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Early Risers.


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No, it's much bigger than a slow-worm, with which I am familiar. It's a good 2 feet long or more. And it lives in the wall - that is where I saw it disappearing on returning after an hour. No, that hour wasn't spent having the screaming habdabs, but was a regular phonecall to my friendly headshrinker, talking about this and that - the snake got a mention, that's all.


I'm fairly certain it's a grass snake, although discretion is the better part etc. Makes visits to the railway barn a mite more interesting, whatever!


Last month I saw one almost identical to this one whilst walking by the R. Mayenne after a picnic. I was assured that it was more fearful of me than I was of it so continued our walk, unabashed!

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  • RMweb Gold

I don't think it's a grass snake, and with the lack of pattern, more likely an Aesculapian snake.

And thus non-venomous, which is the real point! And, frankly, given the occasional presence of mouse dirts on the layout, fang-features may be doing a fine job on my behalf. There are a number of apertures in the - as you can see! - very rough walls of the barn. I don't know how many years the building had lacked door or windows, but I had them installed in 2006.


I'm very sorry if I gave Gordon a shock - I'm the first to recognise that phobias are terrifying, and that we have no control over them and their effect upon us. Mine are more focussed upon ants and earwigs - yet I don't mind spiders at all. I am confident I could cuddle a snake once I knew it was safe to do so - we are all different.


Edited for spelling after an early-morning virtual dig-in-the-ribs!

Edited by Oldddudders
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  • RMweb Gold

Oops! Apologies to all. Have now re-edited it! Confused? You will be!

Originally I thought DD meant something to do with Dom's bunny photo but then realised it was something you had said. Is that confused enough?

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  • RMweb Gold

Last month I saw one almost identical to this one whilst walking by the R. Mayenne after a picnic. I was assured that it was more fearful of me than I was of it so continued our walk, unabashed!

Yes, that's the sort of reassurance I would offer in the circs, I'm sure, but it is based upon things one has heard about venomous and non-venomous snakes in Europe. The advice always seems to be to make a bit of noise when walking, to give snakes, and other wildlife, plenty of time to scarper before you happen upon them. This avoids shocks for you and them!


Edited again for spelling. I'm beginning to worry!

Edited by Oldddudders
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  • RMweb Gold

- I'm the first to recognise that phobias are terrifying, and that we have no control over them and their effect upon us. Mine are more focussed upon ants and earwigs - yet I don't mind spiders at all. I am confident I could cuddle a snake once I knew it was safe to do so - we are all different.

It was quite a while before we realised that Matthew was phobic about clowns (and people inside "character" suits). He claims to have it under control now but I felt really bad recently. We were tidying up and we looked at all the birthday cards we had kept from when he was little, so many had clowns on them, he must have been terrified!

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  • RMweb Gold

I have just been invited out - by a very-happily-married younger lady. A Scots couple own a house 2km down the hill, and our horses have wintered there for years. Now they live back in Scotland, having concluded that French education was not up to Scots standards so their wee bairns needed to be back home, but Gillian still works locally, turning up every few weeks for a couple of days in person - she must be really valuable to her employer to get such a deal! Apparently a friend of theirs is opening a new pizzeria in Mamers next Thursday, and I'm invited. How does one reward such thoughtfulness?

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Just try to enjoy it, I think Ian.

I doubt Gillian is looking for a reward.


I can't offer snake pictures taken today.

I did, however, take the opportunity of snapping this fellow (an elephant hawk moth grub I think).

It's size can be judged by my hand.

It's now been returned to carry on munching on the fuchsias.




Edited by DDolfelin
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  • RMweb Gold

How does one reward such thoughtfulness?

Just try to enjoy it, I think Ian.

I doubt Gillian is looking for a reward.


... and certainly not by taking any of your bread.

Edited by BoD
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I have just noticed the new egghead, Dave, on the öshow tonight.

I guess Gordon's appearance is that much closer.

Has any date been given Mr S?


Funnily enough my SiL mailed me today with the same observation, but I've not heard officially at all. I suspect it could be in the next few weeks.


You can never go wrong with flowers or a bottle of wine, Ian, but as DD says, they will all just be pleased for you to be there....

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Apparently a friend of theirs is opening a new pizzeria in Mamers next Thursday, and I'm invited. How does one reward such thoughtfulness?


By turning up dressed for the occasion, appreciating the food and promoting the establishment locally, if your experience warrants that. Basically, enjoy it!

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If it is a grass snake it will invariably pee on you when you pick it up - which is better than being rushed to hospital if it isn't......

I remember fishing at a lake in the grounds of a hotel in North Carolina. Very hot and sticky day. I was by a bridge over the narrow end of the lake when I noticed this African-American chappie shouting at me from the bridge. "What?" I said. "There's a Cottonmouth right behind you!". No I didn't get into one of Ashcombe's Panto things of "Where?" - "It's behind you!" etc.

I turned and there was a rather large snake of about 6 feet long of the "Cottonmouth" variety. Now, my Doctor neighbour had already advised me that a Cottonmouth is more frightening than dangerous and the one to watch out for is the Copperhead Rattler. So, I poked it with my rod. Whereupon said gentleman shrieked! Honestly, it was like doing an old Bob Hope/Rochester routine.

The snake itself slithered off into the brush and neither of us was hurt any.



Be careful of having (this) ER as your collective Social Secretary...............


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Here's another video for Mike (or anyone else, of course).


Union Station, Chicago. I've never visited this station but it look busier with passenger trains than I expected. Lots of Double - Deckers, look out for the overpass in the middle-distance:




Kind of like houses on the move.........


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

Union Station, Chicago. I've never visited this station but it look busier with passenger trains than I expected. Lots of Double - Deckers, look out for the overpass in the middle-distance:

Yup - good to see anyone's railway flourishing these days. But don't forget that in the not-so-distant past those trains on the ex-CB&Q 3-track to Aurora were run by E9s!
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I hought that this was Early Risers! I've just spent half an hour reading posts from yesterday and only two from today! WAKE UP!

Cloudy with a prospect of some rain. and only slightly better tomorrow. Max temp today forecast at 15C


Another 3 pots whils I was typing this!

Edited by DonBradley
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, looks like rain again here today in Hampshire.

Just been reading a friend's website; he relocated to rural Brittany a few years ago and went back to his roots as a cabinet maker. Clearly living the dream!

Lovely pieces of work including some music stands that might interest Pete!

Last night's dumplings went down like a lead balloon with the children. Think I'll stick to baking. Homemade pizza for tea tonight for them.

Expecting a deluge of work this weekend, Wondering if it might keep till Monday so I can finish the tiling on my first scratch built cottage for the layout.

Still struggling with colour matching some DAS clay to Hornby's cotswold stone walls.

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Morning girls......Bit early for shouting at us, Don. Don't forget you have an hour's start on us, so 6.00am is still an early start for those of us in our latter years....


Seem to have birthday celebrations all weekend. BiL today and daughter tomorrow. Another few pounds around the waistline...

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