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... for such a seemingly cavalier attitude both by the engineer and by the Post Office and their lawyers - ethics and morals do not seem to exist for any of them ...



Edited by Coombe Barton
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5 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

The global equine conspiracy. @Grizz has related such tales of malevolence from his Kentish(?) 'field ornaments'. 

And, given their occasion careless and potentially naughty behaviour…you’ve nearly spelt ‘Kentish’ right 🤣…..but they are actually Field Ornaments from the Deep South of East Sussex. 

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3 hours ago, polybear said:

And don’t fellow ER’ers qualify for a discount?

No because the Deltics are being reduced. Just be grateful your getting any at all. If I had my way I'd be keeping it all. And when the old proverbial hits the rotor don't come knocking at my door asking for some.

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1 hour ago, polybear said:

It seems the Big River have sneakily upped their minimum spend to £35 for free delivery (was £25) - though if there’s a tenner’s worth of books (with or without other stuff) it’s still free.


’sterds; things must be gettin’ tough for them….

Poor souls down to there last trillion I believe. It's paying for all that blue touch paper. Costs an absolute fortune I believe. Perhaps if they shortened it and ran faster they'd be able to save some cents.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone 


I spent most of the morning in the garden and the plants we purchased yesterday, are now in the ground and have been watered in. That particular border is now looking a bit fuller than is was. There’s still a bit of space left, but I’ll fill that with the plants in the greenhouse, that I’ve grown from seed.


I never did get round to cutting the plywood for my layout’s helix, it was too warm, so I spent what was left of the afternoon in the workshop. Not a lot accomplished, but I know what I’m going to do next. 

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6 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

The global equine conspiracy. @Grizz has related such tales of malevolence from his Kentish(?) 'field ornaments'. 

Sussex, as I am sure he’ll confirm. “We wunt be druv” is old Sussex dialect (and bloomin’ hard to get through autocorrect). The Wealden version of the Kent dialect was probably similar - it had largely gone apart from the old boys when I was a kid - and was more heavily influenced by the back and forth with cockney - dahn ‘oppin in the harvest - than further south as far as I understand. 

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7 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

A mere trifle compare with your regular flights. It will be over before you know it and you can soon the throngs of drunken Aussie bachelor's/hen's parties and sports teams, though it's still mid-season for most of the 'football' varieties.



Its been invaded by  tens of thousands of Russians and Ukrainians  now, many escaping from the call-up and doing it in warmer climes. Indonesian visas are easily obtained by  Russians and Ukrainians, hence its  sudden popularity. 


Apparently its causing a lot of unrest  what with the huge numbers, the influx of organised crime, disrespect of the local culture etc. At least Australians just get drunk, get bad tattoos and crash into each other on mopeds..







It makes Bondi or the Gold Coast look like an undiscovered wilderness in comparison  these days!






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11 hours ago, PupCam said:

Standard mobile phones have no ability to connect with communications satellites (they can of course receive signals from GPS satellites but that's a completely different kettle of fish)



That is constantly confirmed here by tourists who get led up the garden path (or along  the little used stock route) by GPS satellites, but then when they get bogged or run out of fuel they discover they have no signal to call for help.


(Heres the latest one)




Thats why an Emergency Beacon (EPIRB) is pretty well mandatory if going anywhere off the main routes. . They can be rented from bushwalking shops etc although in  the Blue Mountains at least the National Parks Authority  will lend you one for free. Its in their interest since the cost of searching and rescuing the 130 bushwalkers who get lost in the park annually is far greater than the cost of buying and replacing  them.

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  • RMweb Premium

Personally if it was down to me there are lots of places in Indonesia I would rather visit than Bali, but Mrs JJB and the offspring wanted to go there, so hey ho off we go. In fairness, if you avoid the beaches it's beautiful, the interior is stunning but the beachfront towns can be awful. Bali is in that common predicament for tourist hotshots, the poor and insensitive behaviour of many visitors annoys the locals but they're very aware that their economy is reliant on tourism and that it pretty much funds the island. 

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  • RMweb Premium

The real tension in Bali is domestic.


Although Indonesia is not an Islamic country it has a Muslim majority. The constitution guarantees religious freedom and the legal code is largely secular (though there's been encroachment on that by religious changes).


Bali is a majority Hindu province, there has long been tension with religious hot heads from other parts of Indonesia who want to Islamise the island. Regardless of how objectionable the tourists are they're here today gone tomorrow visitors. Even long term visitors can be booted out if they break the law. However the ambitions of other Indonesians would permanently change Bali.


It's one of the negative changes I have seen in Indonesia.  They always had fundamentalists with ambitions to turn the country into an Islamic state but it was a fringe and largely confined to certain areas like Aceh. Now it's still a minority and most Indonesian Muslims remain tolerant and pretty open minded you do see more religious hardliners and it's now a significant force in politics. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Guelph has dug up (for 12 weeks) the intersection of two main streets in our end of town.  One of the detours is along a road that is currently being dug up for repaving -- reduced to a single lane that wanders.


Toronto had a bye-election yesterday. There were 84 candidates. Apparently some group objecting to the way results are calculated.


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  • RMweb Premium

Good moaning from a sunny Charente.  It got to 32 yesterday so aftershopping and cutti g the two remaining weed patches and lunch, I opened the pool. I then spent a pleasant hour hoovering the pool of it's winter dust collection.  Then in the evening g we watched a lacklustre game of kickball. 


Today is set to be quite busy.  In half an hour I'm taking the old Volvo for it's CT.  I have Che ked the time this week.  There will no doubt be other tasks when I get home. 


This afternoon we are off to Angouleme for Beth's follow up appointment with her surgeon.  Afterwards we are having a meal at our favourite restaurant which happens to be on our route home. 



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3 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Thank you - I was guessing your county location. I estimate (courtesy of Google maps) that I was 0.4% off in terms of distance from here. 😉

But that 0.4% can make all the difference. Bit like reentry into the earth's atmosphere. All you have to be is out by is a fraction of a degree and you'd bounce off. So if you'd been 0.49% off instead of 0.4% you'd have ended up in the Great Smoke aka London.

Edited by Winslow Boy
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  • RMweb Gold
5 minutes ago, Winslow Boy said:

But that 0.4% can make all the difference. Bit like reentry into the earth's atmosphere. All you have to be is out by is a fraction of a degree and your bounce off. So if you'd been 0.49% off instead of 0.4% you'd have ended up in the Great Smoke aka London.

So are the horses in London the ones that didn’t bounce off the atmosphere?

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  • RMweb Premium
9 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

Australians just get drunk, get bad tattoos and crash into each other on mopeds..


It makes Bondi or the Gold Coast look like an undiscovered wilderness

Not an undiscovered wilderness during “schoolies” though. Where Australians do all of the above but often whilst under-age. 

I inadvertently happened upon Byron Bay one schoolies. I was only passing through on my way north but thought it would make for a handy overnight stop. 

All was lively but well as the sun set but after dark I learned a whole new meaning for “Aussie Barbie-queue”.  At least I was staying a block or two away from the worst of it. Hot nights, alcohol (whether legally obtained or not) and the freedom of being away from home are not always good friends.  

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