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  • RMweb Gold
21 minutes ago, 45156 said:

and Friday is the dreaded annual diabetic eye screening which is a short bus ride right into town and out the other way.

I do hope it stays grey and dull for you.

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  • RMweb Gold

Today has gone much as expected.  I got quite a lot more photos scanned, mostly of me about one year old together with a few of my godfather who I don't remember as he moved to (I think) Argentina and then (again I think) Canada.  There were also a few railway photos but I think they are duplicates of ones I scanned years ago.


That filled the morning, then after lunch I finally got the photos posted to the author.  I discovered a memory stick makes the envelope thick enough for it to have to go at the large letter rate.  


I've planted some dahlias in their final large pots and also did a bit of tidying but the ground is still very very wet.  Various seedlings are appearing where I cut the heathers down, I will leave them until they are big enough to identify.


I had a quick walk at the beach in some quite warm sunshine.  The sky is now very dark with showers yet again.


I can't face more photo work this evening so it will be a magazine and some TV until bedtime.



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  • RMweb Premium
2 hours ago, jjb1970 said:

North Korea is somewhere I'd really like to visit, it's one of the few countries which is a mystery. Is it really the bonkers over the top looney tunes catastrophe we're told? It is presented as being so off the scale bat turd crazy I really would like to see it for myself.


I know some of their overseas maritime attaches and representatives and they're just normal people,  nothing stands out different to anyone else. 


From what I understand the NK that tourists see bears little relation to the real deal - it's very, very controlled in order to project a good image.




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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all.  The shiny thing has ventured itself upon the Distant (Signal) West after two days of dreary dampness.  It is almost warm but the jumper is still on.  


I took the bus into town after lunch as I had some business to attend to which was more easily managed from the bus stop than the car park.  Business was done very quickly and efficiently and full marks to the staff member at the bank with a Spanish name who stopped what she was doing and came over to ask how she might help - then stepped me through a slightly complex procedure to resolve the issue I had.


And then I returned on the open-top bus the pretty way around Lamorna, Porthcurno and Lands End.  All was OK until the narrow half-mile of road above Treen at which point we met Captain Rantworthy and his Chelsea Tractor.  Cornish bus drivers are a league apart in terms of getting through and passing in tight spots - I know because I was one and I still respect their skill - but at this spot there is no way of passing.  One side or another must engage backwards gear.  He refused.  We sat there as traffic built up on both sides.  He fumed at our driver who calmly sat in his cab and waited.  


Other drivers - apparently local - stepped out of their vehicles and tried to get things moving.  Two went to the ever-growing back-of-the-line facing us to get them all to reverse.  What is it which instils in drivers the stubborn inability to do the bl**d*i*g obvious and go back?  Some even tried to do three-point turns in a single-track roadway and found they couldn't.  Half an hour later and with a lot of help from locals even Captain Rantworthy was persuaded that his vehicle had a reverse gear and that if he wished to go anywhere at all he must now use it.  


Our bus schedules allow for such things.  Despite pulling into Porthcurno over 30 minutes late I was home only 12 minutes behind time just a few miles farther on.  That bus will be back on time and might even have minutes to spare in St. Ives before leaving punctually.  


Captain Rantworthy was seen to elevate his middle finger in the general direction of the bus; it might have been picked up on the CCTV but there is no dash-cam fitted.  

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3 hours ago, jjb1970 said:

North Korea is somewhere I'd really like to visit, it's one of the few countries which is a mystery . 

Its also somewhere i wouldn't mind  visiting. 


Also fancied Moscow to see metro amongst other sites but looks like I’ll have to wait for that one. 
BTW SWMBO is not bothered about either!

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  • RMweb Premium
4 hours ago, Hroth said:

...   I think the Russian shiteshells were mentioned on QI some time ago.  A misfire would have been unpleasant...


I'm paying the price for being out of touch. I've had no TV for a few months, though QI was usually on after my bedtime anyway.


TBH, misfires are always unpleasant, even without ... erm ... 'special' loads. If it's just the firing pin/percussion cap, then a second pull of the trigger ... shall we say, usually relieves you of a problem 😉... Otherwise, it's a good time to be elsewhere and let some other poor * unload the duff round. 


Still, as I mentioned a day or two ago, never let the facts get in the way of a good story - or a mental image of a 'backdraft' breach failure of a 'special' shell back into the turret of a Russian tank... that could raise a few grins these days? 

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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, polybear said:

From what I understand the NK that tourists see bears little relation to the real deal - it's very, very controlled in order to project a good image.


A fellow volunteer at a heritage line went on a NK tour - he liked it and thought he had a good time - but - it was obviously highly orchestrated. I don't see the point myself, as you say, going just puts money into the regime and if you want to go to somewhere completely artificial and 'scripted', there's always Disneyworld. 

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, The White Rabbit said:

I saw mention of NK's current way of disposing of some of their 'unwanted items' earlier but what particularly caught my interest in this article was the Russian method: 


Interestingly NK has acceded to the Biological Weapons Convention.

Edited by Erichill16
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  • RMweb Gold
49 minutes ago, Erichill16 said:

Interestingly NK has acceded to the Biological Weapons Convwnruon.

Can I have a pint of what you are drinking please.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The lurgy has abated somewhat, the throat is a bit sore and the nose is abit runny. The only other thing is I still have no appetite, but then I could do with losing weight. Now to catch up on RMweb and Farcebook.

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  • RMweb Premium
Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, The White Rabbit said:


I'm paying the price for being out of touch. I've had no TV for a few months, though QI was usually on after my bedtime anyway.


TBH, misfires are always unpleasant, even without ... erm ... 'special' loads. If it's just the firing pin/percussion cap, then a second pull of the trigger ... shall we say, usually relieves you of a problem 😉... Otherwise, it's a good time to be elsewhere and let some other poor * unload the duff round. 


Still, as I mentioned a day or two ago, never let the facts get in the way of a good story - or a mental image of a 'backdraft' breach failure of a 'special' shell back into the turret of a Russian tank... that could raise a few grins these days? 


Many moons ago, when Russia invaded Afganistan and the Mujahadeen were doing battle with them, there was a BBC(?) news report showing the Muj. firing Mortars.  Then one Shell misfired.....


The Muj.  started by throwing stones at the Mortar Tube.....

The stones got bigger.....

The stones became rocks.....

The rocks became boulders......

The boulders became bluddy great boulders.....

Then several Muj. (all wearing Army Boots) are shown standing around the Mortar Tube kicking F. out of it in an attempt to get the Mortar Shell to fire.....


....At which point the War Correspondent casually says:


"Their misfire procedure has something to be desired......"



Edit:  I haven't a clue about all the in's & out's of the pollytikal stuff but I do wonder if the West had simply stayed out of it (the US were secretly supporting the Muj. big time with weapons & money etc) and let Afgan fall to the Ruskies then would we be in the mess we are now?


Edited by polybear
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  • RMweb Premium
Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, jjb1970 said:


I know some of their overseas maritime attaches and representatives and they're just normal people,  nothing stands out different to anyone else. 


 I have a vague recollection of reading that Russian secret police and

other security types always went in 3's . The reasoning was that ' someone would always snitch ' if anyone tried to work a fiddle .


 I wonder if NK people that are allowed out for business reasons

always have a government approved ' nark ' in the team to ensure

that no one bad mouths Dear Leader or the Country in general .



Edited by Sidecar Racer
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