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3 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:



SImple solution is to replace grass with gravel. Queenstown in Tasmania gets 94 inches of rain a year  (Google says Manchester gets 32 as a comparison) but the footy oval is always playable because its made of gravel thus never turns to mud.


Visiting teams hate it but.



There is one slight problem with that brilliant suggestion Chimpy me old mate and it is that gravel would cost more and housing developers do not do ' cost more'. Cost less Yes. More profit sorry skimming money off poor unsuspecting punters Yes. Cost more No. Plus what do they care if the pitches can't be used they looked good on the planning application. Here there should a Emoji of me shaking head in despair, but as there isn't one you'll just have to imagine one won't you.

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54 minutes ago, PupCam said:

Evening All


As planned a walk was walked.      There are no sea-views from Puppershire (well at least not yet, give it 40 years) but I suppose I shouldn't moan when open countryside like this is ~300 yards from my front door.




After the walk was walked a thrash was thrashed.     A run out to Old Warden and other local villages was accompanied by the characteristic sound of a small 2 stroke twin working quite hard (well, I'm not as light as I used to be 40 years ago).  


All went spiffingly until I pulled onto the drive when one pot died due to fuel starvation again .......   PAH!


Further investigation revealed that each carb has what appears to be a breather close to the pilot jet and each float chamber has an overflow pipe.  Blocking the breather and blowing back up the overflow results in bubbles being blown back up the fuel line into the tap and then one can hear bubbles coming up through the petrol in the tank followed by a cascade of fuel down the fuel line to fill the float chambers.   Repeat on second carb, start engine and Ring Ting Ting .......


Seems like I need to remove the fuel tap assembly from the tank and make sure there's no carp intermittently blocking what are relatively small tubes.     Trouble is I'll have to find something to drain the tank into first.   Maybe tomorrow.


Night All








Now Puppers wouldn't it just be easier to use a skateboard.

Edited by Winslow Boy
Its Puppers Not Puppets you stupid, bl£&dy machine
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9 hours ago, Tony_S said:

We succeeded and can safely travel to Yorkshire now around her birthday. Vienna, Paris or Nice as places to go to have been rejected and replaced by York and Malham. 


There's a "Museum" in York.....😉


7 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

There is one slight problem with that brilliant suggestion Chimpy me old mate and it is that gravel would cost more and housing developers do not do ' cost more'. 


Cats "like" gravel as well.....


Bear here......

I discovered yesterday that the neatly applied splurgin' on the Conservatory back door was still neatly applied - only the bluddy stuff hadn't "gone off" 🤬  Rattin' Piggin' Turdycurses.  I've decided to leave it a few days to see what happens.....

Other splurgin' tasks were completed, this time using different sealant so all should be ok with that.


After that it was time for a recce to the Chemist & Co-op - the latter didn't have all Bear needs so I feel an imminent recce to the joys of Lidl will be required, which I was expecting anyway.


And after that the rest of the day was devoted to....Play Time!!

The task for the day was practice how to file up & solder a letter of the alphabet between "U" and "W"; despite using a Mickey Mouse Filing Jig that is supposed to make such tasks nice n' easy I soon discovered it's anything but - in my defence I will say that the official instructions are (a) absolute cr@p, (b) a work of fiction, and (c) it seems others think so too, so it's not down to Bear being thick.  Fortunately others have generated their own instructions/notes on the 'net to help - the first of which I also found to be "dubious" but the second shows real promise, although it'll need some Beary notes added to make it complete.  Further playing is promised for today......



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1 hour ago, Barry O said:

Ey up!


Off for my flu jab at the Marie Celeste first thing.. and I will try and get a meeting with a GP organised while I am there.


Will call in at the ear lowering emporium on my way home to book a visit.

Her indoorsvhas a pre op consultation (face to face) followed by a telephone discussion for later this week. No wonder the NHS has problems with appointments.. JDI!


Time to finish my tea and set off for my stroll...


Stay safe!



They usually weigh you at the pre-op. Not certain why but they certainly did when mum went in. Anyway that's the most likely reason they wish to see Mrs Baz. Just tell her to courtesy and only speak when she's spoken to otherwise they might take offence.

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2 hours ago, polybear said:


There's a "Museum" in York.....😉



Cats "like" gravel as well.....


Bear here......

I discovered yesterday that the neatly applied splurgin' on the Conservatory back door was still neatly applied - only the bluddy stuff hadn't "gone off" 🤬  Rattin' Piggin' Turdycurses.  I've decided to leave it a few days to see what happens.....

Other splurgin' tasks were completed, this time using different sealant so all should be ok with that.


After that it was time for a recce to the Chemist & Co-op - the latter didn't have all Bear needs so I feel an imminent recce to the joys of Lidl will be required, which I was expecting anyway.


And after that the rest of the day was devoted to....Play Time!!

The task for the day was practice how to file up & solder a letter of the alphabet between "U" and "W"; despite using a Mickey Mouse Filing Jig that is supposed to make such tasks nice n' easy I soon discovered it's anything but - in my defence I will say that the official instructions are (a) absolute cr@p, (b) a work of fiction, and (c) it seems others think so too, so it's not down to Bear being thick.  Fortunately others have generated their own instructions/notes on the 'net to help - the first of which I also found to be "dubious" but the second shows real promise, although it'll need some Beary notes added to make it complete.  Further playing is promised for today......



Do they have cats down under?

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18 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

Morning all from Estuary-Land. I received my energy bill yesterday evening. It shows me as being over £700 in credit. I've asked them to refund £500 and they replied that they will review the request within seven days. The energy company, Octopus are about the cheapest and delay price rises for as long as possible when the wholesale price rises and are quick to respond when they fall (and are the only company not to put the standing charge up). However they are the worst offender when it comes to over deducting on direct debits. I usually claim back £200-£300 each year but didn't do so because of the price fluctuations. They are usually very good at giving the refunds even though you have to ask for them.

If I'm not mistaken a relative is with them and says they are very good. Which coming from him is high praise as he can be a bit cumedgly.

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No flu jabs here in France for at least another week.


It is a good idea to tailor the timing of your jab to your lifestyle.  

It takes 5 weeks or so for the jab to reach its peak effectiveness (ie for the antibodies that you produce in response to the jab to build up).  Thereafter the antibodies will slowly decline.

Anyone who is vulnerable or is in close contact with someone who is vulnerable would be advised to get jabbed as soon as possible.   Likewise anyone who is gregarious, works with lots of people, travels a lot or is a member of several different clubs.

For those however who are more insular, it can be beneficial to delay until 6 weeks or so before any major mixing event.  This will likely be Christmas and or New Year for many but it could for instance be going to a big model railway show*.  This means your peak protection will coincide with your mixing with the most people. 


* So anyone going to Warley, now is the time to organise your jab.

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28 minutes ago, Andy Hayter said:

No flu jabs here in France for at least another week.


It is a good idea to tailor the timing of your jab to your lifestyle.  

It takes 5 weeks or so for the jab to reach its peak effectiveness (ie for the antibodies that you produce in response to the jab to build up).  Thereafter the antibodies will slowly decline.

Anyone who is vulnerable or is in close contact with someone who is vulnerable would be advised to get jabbed as soon as possible.   Likewise anyone who is gregarious, works with lots of people, travels a lot or is a member of several different clubs.

For those however who are more insular, it can be beneficial to delay until 6 weeks or so before any major mixing event.  This will likely be Christmas and or New Year for many but it could for instance be going to a big model railway show*.  This means your peak protection will coincide with your mixing with the most people. 


* So anyone going to Warley, now is the time to organise your jab.

I am at Warley.. jab administered today... woooopppppiiiiiddddddooooo!


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Successful morning  so far.


Gentle stroll to surgery.. taking in a very large coffee at Costa.


Jab done 5 minutes early..

Appointment to see a GP regarding my meds.. Next Tuesday am. Great!


Barbers visited.. Appointment made and ears have been lowered. 


Now having a decaff watching the ODI.. it appears to be mainly Yorkshire v Bangladesh.



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1 hour ago, Barry O said:

Successful morning  so far.


Gentle stroll to surgery.. taking in a very large coffee at Costa.


Jab done 5 minutes early..

Appointment to see a GP regarding my meds.. Next Tuesday am. Great!


Barbers visited.. Appointment made and ears have been lowered. 


Now having a decaff watching the ODI.. it appears to be mainly Yorkshire v Bangladesh.



So that's you sorted but what about Mrs Baz. Did her pre-op appointment go ok or was it cancelled at the last minute?

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' afternoon all from red dragon land.


Another day on the road, yesterday, up to Cumbria to collect a household item, popping into see family on the way back, led to some photos on the way there and back, on Expressway and Motorway.


Going: (Artistic license...?!) Flat calm sea at Abergele and the Wind Farm or, rather, what you can see of it through the barrier!



Blue sky at Holywell



Misty moisty at Lancaster



Returning home. Sunset at Warrington 



Further along but look out for the plane! As I know some of you know your aircraft, any ID on it? 🔍



Back in Wales: Fog though it cleared soon after that, and we got home, safely, in the dark.



Cake making this afternoon - but not until I have had a mugadecaf.


Take care. Be good. Take a pot shot!



Edited by southern42
delete surplus pic
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