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  • RMweb Premium
57 minutes ago, Hroth said:

I've found that if its stalling, cancel the request and go and look in another thread. Then return to ER and it'll proceed as planned.

Of course, this isn't an option when posting a reply!

Also if you open RMweb in another tab it seems to give it a kick up the backside. I have found ER's to be no worse than other threads for stalling and some threads are worse particularly those carrying a lot of photographs. Posting a link instead of a photograph might go a long way to alleviate the problem as would not leaving blank lines between paragraphs.  

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35 minutes ago, The White Rabbit said:

These days if I'm replying or posting, I usually copy my ramblings onto the clipboard in case of IT wobbles and that is some insurance against losing a post. 


I've tried the usual fixes and usually clear cookies and caches regularly anyway but that seems to have no relation to the problems I've experienced. As per my last post, it's not a massive or constant or even frequent issue, just now and then, sometimes when someone else is posting but often when there's no-one else. What puzzles me is when there is an issue with rating posts, at least half the time, it's usually the same people's posts and there's a considerable delay. So I could for example rate one of Bear's posts, scroll down, read and click on one of Rick's - no immediate error message, scroll down and read one from Brian (BSW), click on that, ditto one from Hroth and be halfway through reading Dave's when an error message pops up for Rick's post. And that is the only error message I get but Hroth's post didn't get a rating left either. Yet the one I gave Brian registered. I don't understand. It's not the end of the world but it does seem rather peculiar some register and some don't during the same few seconds/minutes time period of [IT problems]. 


If you have a problem rating posts just reload the page and it's problem solved.

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  • RMweb Premium
Posted (edited)

One observation regarding the problems many encounter on ER'ers:


It always (or at least for the vast majority of the time) appears to be on ER'ers - with very few/no other threads affected.  At least that's my observation.




Muddlin' "ongoing"....



Edited by polybear
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Sun was shining this morning but now  its turned grey and threatening to rain. @Gwiwer mentioned getting a dash cam, I thoroughly recommend getting one. I was caught out by a cash for crash scam in January when my car was written off. It's replacement was fitted  with a dash cam ASAP. I've been told that even if it isn't working it will discourage aggressive drivers and scammers. Motor factors such as Halfords will sometimes fit them for free (if you purchase them from them).

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  • RMweb Premium
6 minutes ago, polybear said:

One observation regarding the problems many encounter on ER'ers:

It always (or at least for the vast majority of the time) appears to be on ER'ers - with very few/no other threads affected.  At least that's my observation.

I have experienced more problems on 'The night mail' than on ER's and quite a few others.

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  • RMweb Premium

I've found that quite often ER just sits there greyed out if I post something, that doesn't happen elsewhere on rmweb.

Also coming onto ER it just sits there ignoring all attempts to access.


Now I shall type what I typed before for ER mk2, but when I attempted to post it the thread had been blocked  and the typing was lost...



Afternoon Awl, 

Has the landrover got an invisibility cloak?

It certainly seems so..


On the way to the SC ,

a BMW pulled out on a single track road with the driver looking in my direction, much heavy braking required...


On the way back from the SC, 

A Volvo decided to turn onto my side of the road and reverse into his drive,  the driver was facing the landrover before he started!!! More heavy braking..

Then a Mercedes AMG decided to pull onto a 1.5 car wide road into my direction, swinging it's bow right across my 3/4 of the road. Yet more heavy braking

Then a few hundred yards later, a hoard of ancient cyclists decided to do a lemming job at a Y junction , it was the priority for traffic going up the Y to take the right hand fork, they came out of the left, 4 wide and half a dozen deep. The first row would have cleared but the rest certainly wouldn't without more braking...

At all these incidents the landrover was doing 30 mph or less.


Boat work,

Rowing across towing BM was darned hard work, a very strong tide kept pushing BM sideways.


All bolts and screws removed from one window, except for a couple of retainers. An assessment was made of the window and various bits and gue, have been ordered.


Another berth, had it's ply tops removed and IKEA bed slats put in place.

Two mattresses brought home for cover replacement, unfortunately on removing the covers it was found one layer of foam was disintegrating, the other layer was good except for dirt and oil, they had been under water when the boat sank.

The good layers  are in swmbo's sheep washing box, with plenty of detergent and bricks to hold them down.


An ants nest was found on board, plenty of white powder has been sprayed onto it, next time it will be cleared into a bin bag.  The nest appears to be made of fragments of wood


Now to research the purchase of replacement foam.















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  • RMweb Gold
12 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

As @Hroth mentioned earlier what is a system?


Absolutely anything and everything can be considered a system and failure to take full account of the environment in which any system (large or small)  operates and the interfaces to it will lead to unexpected and likely undesirable consequences.  In essence, it's the consequences for and of the wider picture.      If that's not enough, also watch out for the system's emergent properties; i.e. those properties that aren't directly attributable to specific system components or their designed interactions.   I'll provide a serious but in this context slightly humorous and exaggerated example which has got nothing to do with electronics, software, caches or cookies ....


Some bright spark at a local council Waste Management Department attempts to save some money (no doubt in search of Brownie points and maybe even promotion) at the local Tidy Tip "System" by limiting access to it by users to one car boot-full per month per user and at the same time introduces a rule that only red vehicles* will be admitted.   If they really wanted to go overboard they could also introduce an appointment system too.


A most likely emergent property of such changes to the "system" would be increased fly-tipping because there's a percentage of the population that just will ........ 


Clearly that was not the intention of the bright spark but the wider picture consequence for the council would be more work (hence cost) for the fly-tipping clear-up team.  And what would the net benefit of the changes  be?


*  A ridiculous rule?    Maybe, let's substitute  saloon cars (to stop vans) instead then and see how the estate car owners get on.


  Puppers - an ex-missile systems engineer, a field where unexpected & undesirable emergent properties  may not end well.



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  • RMweb Gold
Posted (edited)



A current "new" feature for Puppers when posting is that it not only took 45 seconds or so to post my previous post but an emergent property is that the thread was greyed out and had to be re-loaded.

We'll see how this one fares.



Edited by PupCam
EDIT - It worked OK
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  • RMweb Premium

' morning all from red dragon land.

Out this morning with a friend, so with the pinecone pundits promoting a 2pm downpour - thinking, oh yeah, probably before I get home - I decided to leave the washing to be aired, in the porch - with the sun shining into it, it gets quite warm.  Home before 2pm. Rain holds off 'til past 3pm. Sheets now airing on the radiator on the landing! <<That's the way it goes!>>


Lunch with friend went well, with chat including how things are different these days compared with our younger days - peoples attitude and behaviour, mostly; but also since Covid - ways it has affected several things but also ways in which we accommodated it ourselves - like time for my TOTF🎶.


Best get on and DO something! 


Take care. Be good. Take advantage of the situation.


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I wonder of the problems experienced by other users are down to browser or operating system type? I use a MacBook Pro with Safari without many of the issues that others seem to be experiencing

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  • RMweb Gold
8 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

I wonder of the problems experienced by other users are down to browser or operating system type? I use a MacBook Pro with Safari without many of the issues that others seem to be experiencing


Maybe.   I should imagine that the myriad combinations of hardware, operating system, browser, anti-virus S/W, anti-malware S/W etc etc all have their part to play.




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  • RMweb Premium
53 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

If you have a problem rating posts just reload the page and it's problem solved.


Ah, if only! Unfortunately that doesn't work for me. I think you (or another ER) suggested this when the problems first started, I tried a few times, either 'refresh' via the option on the toolbar or clicking out to another part of RMW then back to ERs, direct or via Wheeltappers ... nope. Refreshing usually causes the site to crash (unavailable message received) and clicking out then back usually ends up with the page not loading or taking forever to and then I still can't rate. Thanks for the thought though. 


42 minutes ago, polybear said:

One observation regarding the problems many encounter on ER'ers:


It always (or at least for the vast majority of the time) appears to be on ER'ers - with very few/no other threads affected.  At least that's my observation. ...


Same here. And I follow the 'Little Muddle' modelling thread - for those who haven't seen it, heartily recommended, even if it would send some folk into apoplexy due to the colour of the engines - a very popular thread with lots of pictures of some superb muddlin'. I hardly ever have any issues with that thread loading or rating. 


33 minutes ago, TheQ said:

I've found that quite often ER just sits there greyed out if I post something, that doesn't happen elsewhere on rmweb.

Also coming onto ER it just sits there ignoring all attempts to access. .... 


Again, same here. Perhaps 'sometimes' rather than 'quite often' but otherwise, snap. 


4 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

I wonder of the problems experienced by other users are down to browser or operating system type? I use a MacBook Pro with Safari without many of the issues that others seem to be experiencing


I'm currently using Chrome (though have used others as an experiment). It's a newish [desktop] computer so I'm on Windows 11. Though the issues did start when I had the old machine, so I think it was Chrome or Explorer and (Windows 7?) for that one. 


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  • RMweb Premium

I mostly use an android tablet, but similar things happen on a windows 10 pc and edge.


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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, polybear said:

It always (or at least for the vast majority of the time) appears to be on ER'ers - with very few/no other threads affected.  At least that's my observation.


Not for me, M'Bear.  It can happen at random on any thread, any time.  Photos take longer to upload, but that's interweb speed related probably, but the dreaded wait with greyed-out previous page happens at random, even on sparsely visited pages. Win 10/HP Lappy/Edge OR Chrome. I try both.

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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, PhilJ W said:

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Sun was shining this morning but now  its turned grey and threatening to rain. @Gwiwer mentioned getting a dash cam, I thoroughly recommend getting one. I was caught out by a cash for crash scam in January when my car was written off. It's replacement was fitted  with a dash cam ASAP. I've been told that even if it isn't working it will discourage aggressive drivers and scammers. Motor factors such as Halfords will sometimes fit them for free (if you purchase them from them).


Agreed - Bear's recent escapades with a certain H&R Tw@t would've resulted in Bear's Insurance Company taking the hit for well over £3K's worth of repairs plus other costs; now whilst I've got NCB protection it still would've resulted in a hit on me come renewal time (and may well still - the way those robbin' B'stewards work).

But thanks to those cameras I didn't pay any excess nor was my NCB score affected (or taken a step towards being affected); instead I can smile knowing that Tw@tface will pick up the tab for it and with any luck get 6+ points on his Licence as well.  I call that a Huge Tick.


14 minutes ago, PupCam said:


Maybe.   I should imagine that the myriad combinations of hardware, operating system, browser, anti-virus S/W, anti-malware S/W etc etc all have their part to play.


But wouldn't (shouldn't?) such reasons affect the site as a whole and not (it seems for many - but not all apparently) be limited to (predominantly) ER?

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  • RMweb Gold
4 hours ago, Hroth said:



This afternoon, I venture out to have my head eyes examined.


I'll do some shopping too.



Eyes MOT'd, all good!


(Not even any advisories!)


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  • RMweb Gold
6 minutes ago, polybear said:

But wouldn't (shouldn't?) such reasons affect the site as a whole and not (it seems for many - but not all apparently) be limited to (predominantly) ER?


More than likely but I know little of how (or if) the full 13000+ pages of ER are served whenever a page is loaded.    


If all of the pages are loaded or at least have to be traversed each time the thread is accessed the anecdotal evidence that many of us offer would tend to suggest that this may have a bearing on the performance.  However if only the current (or specified page) is accessed and loaded at a time then presumably they would all take on average approximately the same time to load whether there was 1 page or 13000 pages.    I really don't know how it works, perhaps someone can enlighten us out of interest?   


The one good thing of course is the Forum isn't hosted on a BBC Model B with the data stored on cassette tape ......



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A pleasant day has been had, at least so far.  The first part of the morning was occupied moving books around, all except the ones actually being read/used are now on shelves with no random heaps elsewhere which is a big tick.  Now I just have to make sure I don't buy any more for a while.


Amanda came and did her usual thorough job of cleaning for me, meanwhile I got some washing done which has now dried.  


I spent a while "playing" with the PC and got some photos sorted out then after lunch decided to go to Cramlington, a town close by to have a look in two shops and call at my bank - it is the closest branch.  I went into the bank, I was the only customer so was seen straight away.  I now just about understand how they are changing my  (and many other peoples') credit card.  At present I can see a bit of my new account number online, in a few days it will all appear in full.  In due course I will receive a new card, until then I can continue to use the current card even though the number will be different.  Once I get the new card and activate it I will to have change any saved payees (there are only a couple of trusted ones on the web).  I had a look in the shops but didn't buy anything.


I also asked why my accounts with them do not show up in my credit score report, they have no idea and suggest contacting the credit report firm again.  Fortunately it doesn't affect my credit rating as I have an acount elsewhere which is in credit.


Back home I noticed an odd e mail from English Heritage which had a header and nothing in the e mail except a link to unsubscribe.  By using both a phone call and online chat I have found that the sender's address is one of theirs and it seems that somehow some test e mails have been sent out in error.  The man on the phone was very concerned when I gave him the e mail address which he had to admit was real as first he thought I was talking about a spam address using something a bit like theirs.  


I've just fed the plants in the greenhouse and tubs, the water in the greenhouse has now subsided.


Today has been almost all sunshine with some cloud in the west now and it has been around 19° in the back garden, very pleasant.  The forecast here on the coast for tomorrow is dry until tea time when there may be some showers, I am just outside the northern rain warning area.



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  • RMweb Premium
3 hours ago, Barry O said:

Very rarely have a problem.. try clearing your cache and checking out your local Internet. Very rarely do I have a problem.. mainly its when others are trying to post..



Not the local cache.  The local internet varies as it does everywhere but we are cable to the property and get very good speeds for almost all other services.  I also don't get issues elsewhere on RMW.

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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, PhilJ W said:

@Gwiwer mentioned getting a dash cam, I thoroughly recommend getting one. ..... Motor factors such as Halfords will sometimes fit them for free (if you purchase them from them).

I already have it.  I have to get booked into the local workshop for it to be fitted.  Halfords is 9 miles away and don't fit for free here.  I also cannot really tie the car up all day at that distance whereas if it's done locally they can offer me a courtesy car if I need it.  

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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, Coombe Barton said:

I wonder of the problems experienced by other users are down to browser or operating system type? I use a MacBook Pro with Safari without many of the issues that others seem to be experiencing

Mac desktop and iPhone in use here.  Browsing with the latest Safari / iOS and the problems persist.  Two posts up (my reply to Baz) took over a minute to load; the post immediately above went straight up.  Clicking the link in my TRN email produced a hang of over a minute before a time-out when replying to the tag from PhilJ W

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  • RMweb Premium

looks like there is an overall system interface problem.. as in different people have different experiences.. 


I  only have the odd problem which is generally due to more that one persons trying to past at the same time...  compered to versions of the RMWeb system in the past (remember the last one??) this one seems more stable.


I am in norush so don't demand completely instant updates.. ( just try using BT if you want to really get worked up by slow /poor performance ).


ION next door is burning something horrible.. now reported to Leeds City Council as it 

a) stinks

b) is affecting my breathing

c) causing my eyes to be watery and painful.



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