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  • RMweb Premium

The odd thing is that while it's autumn break over here, I actually woke up just after 4 am, probably because I'd been mentally primed for a new day at school! I believe I'll require some additional doses of caffeine to be fully awake...

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Morning all. Best behaviour and best bib and tucker today for work as we have "a VIP visiting St. Andrew's House". Unsurprisingly they haven't told us who the VIP will be, just to expect tight security and reduced car parking today at work. No prizes for guessing who it'll be though.


Feeling rather tired after a slightly on-off sleep and a hectic weekend. I'll be glad of my bed tonight!

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Little to report here except for the usual Monday morning pleasure of hearing sound of traffic as people head for work when I no longer do!


Fine with light breeze so far.


Have a good one, everyone!

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Had a trip out to Portreath this afternoon, had a walk under the old incline tunnel and a watch of the kayakers braving the waves. We went to the Atlantic Cafe for a warming hot chocolate ( with cream and marshmallows, of course).

We were viewing the many piaintings and prints on the walls, when I noticed quite a few were by a Peter Skinner. They were quite good, too.


A man of many hidden talents. I wondered if anyone would spot the connection...


In a good frame of mind this morning as I finally managed to get a diamond crossing to work perfectly. They have been an achilles heel for me ever since I started track building. They look so simple, but getting free running in one direction invariably screws up the other. On problem is that I now have to repeat it as there are several more on ET.


Anyone else watching Homeland on Sunday nights? One of the most enjoyable programmes on TV right now. Loads of twists and turns and difficult to see which way it will go next....

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.

Good luck at the docs, Ian. (Must book flu jab...must book flu jab).

Great weekend celebrating SMBO's birthday. Arranged a visit from her mum which caught her completely by surprise.

Much enjoyed the Farnham show, buying a couple of figures for my M7 from a lovely gent manning the Falcon Figures stand. Also saw a demo of tree making by the club members.

House freezing this morning as boiler hadn't come on. Fixed.

Packed lunches done. Spelling test administered.

Briefing on latest IT-based learning package later. Trick to marketing these packages to schools and parents seems to be in finding a name for them which means absolutely nothing. After you've worked out a weird name for it then start work on the interface. After all those things are done then maybe bung some content in, but that bit is probably optional.

Haven't been watching Homeland, Gordon, as the tv seems to be set to an ITV costume drama and a Beeb celeb dance competition each autumn. :(

Have a good one everyone. Andy

Edited by AndyB
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning All

Dry & fresh here but blue sky appearing in the east.

Late start today because management's taxi isn't required as Monday is her day off. Today's agenda has not been finalised yet

Grandchildren went home yesterday afternoon leaving house in paroxysms of laughter due to an older member of the family (me) hopping around on one leg having stubbed toes on chair leg, trying hard not swear etc. Telling them that it wasn't that funny, that I had probably broken something, that I was actually in a bit of pain only brought on more hysterics! This wasn't helped by my wife & SIL joining in. Please bear in mind that my back & knee were already giving me aggravation after stupidly doing some gardening.

Beer & red wine did seem to ease the pain and I then decided (mentally) that I will take the rest of the year off from house & garden maintenance,

I'm sure I can hear someone saying "In your dreams pal"-


Have good day



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"quite a few were by a Peter Skinner"

I suppose it's possible but unlikely that anyone would have more than one or two of mine as, except for commissions, once I have realised a concept the painting loses interest for me and often remains unfinished. Other painters will recognise the feeling.

Also, I don't sign my paintings with my real name so that's a bit of an obstacle.

I don't number the Atlantic Café among my customers.

Be interesting to find out about the artist though.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Bore da, if you're in Wales.


Still not started my raiti riaot raito ratio kit [that's the 4th time I've tried to get that right - touch typng sick]. Saturday's excuse : went shopping. Yesterday, family due round for birthday celebrations [though not till the evening it seems] and wouldn't like to loose lose anything of those bits when it comes to moving it off the dining table.


Today [maybe?]


Hope that's acceptable for my first post on this thread.

Edited by southern42
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  • RMweb Gold

Back from doc. Despite starting car at 0848, to be there well before 9, clearing ice from windscreen meant I was actually 5th in the queue! She agrees with me that there is absolutely nothing in my results to indicate I am ill. Hard to be disappointed. Anyway, as the appetite is now keener, I must eat more than usual to try and regain a few pounds - this seems to be the key to feeling better at present. She has given me a prescription for a flu jab - but I won't rush to get it done, waiting a few days could avoid complications if a virus is still lurking!

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  • RMweb Gold

Indeed, ma'am. Having just exceeded 11 stone for the first time in my life in the Summer, I am now back to just over 10stone 7lbs. I'm taking vitamin B tablets - Deb had bought a bottle in the UK as they were recommended for her condition - and will also seek a bit more vit C than usual.


Off to the Mairie in Le Mans today, I hope, to finally pick up a kosher death certificate. Complicated here? You bet!

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Morning all,


Hope everyone has a fruitful day. I am sorting out my parents boilers as both the main and the reserve packed in last night, leaving a very cold household in a draughty Victorian dwelling!


Ian, I hope it all works out, but I imagine it will still be very difficult still. Thinking of you.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Miserable cool morning down here in Saxmundham but the leaf buster train is warming itself in Stowmarket, hopefully get a chance to get out later.


Ennio Morricone - I love the Spaghetti Western stuff, I've got a CD somewhere I must dig out again.

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  • RMweb Gold

The only time I had a flu jab was in the late sixties when I think they were a fairly new innovation. I had the worst dose of flu I've ever had which lasted for nearly 3 weeks-in fact I think this was the only time I've had the real thing. Everything else has been variations of a cold! The doctor said that the jab wouldn't have made me ill & I must have already had the virus but to this day I still won't have one. However everybody I know who has it done swears by it. Current doctor seems to think I should have it but I'm still a bit suspicious!



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  • RMweb Gold

I have a tendancy to asthma if anything affects my breathing - even making up nets of dusty hay (sounds like a rugby player of yore!) can get me a bit breathless - so colds and especially 'flu are to be avoided where possible. In 2000 I had 'flu over Xmas, and our Boxing Day trip to Kempton Park for the King George was rotten at times when the paracodol was wearing off. Only later in the week, when the 'flu had gone, did I go to see the doctor to discover that I now had pneumonia...... 'Flu jabs work for me.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


glad to hear that Ian is on the up and not the down and that he is safe from French style medication (how do they give flu jabs over there?). I can remember when I was 11 stone, just (which will no doubt come as a surprise to those of you who have met me because it really was in my adult years; what I can't work out is where the near 50% increase in weight has come from :scratchhead: )


And crikey - that long to get a Death Certificate, somewhat different from dear old blighty.


Weather is miserable so no tree lopping today but tomorrow promises to be better abnd i see 'my' ship is playing up in Debs' part of the world again. Have a nice day folks.

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  • RMweb Premium

All contributions are acceptable if they include excuses for not modelling that will make me feel better.


I learnt this trick at school when a 'friend' asked me not to hand in my homework because she hadn't done hers.

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