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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

' afternoon all from red dragon land.

Cloudy and a lot cooler @ 19.4C.


Fruitcake just gone in the oven.


I had a wander to the garden earlier - I could just feel a very very light drizzle with tiny tiny spots of rain on the terrace's slate slabs. 


The Rose of Sharon has a tremendous lot of buds this year.  It was grown from a cutting from one I bought years and years ago which has been overwhelmed by a fuchsia and now needs rescuing.



Rock Rose shedding its petals, daily.



One of the few clusters of elderflower left still looking good.



The hawthorn, off to the right of the elder, now clad in berries.



Sneaking into the stonework of the recently extended part of the terrace is Ivy-leaved toadflax.



And trying to take over the grasswork below is some white clover - I much prefer the more colourful red variety!IMG_7291.jpeg.8835571eaa9b5d6054e36777c8393b7b.jpeg

I got that out of focus!


Cake is out of the oven. Chicken has just gone in. The sun has come out.

And the OH is due in so, I had better get the teapot ready.


Take care. Be good. Enjoy what you can.


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  • RMweb Premium

It wasn't forecast but we've had a few spots of rain here on the Norfolk coast...

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3 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

I noticed it straight away when I first visited. It is slightly crisper when bitten and snaps rather than bends. I’m not sure how it differs in detail as that would be covered by commercial confidence. 

A similar issue when formulating suppositories. 

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  • RMweb Gold

It's gradually becoming dull rather than just cloudy here.  The day has so far been peaceful.  The morning passed quickly sorting out photos, watching a bit of Trooping of the Colour and a phone call from a friend who has had a few days in hospital.  Then it was time for lunch.


After lunch I did some more photograhpic things and then set out for a walk, I got as far as the other side of the road as friends saw me and asked me to have a cuppa with them as we haven't chatted for a few days. I then had a short walk, as I came home two other neighbours walked across for a catch up session so I have only been in my house for about twenty minutes since 2 p.m.  


I have heard that the traffic is bad so I am pleased I didn't go out, there have been queues of cars trying to get into the town today!   I can hear the music at the Festival at the beach quite clearly from my garden, fortunately it is not too noticeable indoors.   I would not want to hear it at close quarters. I gather it is very busy, I am told the beach is well filled with people with people with their deckchairs, picnics and drinks.


The next job is the watering and garden tidying, then tea, book, music and TV.  The Festival finishes before my bedtime , thank goodness. 



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4 hours ago, jjb1970 said:

The gauge issue in Japan is more complicated than it initially appears.

Very interesting, but isn't that pretty much true everywhere? Even the UK still had many narrow gauge railways - some quite substantial, and not just the famous Welsh or Devonian ones, long after Parliament mandated standard gauge.


Queensland 'standardized' on the 3'6" gauge, but of course the mainline from Sydney (through Kyogle) was standard gauge (extended for many years now with a dual-gauge line across the river from the old South Brisbane interstate terminus. The Port of Brisbane line was similarly made dual-gauge many years ago.


Then there were all the truly narrow gauge lines for timber and cane fields - many of which were 2' gauge.


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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3 hours ago, TheQ said:

It took several loops through the system to find they'd actioned double security, weren't sending the info because I hadn't completed the form online.. but that form wasn't accessible because they'd blocked me.. it several more loops through system gathering info, before I'd got enough to get back in.

Put me in mind of this:


Yet before long he was awakened. A young man in city clothes, with an actor's face, narrow eyes, thick eyebrows, stood beside him with the landlord. The peasants, too, were still there, a few had turned their chairs around to see and hear better. The young man apologized very politely for having awakened K., introduced himself as the son of the Castle steward and said: "This village is Castle property, anybody residing or spending the night here is effectively residing or spending the night at the Castle. Nobody may do so without permission from the Count. But you have no such permission or at least you haven't shown it yet."

The Castle - Franz Kafka


An exquisite study in bureaucracy, and probably the most futile thing one can read.


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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We like to jest about bears, but this was quite sad and very unusual:


CNN: An Arizona man was mauled to death by a black bear in a rare, unprovoked attack



An Arizona man was fatally mauled by a black bear that attacked him unprovoked while he was having his morning coffee on Friday.


“From multiple witness accounts and preliminary investigation of the scene, Mr. Jackson had been sitting having coffee at a table on his property where he was building a home,”

Prescott is in central Arizona. Think of it as half-way between the Grand Canyon and Phoenix. While high desert, it is at altitude (5,100' / 1554m) and there is plenty of forest around.


What that article doesn't say, but television news did was that the bear was eating the man. A nasty way to go.


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Only done a bit of shopping today, to hot to do much else.

3 hours ago, TheQ said:

It wasn't forecast but we've had a few spots of rain here on the Norfolk coast...

There was a bit of dampness about lunchtime and later I could hear rain falling but when I went out half an hour later it was dry.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evenin' each,

Not quite so hot today but still a bit too much for me.  I watched all The Trooping of the Colour as it was HM's first as King so didn't visit The Shed as intended.  However I've just spent an hour in there after a light evening meal. 

No beer or wine today as I'm reducing my intake a bit. (trying to lose a little weight)  Probably not enough to satisfy the medics who are now saying we should only have a couple of drinks a week or better still none at all.  Personally I'm not going to break the habits of the last almost 60 years as I suspect any damage was done long ago.

Edited by grandadbob
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5 hours ago, Erichill16 said:


Why, thank you sir, I shall smoke it with a glass of Napoleon out on the patio in the cool evening air.  Lucky 'vaguely informed' guess based on the spelling of 'Teleferic'.


You are flattering me by calling me a gentleman; I'm not, at least in terms of medieval societal rankings.  A gentleman is a person who owns property but is not a knight or noble, and I live in a rented flat.  I am therefore (probably) a freeman villein; my landlord is a gentleman. 

Edited by The Johnster
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