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8 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

Funny how one countries "gentle Rom-Com" is another's laddish humour!  

Not only that, but it’s also attitudes towards the body. In the Nordic and DACH countries nudity is not considered particularly remarkable. In fact, in these countries going into a sauna means going in “buck nekkid” whether the sauna is single sex or mixed sex (most saunas in the fitness centres around where I live are mixed).


You can always tell the Brits and the Americans in such fitness centre saunas - they’re the ones with the slightly panicky look, desperately trying to make a hand towel do the job of a beach towel…


Japan also insists on total nudity at the onsen (though few are mixed) going into the hot spring bath or pool in a swimming cozzie is considered as unhygienic (you wash well, before stepping into the bath/pool, making sure you’ve properly rinsed off).


Germany, of course, is the home of FKK, with the Island of Sylt in the North Sea being a famous FKK destination. But the attraction of stripping off completely and dashing into the North Sea during winter escapes me. But plenty do it*. And if you can’t get to the North Sea, many local Schwimbad have FKK afternoons (often segregated. Tuesday men, Wednesday women, etc.) when swimming cozzies are verboten.


Oddly enough, the US has (had?) a tradition of “skinny dipping” in rural areas, whether that still exists I don’t know. Perhaps one of our North American correspondents can enlighten us. Nothing but the bare truth (so to speak).


* I might be wrong about this, but I understand the people who do this call themselves eisbāren - polar bears


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5 minutes ago, roundhouse said:

Good morning from a slightly cooler Surrey.


The new boiler was comissioned yesterday afternoon. We just need to get the electrician in to run a fused spur into the kitchen from the old airing cupboard so that the wiring in the kitchen can be tidied up as currently the boiler is plugged into a wall socket as per the old boiler but as there is more wiring it doesn't look very neat at the moment as the heating engineer left enought cable for the electrician.


Is that for both hot water and central heating? It seems awfully small to serve both?


I don’t ever recall seeing a stand alone boiler for just hot water in a Swiss house, the systems are always integrated. And of course, apartment buildings have large integrated hot water and central heating plants.

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  • RMweb Gold
3 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

Is that for both hot water and central heating? It seems awfully small to serve both?


I don’t ever recall seeing a stand alone boiler for just hot water in a Swiss house, the systems are always integrated. And of course, apartment buildings have large integrated hot water and central heating plants.

Its for both and isn't the smallest one that they do.

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11 hours ago, The White Rabbit said:

Shorter. Always shorter... It's a pet peeve of mine, women with long nails. Psychiatrists may speculate but all the women I have ever been attracted to have all had short (properly manicured?) nails. For me, long and or painted nails are an instant turn off, as effective as a bucket of cold water. Which is why you may often see me shivering in mixed company... 

Pet peeve of mine is people with nails so long that they can't type and/or make unforced errors when typing. In analytics accuracy is, of course, important.

When Sandy left school she trained to be a secretary and told me that they lessons in properly manicured nails. This was when secretaries were the thing and touch typing was a taught skill. Nowadays with IT prevalence it is still a necessary skill for everyone but seldom applied.

One female graduate, now employed by the university, commented on a (female) student with overlong, individually painted talons with attached 3D bows saying "Bet they don't cook." Her nails are what I'd call sensible and suit her. She also commented that lots of life activities, such as getting dressed, would take much longer.

So it's not only us.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Had a decent lie in this morning as I couldn't get to sleep last night. Quite restless as well going by how the duvet was halfway to the floor. Not sure what I'm doing today as I haven't checked outside yet but if it's OK its a bit of the G word.

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2 hours ago, DaveF said:

The forecast for my bit of Northumberland says it might get up to 15°C today.  I rather hope they are wrong.  It was will also be mainly cloudy with a little rain.






It does not "get up to" 15 here.  We are in the depths of serious winter!

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' morning all from red dragon land.

Cloudy. Damp after yesterday's rainfall. 11.1C.


Still struggling with the clogged up respiratory system. Improving but I still feel tired all day.

Some jobs are a no-no, like the G word although I do have some bamboo to cut down when the weather dries up. Other than that, life still goes on, if not a little slower. TOTF🎶 is more focused, one line of the song, and a set of honed down exercises, and is proving to be productive as well, so thumbs up to that.


Later, I will probably scour the TV channels for something to watch but, like yesterday, I will probably swap over to yootoob where, yesterday, I came across a favourite l*y**t at exhibition (Arun Quay) before dosing off on the sofa to some music.


Take care. Be good. Keep going.


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1 hour ago, Coombe Barton said:

Pet peeve of mine is people with nails so long that they can't type and/or make unforced errors when typing. In analytics accuracy is, of course, important.

When Sandy left school she trained to be a secretary and told me that they lessons in properly manicured nails. This was when secretaries were the thing and touch typing was a taught skill. Nowadays with IT prevalence it is still a necessary skill for everyone but seldom applied.

One female graduate, now employed by the university, commented on a (female) student with overlong, individually painted talons with attached 3D bows saying "Bet they don't cook." Her nails are what I'd call sensible and suit her. She also commented that lots of life activities, such as getting dressed, would take much longer.

So it's not only us.



I just  want to know how they can still use their &$*@#& phones!



All the time.

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Good morning everyone 


The weather is looking decidedly dodgy today, grey and overcast and looking like it could chuckitdarn at any moment. I'm not doing a great deal today, as we’re going out this afternoon to my uncle and aunt’s 62nd wedding anniversary. They are currently halfway through a 3 month cruise of the North Atlantic. They docked at Liverpool yesterday and have decided to miss the tour of that city and instead organised a celebration party at a local golf club for family and friends. They did the same thing 2 years ago and were hoping today will be as good as the last one! 

Back later.


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Fun moment today down the street.


Walked past some "Supercar"  parked outside Woolies  -  I have no idea what it was, they all look the same to me these days, like the vehicles in  every other motoring sector, but it did have lifty uppy doors if thats a clue to anyone.


Anyway he started it up  and like every other supercar with the usual small V8 or triple turbo V12 or whatever, it sounded tinny and annoying,  like a cheap stereo - its like they need a decent Subwoofer in them to be in any way interesting audically - the ground didn't shake  like it does when a properly fun  car starts up. 


 I just felt sorry for him that he'd spent so much on a car that A) sounds like a Hilux Diesel with a dodgy exhaust  when it gets going and B) can now be out accelerated by your gran in an EV Hyundai. 


Anyway, he got to the head of the T-intersection and obviously didn't see the Chrysler 300C highway patrol car with "!!!!!!!!!!!!HIGHWAY PATROL!!!!!!!!" etc stickers all over it and covered in aerials and light bars  that was heading towards him down the road on  his left,  because he planted his foot,  turned right and went sideways  at a rate of knots way beyond the 60kmh limit right in front of the  the Highway Patrol car.


   The cop  had the easiest pull ever and as a bonus it was right outside what passes for our "Cafe Strip" where a crowd of people enjoying the sun on the pavement tables gave him a satirical cheer.

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3 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

You can always tell the Brits and the Americans in such fitness centre saunas - they’re the ones with the slightly panicky look, desperately trying to make a hand towel do the job of a beach towel…

Aditi said it doesn’t bother her in such places, her glasses steam up so she can’t see anyone anyway. 

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11 minutes ago, monkeysarefun said:

thats a clue to anyone.

Perhaps a Konigsegg Gemera?  It has an unusual engine that might sound a bit different.  Never seen one myself. 

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14 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

 It has an unusual engine that might sound a bit different.




No this just sounded like the run of the mill annoying "supercar" sound! 



From  half-hearted googling I'm thinking maybe one of these kind of things  but thats as far as I can be ar5ed to go into researching it.










Anyway, at least 100 people got to laugh at him, the knowledge of which, even owning a  very expensive car cannot soothe.

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27 minutes ago, monkeysarefun said:

Fun moment today down the street.


Walked past some "Supercar"  parked outside Woolies  -  I have no idea what it was, they all look the same to me these days, like the vehicles in  every other motoring sector, but it did have lifty uppy doors if thats a clue to anyone.


Anyway he started it up  and like every other supercar with the usual small V8 or triple turbo V12 or whatever, it sounded tinny and annoying,  like a cheap stereo - its like they need a decent Subwoofer in them to be in any way interesting audically - the ground didn't shake  like it does when a properly fun  car starts up. 


 I just felt sorry for him that he'd spent so much on a car that A) sounds like a Hilux Diesel with a dodgy exhaust  when it gets going and B) can now be out accelerated by your gran in an EV Hyundai. 


Anyway, he got to the head of the T-intersection and obviously didn't see the Chrysler 300C highway patrol car with "!!!!!!!!!!!!HIGHWAY PATROL!!!!!!!!" etc stickers all over it and covered in aerials and light bars  that was heading towards him down the road on  his left,  because he planted his foot,  turned right and went sideways  at a rate of knots way beyond the 60kmh limit right in front of the  the Highway Patrol car.


   The cop  had the easiest pull ever and as a bonus it was right outside what passes for our "Cafe Strip" where a crowd of people enjoying the sun on the pavement tables gave him a satirical cheer.

What will the Plod do to him?

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1 hour ago, Coombe Barton said:

Pet peeve of mine is people with nails so long that they can't type and/or make unforced errors when typing. In analytics accuracy is, of course, important.

When Sandy left school she trained to be a secretary and told me that they lessons in properly manicured nails. This was when secretaries were the thing and touch typing was a taught skill. Nowadays with IT prevalence it is still a necessary skill for everyone but seldom applied.

One female graduate, now employed by the university, commented on a (female) student with overlong, individually painted talons with attached 3D bows saying "Bet they don't cook." Her nails are what I'd call sensible and suit her. She also commented that lots of life activities, such as getting dressed, would take much longer.

So it's not only us.

I’ve referred to this before: reading the Ian Fleming James Bond books in my early teens had quite an influence on me.

One of Bond’s “hates” (so presumably Ian Fleming’s) was long painted fingernails, preferring neatly trimmed, short, clear varnished, fingernails. And that is my preference as well (it wasn’t that long ago that long painted fingernails were considered the hallmark of a slattern or of “trailer trash” - especially if chipped).


Another Bond peeve, and one of mine, are women who wear too much make up - giving them that “embarrassed panda with lipstick” look. Surely makeup is supposed to beautify, not turn you into Bozo the Clown?


Finally (and an equal opportunity critique) another peeve of mine are people wearing clothes inappropriate for their age or - worse - clothes that don’t flatter. Age appropriate clothing is a bit of a minefield: some people can dress like teenagers and get away with it, most can’t (wearing a baseball cap backwards when you’re 45! Really?). If we find that an 8 year boy dressed up in a three piece suit like a 40 year-old lawyer is a bit ridiculous, it should also work the other way.


As for clothing that doesn’t flatter: how about 40+ beer bellies drooping over skinny jeans, middle-aged double-wide derrières in leggings, chubby teens in miniskirts above elephant leg thighs or wrinkly old men in budgie smugglers?

And the sad thing is that many of these afflicted individuals would look distinguished, elegant or even stunningly beautiful with the right clothes…



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5 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

Another Bond peeve, and one of mine, are women who wear too much make up - giving them that “embarrassed panda with lipstick” look. Surely makeup is supposed to beautify, not turn you into Bozo the Clown?


That will not escape from my mind. It's a perfect description of some of the people I have to teach.

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