for the first lap, second run they got away.. last on the water, 3rd on handicap.


Race 2, same course, a different bunch of competitors, as it's bermudans in one fleet, gaffers in another.

Bm did very well the others in the fleet were, at least 10% faster on handicap, made a reasonable start, mid big fleet. Reached buoy two with the back half of the fleet, stayed with them till X, then a wind change and they were away. Reckon BM finished mid fleet.


Race 3, more wind course 3X3 all to port.

Made a very good start BM was the only boat hitting the line at the right time. Reached bouy 3 in first place, soon after one boat 7% faster went past, just before X another went past, wasn't to far behind that boat at X, and was catching up a bit and then.....

On they way. Back from 3...

Creeping the bank, caught a gust...  Heeled over...

And found a tree...

By the time BM was extracted the entire fleet were long gone..


Edited by TheQ
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Weekend was enjoyable though not exactly full of reporting points!

Friday evening, quiet with some comestible shopping.


Saturday a day to stay inside with high temperatures and moderate-to-poor air quality.

Evening we had dinner with friends and watched "Purple Rain".  None of us had seen it, and it's the 40th anniversary of the film, shot/based in Minneapolis...

Though none of us are true/huge Prince fans, the movie gives a greater appreciation of the title song.


Sunday, quiet again, and some sorting of "items" trying to get motivation going to clear the basement space and get the parallel bit of metal going again.


Today, Mrs out and about with great-niece then later Jemma is coming over so she and the Mrs can attack Costco, followed by dinner here.


Weather as noted above over the weekend was generally hotter and poorer air quality than enjoyed by us. in the low to mid 30s for highs.

Today started out at 19c expecting rain later but still seeing a high of 32c and a momentary respite from poor air quality.


Catty on.

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