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7 hours ago, DaveF said:

Can you access your test etc results on line? I looked at the results from something I had checked last Friday this afternoon.

Here, results of most lab tests are available online the next day.

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12 hours ago, PupCam said:

I would suggest there's a mighty fine line somewhere between getting really excellent but expensive nosh from those that really can and do  and just expensive nosh with people being taken for a ride because they have more money than sense.    The trick of course is to stay on the right side of that line wherever it may be.

The perfect example of a restaurant on the wrong side of the line is Salt Bae’s London restaurant: the Nusr-Et Steakhouse - where a gold covered Tomahawk Steak will cost you £1450  (plus ungodly amounts for sides and drinks). Apparently, the restaurant made £7 million in sales in the first three months after opening. Yet the well respected and knowledgeable Observer food critic, Jay Rayner, thought the restaurant “ludicrous” and TripAdvisor, usually not the most reliable of guides, has the majority of the reviews (well over 60%) as terrible.


The thing is, and something ERs should take note of, restaurants like the Nusr-Et Steakhouse are not about the food - it’s all about being seen and showing off. You certainly won’t see many real foodies in such places (the food is generally between mediocre to just adequate*), but plenty of “celebrities” and (god help us) “influencers”.


Some of those “celebrities” and  “influencers” parading themselves at such places I wouldn’t trust to make a plate of beanz on toast - such is their limited culinary and gastronomic knowledge.


*Jay Rayner has reviewed a number of such restaurants and that’s pretty much his overall verdict.

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Good moaning from another part of the continent.  We are apparently going to have a day without rain.  No major tasks have yet been arranged.  I might even go train watching this afternoon.  



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Good moaning awl.


Wet and autumnal outside and, to match, I'm feeling a cold coming and will be staying at home today. I'm hearing the HR department was essentially unstaffed yesterday due to COVID, which is making a resurgence here.

I don't blame people for wanting as much normality as possible after the pandemic, but I do think it'd be wise to remember some of the lessons from that time. I do see a few people wearing masks again, though for acceptance, I still don't believe we're even nearly where Japan is, for example.


Stay safe...

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I think all interests and passions attract an element who see it as an opportunity for ostentatious displays and flaunt wealth, whether that be gastronomy, wine, sports, art etc. and which can attract a negative taint which leads to inverse snobbery and unfair criticism. I'm an audio enthusiast and the element of that hobby spending thousands on cables, power chords, equipment racks etc does include people who have convinced themselves it makes a difference to sound quality (rightly or wrongly. I think they're mad but if they enjoy it then good luck to them) but it also attracts people who see it as audio jewellery and ostentation and status symbols. Over the years I've declined multiple offers to go to corporate boxes and watch football as I have zero interest in football, most of those attending probably do enjoy football but for many it's an opportunity to enjoy free hospitality and they couldn't care less yet probably have better treatment at the ground than paying fans. I have accepted opportunities to symphonic concerts and opera performances as I love classical music and it was obvious other guests would struggle to differentiate Mozart from Abba. I have no issue with anyone pursuing a passion and willing to spend heavily in pursuit of that passion. If a lard butt buys a $20k bicycle because they genuinely love bicycles then good look to them (like the audio cable thing). Indulging in a passion is different to ostentation, though the line can be fuzzy. I've eaten in expensive restaurants which weren't over priced because while the bill was crazy the quality of food and service was commensurate with the price. I've also been taken to expensive restaurants for which I'd have considered paying a tenner excessive for the food and service on offer.

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1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:

The perfect example of a restaurant on the wrong side of the line is Salt Bae’s London restaurant: the Nusr-Et Steakhouse - where a gold covered Tomahawk Steak will cost you £1450  (plus ungodly amounts for sides and drinks). Apparently, the restaurant made £7 million in sales in the first three months after opening. Yet the well respected and knowledgeable Observer food critic, Jay Rayner, thought the restaurant “ludicrous” and TripAdvisor, usually not the most reliable of guides, has the majority of the reviews (well over 60%) as terrible.


Rated 15,354th out of 15,756 London Restaurants.  Nuff Sed.


18 minutes ago, jjb1970 said:

I'm an audio enthusiast and the element of that hobby spending thousands on cables, power chords, equipment racks etc does include people who have convinced themselves it makes a difference to sound quality (rightly or wrongly. I think they're mad but if they enjoy it then good luck to them) 


IIRC there was a cable manufacturer in Oz that was SOOOO p1ssed off with punters being ripped off he was giving away SCART leads for free.

Gold Plated?  Oxygen - Free Cable?  Pah.

A friend (who wasn't loaded) was convinced by some spotty oik in Currys that he'd have to spend seventy quid on a cable to hook up his new HD Recorder to the telly, otherwise the picture quality will be cr@p.  And that was probably 20 years ago.  B'sterd.  Chances are if he'd paid a quid for one off the market he wouldn't be able to spot the difference.


Bear here.....

Today?  Templot.  Again.....

I might even get all excitable and clear some leaves in the front garden as well.



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Good morning all, 

Dry here although the ground is still saturated after yesterday's downpours.  Clear skies and it should be a dry, bright and breezy day.  8°C now rising to 12°C.

First task today is to check The Shed roof for signs of leaks but I'm fairly confident it'll be OK.  I might try to squeeze in a bit of bodgelling as well although other things may scupper that as firstly a visit to the local garden centre is planned after breakfast.  It seems they may have C#######s stuff there that The Boss could be interested in and I usually end up buying another decoration or set of lights when we go there this time of year.

This afternoon our friendly CH engineer is coming to do the annual boiler inspection and service.  It's a bit later than usual because "somebody" forgot to book him.  (That might have been me).  He's also going to give us a quote for changing a couple of radiators and valves.

The Boss doesn't seem to be in hurry at the moment but that could change in a millisecond.

Have a good one,


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43 minutes ago, TheQ said:

Added to that the fees for the hall have gone up nearly 50%, partly caused by us. Our in club caterer complained about the state of the kitchen for our last show, they now have it professionally cleaned after any hall hirer has used the kitchen.


I'll have to do some sums later and see if our intended entrance fee is sufficient to cover the hire costs. Guessing it's going to be a close run thing.


We use a local church hall 3 times each year for swapmeets and every time the ladies in the kitchen say they left it much cleaner than it was when they arrived. That's the problem when so many different user groups have meetings and events there. We did get a 'Thank You' from the hall secretary for taking home tea towels and returning them washed and pressed unlike many who just leave a pile of dirty and wet towels.


At our Community Centre exhibition last month we had 520 visitors over two days at £5 each - but only paid £450 for the hall - perhaps it helps being the Chairman of the Community Centre - and the tearooms were very busy resulting in a decent profit for the centre as their volunteers run the tearooms.


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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bladder control was busy last night, so busy I lost count, three times at least. The last time was gone six so I decided to get up. Got to get a few things sorted for tomorrow. The quarterly SEERS committee meeting where we will be inducting some new committee members. Not one of the current committee members is under seventy so we need some new blood. 

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7 minutes ago, Mike Bellamy said:

At our Community Centre exhibition last month we had 520 visitors over two days at £5 each - but only paid £450 for the hall - perhaps it helps being the Chairman of the Community Centre - and the tea rooms were very busy resulting in a decent profit for the centre as their volunteers run the tearooms..

Quite common now, I know of two exhibitions that I have visited since lockdown where the arrangement was that the venue provided the catering and the hall was provided free of charge. Catering is very profitable at most exhibitions and is often the difference between profit and loss. But with the rising cost of hall hire, ageing membership and tougher food hygiene regulations I can see more exhibition managers taking that route.

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11 hours ago, DaveF said:


That has happened to me in the past, I think my surgery does training differently now.


Can you access your test etc results on line? I looked at the results from something I had checked last Friday this afternoon.



We signed up for that online thingy ma bob, to be told it only applies in England, the SNP government blocked it in Scotland, I cannot think of a good reason for that.

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3 hours ago, polybear said:

IIRC there was a cable manufacturer in Oz that was SOOOO p1ssed off with punters being ripped off he was giving away SCART leads for free.



It wasnt us, we don't have SCART. Actually I think we went through this before and me and @Ozexpatriate both decided  that SCART is an unnecessarily oversized  ridiculous looking  connection.


There WAS an audiophile magazine though who at the Sydney  HI-FI show about 15 years ago  did a "blind' sound test with two systems - one which used fancy-pants  Monster cables to connect the speakers, the other used wire coat hangers or something and got people to decide which was which. 


The end result was pretty much exactly the same as if everyone had just guessed - which they probably did.


Various other similar tests have been done, with similar results:





That said, I have just ordered a pair of B & W PX7 S2e headphones -  will I be able to tell the difference between them and $20 Samsung earbuds? 



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Good morning everyone 


We’re off to go and look at kitchens!


Back later. 


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28 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

Yep, budget steakhouses are great value for money...






I'm just trying to figure out what is going on  that  my sunnies are reflecting.


Is the Siege Of Khartoum or The Crusades   going off in front of me and ruining  my expensive  dining experience?

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Just something  for Captain C to be aware of if he comes down here by black helicopter.  



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14 minutes ago, monkeysarefun said:





I'm just trying to figure out what is going on  that  my sunnies are reflecting.


Is the Siege Of Khartoum or The Crusades   going off in front of me and ruining  my expensive  dining experience?


It's worse, much worse....it's a ritual meat pie desecration by angry backpackers to protest some new rules about public rooting or something. Albo has had an emergency cabinet meeting and demanded that protestors do something less controversial like burn a quran or stone Scomo to death.

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