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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

I did try to post earlier but this computer kept asking to be allowed to update so I let it get on with it and read the newspaper.

Not raining here yet though it looks very likely.

We had a text message from Matthew yesterday. He was going hiking near Lake Louise. His mother is quite envious as it is one of the places she really wants to visit. He did say that lectures were going well too!



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, perfect day for my plans today (it's raining) - I'm with Gordon, backside firmly on sofa for a day of sport on the tv, maybe start sticking sticky paper to things in between, going to make a start on the Scalescenes station footbridge for Bishops Stoke.


Bishops Stoke? It's the new name for the roundy roundytrainset formerly known as 'Roundyroundytrainsetintheloft on Sea'. The nameboards won't take up the whole of the station now.


Have a good one

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Between visiting the Richard III dig, cutting the lawns (before it rains), clearing up and cooking, actually got to sand and varnish the layout fascia yesterday, so that counts as modelling.Now going to take the dogs out (before it rains) and then get on with some more modelling.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


still only light rain here Gordon so Tony might be north of the first lot (before the heavy rain which will allegedly arrive this pm). And yes our numbers continue to swell - hopefully with less domesticated souls as Tony and Stu put us to shame on the household from and I have to spend even more time hiding RMweb pages from MrsS. Have a good day folks.

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Looks like we're all going to get a large bucket full of rain.

That makes a change.

I see a new type of cloud has been identified.

One that didn't pour water on my head would be welcome.

(No need to edit as I deleted the obscenity before posting).

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Does it involve menacing silence and demands to move your feet, followed by furniture re-arrangement and being asked to get out a step ladder so that she can take the curtains down?

All this despite your efforts to study the TV Sport listings in peace?

'Have you finished with that?' means 'why don't you wash up your own coffee cup?'

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all ,


I've been absent for a couple of days as I was a bit under par , some sort of gastric

problem , left me feeling washed out and very lethargic . Seems to be getting better

as I can eat without feeling pain .


Weather is ' hissing down ' currently , so like Phil and Gordon it's F1 for the afternoon .


Now I have to go to the shop for milk and bread , then try for a light lunch .


Have a good day .

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  • RMweb Gold

Pneumonia just about cleared up after a second session of antibiotics: many thanks to all on ER for their messages.


Permission just received from the head gardener that the side lawn may be removed and a raised bed built around the edge to contain a 1:12 scale 1.5" gauge railway.


Procrastination is now likely to take over as ever more fanciful schemes are designed and discarded. I must remember that in the bigger scales, 'less is more'.


The boss has now left for a girl guide training, followed by a visit to her mother in N Wales, so I am in charge...........................


Looking forward to some peace, although the dogs will demand attention, and there are the household chores to attend to.


I suspect chaos will rule.





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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all - I don't usually say that, rude curmudgeon that I am - and apologies for absence. Many thanks to the estimable Ashcombe for a post on my behalf.


I find it implausible that the broadband has come good on a Sunday - I would have put money on a weekday fix, but that's why I don't gamble! Wotever, it is lovely to be back in touch with the world. My brother Adrian was here Tuesday evening to Friday morning, and we chewed a lot of fat. His twin may appear later in the year, but as another uni year (in Marseille) has just started he is a bit busy. Given that I have deliberately avoided them face-to-face for nearly 8 years, that's quite kind of them! I saw the Notaire on Friday, and that has stepped up the progress with paperwork - and given me another bill to pay!


Good to see ERs in fine form, but also note there have been some nasty events. Hope people pull round from those. Various threads I might have added my two-penn'orth to - so they are the richer for my absence!


Hope everyone has a good day!

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Afternoon all,


Mrs iD is off hiking for two days, I've had an early lunch and a quiet pint, now for a post-prandial snooze, before heading to the workshop to oversee the progress of the GWR Siphon from crisis to disaster....


One must be positiv as nothing is a 100% compleet disaster, after all it can be used as a topp "bad exampal" - as any fule kno., Hopfule photos and etchings (hem-hem) tonite - altho not suitabal for the tinies. Good to see my grate frend olddudders is back (ooh er, gosh)




ps as may be diserned, I hav been reding my Molesworth books agane, 'nuff said?

Edited by iL Dottore
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  • RMweb Gold
One that didn't pour water on my head would be welcome.


You obviously didn't write that stupid song then - 'Raindrops keep falling on my head, but (paraphrase) I don't give a t*ss......etc.,etc.'

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  • RMweb Gold

Thank you for all the early warnings of rain. I did suggest putting washing out was unwise but as it started pouring I went out and got it in, probably damper than when it went out. At least it was dry while I was out at the park with Robbie. The pears I picked yesterday are being turned into chutney. I'm not doing that, that is another task that Aditi claims to enjoy. I'll probably watch the F1, though I must admit the scenery at Singapore isn't my favourite.

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  • RMweb Premium
Martin, not sure then about your grass. Maybe its a bad batch of seeds. SWMBO generally justs rakes down the compost and broadcasts the seeds on top with excellent results.


Don't worry Andrew, it's par for the course for me. I don't get on well with anything green -- I have one particular flower bed called "Death Row". If I change my mind about something after getting it from the garden centre, I plant it in there. The result is a foregone conclusion.


I enjoy being out in the garden, pottering about in the fresh air. It's the perfect antidote when something isn't going well on the computer. In a strange way, the inevitability of failure makes it all the more enjoyable -- if I thought it was going to work I would have to think about it first.



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Guest Max Stafford

No sign of rain here yet so I've washed the bedding and stuck it out in the hope it'll be dry quickly before the nasty stuff gets here. A light, hazy cloud over the sun indicates change is on its way later today.


Hope you're all having nice Sundays regardless.



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I enjoy being out in the garden, pottering about in the fresh air. It's the perfect antidote when something isn't going well on the computer. In a strange way, the inevitability of failure makes it all the more enjoyable -- if I thought it was going to work I would have to think about it first.




Same for me too, Martin (except swap Music for computer, those that's my tool too). My Wife curses under her breath if she sees me setting forth into the backyard, specially if I happen to be carrying a gardening implement....


Best, Pete.

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