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7 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

I encountered one such at Limehouse statio

I don’t think I have ever seen a railway employee at Limehouse station. I wonder if anyone volunteers to work there. Though of course it may have been one of the private security people C2C seem to have at some stations. 

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Bear here.....

I've had some success - it seems the £18 off a £60 spend with sainsbugs is indeed valid; I managed to confirm it by putting 42 boxes of Bran Flakes in the basket (in order to reach sixty quid) then entering the coupon code.  I've logged out now - hopefully I've not done anything silly, or a truck load of BF will be arriving in a few days.....

42 LDC's however......now that would be different matter entirely.......


In other news.....

Those nice people at Audible (= talking books from Amazon that can be listened to via Alexa) have just decided that Bear is now entitled to have a month's free trial (again) and two free books added to Bear's Library; Harry Potter 5 & 6 have just been "purchased" - I'm rather hoping that when I cancel the free trial they'll do as they have done before and extend the duration, throwing in one or two more free books in the process - then I'll be able to complete the set with Book 7.  I do already have books 5, 6 and 7 as talking books on the Laptop (courtesy of the Library Service) but listening to them isn't quite as convenient cos' each Chapter is a separate part so needs intervention from Bear at regular intervals.


Bear gone.

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45 minutes ago, Andy Hayter said:

For those of you who have had problems proving your identity with DVLA, HMRC or other government bodies, you have my sympathy but let me let you that this is as nought to the issues in working with the financial bodies in the UK - aka *ankers.



As a consequence of the big B, another big B decided that it no longer wanted to have accounts from customers in the UK.  As a consequence I received a letter from Barclays last August telling me that they intended to close my UK account (after only 53 years of banking with them).  Consequently I looked to find an alternative UK bank to provide simple UK banking facilities and it seemed the only bank "willing" to take on EU resident accounts was HSBC.


I applied and was accepted on line but had to provide proof of identity and proof of address.  That I think is all OK and would probably be the same in the UK.  So off to the town hall, with copy of passport and a recent utilities bill bill with my address.  All stamped and confirmed and sent off to HSBC UK.  No response.  Chase up.  Sorry we cannot confirm the authenticity of the signatures confirming your application.   [This from a bank that does have branches throughout France and really should be able to confirm such details.]  We need a notary to confirm the address and authenticity of your passport.  


So off on a 22km round trip to a notaire - closest equivalent to a notary in France - to conform my address and my passport photo.  20€ Kerching  - sent back to HSBC and still waiting for a reply from the *ankers to confirm my account.


At distance this is all taking time and despite calls to both Barclays and HSBC to move things along, months pass.  5 months later I write to Barclays to request information about all direct debits.  No response.  I then ask them on closure of the account to transfer all monies to OH's UK account.


Still no response from HSBC.


Barclays announce my account will be closed on 23rd January.  


I make all provisions making cheque payments against direct debits etc before the account is closed - life assurance for example.


No response form Barclays on either issue but a letter telling me my account is closed and what to do to recoup my money.  Still no response from HSBC about my application..


Complaint sent to Barclays about poor - zero - response to my requests. CEO passes me on to Dr No (aka customer service agent - service? you must be kidding - who refuses to accept anything and by the way we did not get your letters.  To lose one letter might just happen  but to lose two smacks of complete incompetence.  


I hope you are not getting bored with this tedious tirade

Now for the good bits:


Although requested to transfer my balance to OHs account, because (they claim) they have not got the letter, I now have to request this transfer post closure with proof of identity and address (It's the same F***ing address you have used for years and for the same person you have been happy with for 53! years cretins!).  Back to the notaire.  20€ Kerching.


Then the insurance company won't accept the cheque because it is in someone else's account.  Guess what?  proof of identity and address - thankfully not certified this time.


So current status:


UK account closed with Barclays

UK account application with HSBC in a state of limbo awaiting a comment from them - I need to poke the lion with my stick - beware says Albert.

UK insurance now paid for.


All of this however caused me to think about the security of all of these measures designed to protect YOU and me from fraud.


The passport verification is fine.  I supply a copy of the passport and it is authenticated by the notary.


The address however is another matter.  I provide the notary with a copy of my phone (fixed line) bill.  It has me address on it.  I changed this address recently when we were allocated a street name and house number.   Before we just lived as part of our commune.  The phone company  just accepted this.  They send their invoices by email so the address is immaterial to them. The notaire does not know me from Adam and so does not know if the address is correct or not; but to back up the address I carry a copy of my income tax demand from the tax office.  And how does the tax office know my address?  I filled in the new address on my tax return.


So where does this long litany lead?  UK banks demand proof of identity based on an authenticated  passport photo - fair enough - and an address that is eventually down to the fact that tolf people what it is and authenticated by someone who cannot actually know.


And I am still awaiting HSBC *ankers to confirm my account details - 9 month and counting!!


Cynical Bear suspects that if you have half a million quid in your current account then the likes of Barclays etc. wouldn't be in quite such a hurry to get shot of you....


In other news....

I see that Transgender Women will no longer be allowed to compete in Women's Cycling Events.  And about bluddy time too.


"Emily Bridges (the country's highest-profile transgender cyclist) reacted to the announcement with a statement on social media, calling the change a "violent act" by a "failed organisation" that was "controlling" the conversation on transgender inclusion.

She added that the racing scene was "dying under its watch" and that British Cycling was engaged in "culture wars".


Cynical Bear suspects that her statement may well have something to do with the fact that winning events isn't going to be quite so easy as she thought after all.



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Evening Awl,

Radar museum, quiet, very quiet only 5 people reached my hiding place.

So the 1/1000 model progressed well. I've had to use good old coloured saw dust for the grass. Problem being each particle is the equivalent of 3 ft high!! So much time was spent pressing it down into the PVA.

The lorry came out quite well, as did the two radars of a GCI convoy

Next week painting, the wheel of a big truck is say 4ft in diameter, so that will be roughly a 1.3 mm black dot....


To the MRC, even though another transportable unit with parallel bits of metal on was parked unusually close by. Two multi point turns of my transportable units was effected to my satisfaction.

This was achieved just before headless chicken time, when others turned up to sort multiple transportable units from multiple groups to be  packed and lined up for loading  tomorrow. My trailer will be carrying signs, notice boards, and anything but a transportable unit.


Strangely , paws, ankle, and knee were good today, 

But as I started typing that i got cramp in my right foot , particularly around big toe.


Muggachoccy gone.

Mee too.

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 If my rememberer is working properly I seem to recall that a while ago iL Dottore

was asking about the Fiat 500 and it merits as  transport .


 I think I have found him one that would be very suitable for Switzerland and it's

hilly terrain ,this one has had a few tweeks but looks quite lively , possibly not

a dog transporter though as space is a bit tight .




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13 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

You p1ss off enough Swiss, the next thing you know the necessary number of signatures will be collected, and then you’ll be looking at the wrong end (or the sharp end) of a legally binding referendum.




Surely that cannot be right!  Hang on while I look it up.






Actually I just looked it up and it is.


That would not work in any country that has comedians or people with a certain sense of humour living  in it because they'd be thinking up novelty laws left right and centre that would easily find 100,000 Prank Enthusiasts to sign up for  - Bring back The Blue Smartie! Make All Politicians Dress In Clown Suits! Red Cars  Must Drive On The Other Side Of The Road!  Government Forms Must Have 18 Different Options For Gender On Them!... etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc 


Here a sufficiently signed  partition will get you a debate in parliament which isnt anywhere near as funny as making people vote on it  so its usually just serious stuff about saving koalas and so on.


  Being part of the Westminster System I assume thats the law  in the UK too.





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6 hours ago, polybear said:

Bear here.....

Din dins today actually involved "cooking" (no air fryer or oven was involved either) - Penne all' Amatraciana 😀.



Brace yourself, @baz:




They've missed out the category for "WTF is this cr@p?":



Quinitec are not an arms manufacturer.. they are a consultancy .. what used to be RARDE, which was MVEE..and we ,Vickers,  offered an all electric drive version of Boxer to the UK in the 1990s.. that did not go down well... 



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7 minutes ago, Barry O said:

Quinitec are not an arms manufacturer.. they are a consultancy .. what used to be RARDE, which was MVEE..and we ,Vickers,  offered an all electric drive version of Boxer to the UK in the 1990s.. that did not go down well... 




Qinetiq is a bit more than a "consultancy" .....


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6 minutes ago, PupCam said:


Qinetiq is a bit more than a "consultancy" .....


It is now hut it wasn't originally when they were split from DSTL.. ..



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7 minutes ago, PupCam said:


Qinetiq is a bit more than a "consultancy" .....


Round here they “consult” with messages that are basically “expect bangs on …”

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Good evening everyone 


Both this morning’s shopping trips passed by without a hitch. Once back home from the Trafford Centre and the shopping had been packed away, I changed into my working clothes, made myself a muggertea and then headed outside to water and feed the potted plants. I began at the front and also planned to water the box hedges, as it was looking like it needed a good feed. However, upon close inspection I noticed it was being eaten by caterpillars, which means that we’ve got an infestation of box tree caterpillars, turdy curses! A look on line says that it can be treated, by either removing each caterpillar and killing it, but as there’s fecking hundreds of the little feckers, so that’s a non started, or I could use a pesticide, but I don’t use chemicals in the garden! So I’ve decided to dig up the hedge and replace it with something else. But I’ve not yet found anything that I like. 


Charlie turned up just after dinner and after he’d had a chat with Sheila, we headed out to the workshop for the afternoon. He started building some new kits he’d bought the other day, I on the other hand carried on tidying up. By the end of the afternoon I’d got my workbench back and over half a dozen clean paint mixing/cleaning pots too.

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6 minutes ago, BSW01 said:

…but I don’t use chemicals in the garden! S

How about nematodes? We used them to control gooseberry sawfly caterpillars. 

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2 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

How about nematodes? We used them to control gooseberry sawfly caterpillars. 


As far as I'm aware they can't be used. I know Monty Don't got rid of his box but I think that was due to box blight. Could try one of the natural pesticides or soft soap.

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1 hour ago, Sidecar Racer said:


 If my rememberer is working properly I seem to recall that a while ago iL Dottore

was asking about the Fiat 500 and it merits as  transport .


 I think I have found him one that would be very suitable for Switzerland and it's

hilly terrain ,this one has had a few tweeks but looks quite lively , possibly not

a dog transporter though as space is a bit tight .




This ones even crazier.


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Well, I had a bit of a rant, and if one can't have a bit of a rant with fellow modellers where can we rant. I apologise if I shouldn't have.


Anyway I don't have a tv , but I do  enjoy some of the short independent films available .  ERs might fing this one amusing, in an ironic sort of way . 








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3 hours ago, Sidecar Racer said:


 If my rememberer is working properly I seem to recall that a while ago iL Dottore

was asking about the Fiat 500 and it merits as  transport .


 I think I have found him one that would be very suitable for Switzerland and it's

hilly terrain ,this one has had a few tweeks but looks quite lively , possibly not

a dog transporter though as space is a bit tight .




He could get a trailer for them! A padded one.

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