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  • RMweb Premium

My bird book tells me there are also Penduline Tits.  But in Yoorp not on these shores. 

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Morning All,

Still having trouble with the technology.

As soon as the Red team take power the mobile phone system around here starts acting up, hopefully it’s not a sign of things to come!

Also can’t seem to paste internet links on here. Copy an address and it won’t paste into the post, any ideas out there?

On a more positive note a trip to the recycling cente/dumpit site was quite successful, three 30 year old cupboard/drawer carcasses which have been in store for 10 years in the garage have been disposed of. BIG TICK. Now what to do with a carpet that’s been rolled up and in storage for 20 years.

Not sure what’s on the agenda for today, there’s a classic car show a couple of miles away from mils and the F1 LIVE  on Channel 4 this afternoon. Feeling a bit like @polybear, CBA so may not do neither but as we’ve had Syd for a sleepover we’ll be going out for a wonder.


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23 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

My bird book tells me there are also Penduline Tits.  But in Yoorp not on these shores. 

For some obscure reason my brain decided to read the first name of those birds as pendulous….

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and many happy returns to Phil. 


A better than forecast day at the moment weatherwise, as well as some birdsong I can hear the mating call of the lesser spotted lawn mower a garden or two away. As well as the various types already mentioned, there are also bearded tits - an easy subject of jokes for some of our more hirsute individuals. Time for a little G word stuff before the rain arrives! 

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  • RMweb Premium
11 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:


Finally a lack of independents is definitely no guarantee of stability and sensible government, may I present as evidence   Marjorie Taylor Greene...... Matt Gaetz....... Ted  Cruz........  who are in effect at best a crazy sub-branch of the republicans but act as though they are the Monster Raving Loony Party.     I know I'd much prefer OUR independent  oddballs!


 You missed Lauren Boebert , search the name with tag ' beetlejuice ' .

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone 


Firstly I’d like to wish @PhilJ W a happy birthday 


Along with the already named birds, blue tit, coal tit, great tit, there is also a long tailed tit, a bearded tit, a marsh tit and a willow tit. We regularly see the first 4 in our garden. 

Back to today, this morning will be spent doing some unspecified pottering (Chrisf) before we set off to meet up with James, Amelia and James’s new girlfriend Sophie for dinner. It’s at a restaurant we haven’t been in before, so this should be interesting. Apart from that there’s nothing else to report. 

Back later. 


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  • RMweb Premium

All this talk of small birds reminds me of a one liner from some time ago:


My wife's great tits are all over my fat balls.


referring of course to the feeding station in  the garden.

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Happy Birthday to Phil W.


Yesterday's Italian meal went well.  My main was "Tuscan Sausages, Three Italian style pork, fennel and chilli sausages grilled and served on a bed of slowly braised lentil ragu with a generous spoonful serving of salsa verde (our Italian dressing with chopped parsley, anchovies, garlic & olive oil)" which was excellent.  Proximity to the nearby cinema prompted a discussion of which recent movies we'd like to see.  Martyn and I had failed to get it together to see Furiosa and Mrs mole asked about the Mad Max films as she hadn't seen any.  Martyn then gave her an account of the plots of the first four which made her decide she wouldn't want to.  When we got home I watched Fury Road again, which is the only one I really like.

Today is laundry, some eBay listing and some sales to pack.

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  • RMweb Gold
Posted (edited)

It is raining here.  Aditi has gone to Enfield to see her Mum.

I have started cleaning prior to reproofing the coat that Aditi has decided to take to Iceland. This is a coat she bought years ago for a trip to Norway that she left in a hotel in Southampton that we retrieved when we retrieved from the cruise.  It is suitable for spring and autumn so should be OK for the Iceland summer, even 5though it hasn’t been used north of Essex. I have also reproofed our walking boots. I even used the manufacturers approved waxy stuff. I thought we had done all the holiday shopping, however Aditi has ordered a couple more “essential”  items. A better pair of waterproof overtrousers and a new handbag. 
I checked all the cruise documentation and the trip we booked on when docked in Invergordon that I thought was just an excursion to a castle seems to include a visit to Glenmorangie Distillery. 

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium
Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:


Why did  Australia not get birds named that!?   


 The fun you must have using  them in sentences.

They are all called Mésange here,  á longue queue, noire, blue, charbonnière,  and huppée. 


Would the Queens and senator that you are talking about be Bob somebody who is into Rugby League. If so we met him in a cafe in a park in Brisbane.  I'll dig out a photo. 



Edited by jamie92208
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We went to an evening do in our local market town last night with four friends and one of their French neighbours. There were tables set out in the square and loads of local food stalls plus some live music.  A good time was had.  









For some reason we are all in Australia. 



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  • RMweb Premium
4 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

Also can’t seem to paste internet links on here. Copy an address and it won’t paste into the post, any ideas out there?


Bear has had problems for a loooooong time - in the end I discovered that if I use the Outlook "share" thingummy to email the link to myself then I can copy the link from the email and then it'll paste ok after that.


4 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

On a more positive note a trip to the recycling cente/dumpit site was quite successful, three 30 year old cupboard/drawer carcasses which have been in store for 10 years in the garage have been disposed of. BIG TICK. Now what to do with a carpet that’s been rolled up and in storage for 20 years.



Not some of the BiL's carp, surely?


Firstly, VHBBW's to @PhilJ W 🎂🎂 - may the Toy Fair be kind to you.




Bear has spent the morning......muddlin'.... 😲 - jeez, Puppers will be amazed.....

This morning's activity has involved fitting six round thingies to a soldered brass chassis, involving much jugglin' of a gearbox and various thicknesses of shim washers in the process.  I was rather pleased when the result sat nice n' flat on a small thick piece of mirror glass reserved for the job.  Huge Tick awarded.


Now?  Well I might just watch a certain procession by vastly overpaid prima donna's all going round and round in circles for two hours; as to just how long I might actually survive it for before getting bored with it remains to be seen however....




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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon Awl,

Today's forecast,

Scattered heavy showers, yes there were but not over us, going round and round In ever decreasing circles.


Quite breezy though for most of the day .


It was a special race weekend, there were two races yesterday, but I'd already decided not to do yesterday before I saw the forecast..

south westerly, but it varied when big black clouds went past. Normally about 15mph today.


Race 1, 3p, Xp, 2p, Xp 2p once.

Started middle of the fleet very rapidly got over taken by the faster boats, but as is usual held up well in the narrow s when tacking, BM certainly wasn't last on handicap.


Race 2, 3p, 5p, 2p.

Started in second place, which didn't last long as the big boys went past, didn't lose much ground even going down wind.. probably about mid fleet on that one.


Race 3, 3p, 5p, 2p set off and... Very difficult to steer, found mainsheet had got round rudder.

 Made our way back to the club, plenty of room as every one else was on the water.

With the help of the rescue boat crew and a friend, me and the friend stood near the bow, to get the stern out of the water, and the rescue boat crew came up to the stern with a boat hook and got the mainsheet off the rudder..


Late to the start line but before the start, couldn't get to a good position to start, so was well back, the only boat that was behind had been over the line and gone back.  

Followed the fleet, but well behind, the over boat soon overtook, but BM held her place up to 3, and didn't lose much going back to 5, the over boat was about 100yards ahead at that point.

But up at the bend at buoy 1, the wind dropped a lot and BM caught up considerably, as we sailed up the straight toward buoy 3 BM got an overlap to windward preventing them from tacking for the buoy, so BM tacked first, made the bouy and round, leaving  the over boat behind. They of course soon caught up with their huge sail area blanketing BM, but once along side BM held pace and was very close at the finish.

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  • RMweb Premium

Bear's watching sorry, sleeping thru' most of the huge waste of money currently taking place in Northamptonshire.  Now if all the money spent (car costs, salaries, entry fees, hotel bills,

hot dogs - literally EVERYTHING) went instead to Cancer Research.....

Is that a Rant?


Well at least that obnoxious little Big Tw@t didn't win.......

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  • RMweb Gold
Posted (edited)

As usual all was fine at church today, the intercessions I wrote fitted in OK with the readings and sermon and I managed not to drop any of the communion things.  After clearing up I even had time for a coffee in the hall before they stopped serving.  The chocolate biscuits were very tasty.


I had a look at the cars at the beach on the way home but there was nowhere to park nearby.  I thought about walking down this afternoon but the rain put me off.


So instead I fed the plants in tubs and the greenhouse along with some in the garden which needed a tonic.  While I was outside I took a few photos with my phone just as the rain started.  The rest of the afternoon has been the Tour de France and the Grand Prix along with a couple of phone calls.


I will be using up some bacon in a sandwich for tea along with a "vegan" dessert and an apple.  I think I'll probably read a book again this evening unless I find something "better" to do.









Flower bed and pots



Edited by DaveF
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3 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

Would the Queensland senator that you are talking about be Bob somebody

No. Pauline somebody - the leader of the "One Nation" party. Apparently according to Wikipedia, she "appeared in multiple television programs such as Dancing with the StarsEnough RopeWho Wants to Be a Millionaire and This is Your Life".


She has been a Senator for Queensland since 2016.

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7 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

Also can’t seem to paste internet links on here. Copy an address and it won’t paste into the post, any ideas out there?

2 hours ago, polybear said:

Bear has had problems for a loooooong time - in the end I discovered that if I use the Outlook "share" thingummy to email the link to myself then I can copy the link from the email and then it'll paste ok after that.

Windows or tablet/telephone? Paste buffers on mobile devices can be non-intuitive.


Do you use the "Link" function? Looks like the chain link on the top of the edit bar (between strike-though and quotes):




You paste the link in the URL box and include whatever text you want.


I find it helpful - particularly since it gives people some clue about what they might be clicking on. I often avoid links where I have no idea where they will lead.


Sometimes the Windows paste buffer gets 'stuck'. Clearing it can help.


Sometimes you need to close the application where the old text was copied.


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