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Good morning everyone 


Another bright and sunny start to the day here in the northwest corner of England. The current temperature is 1C, so if we had any frost last night it had long gone by the time I’d got up. My first task is a visit to the dentist for a check up. Upon my return, I shall change into my working clothes and spend some time in the garden as the patio could do with a clean, fab joy. 

Back later.


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24 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

Sounds familiar. I rarely have a poor night’s sleep but often wake up feeling tired! Going back to sleep after a cup of tea results in a short sleep that seems to remove the tired feeling. 

I had a good five hours + last night but woke up at 06:15, so I had to debate going back to sleep or getting up. I chose the former and as a consequence didn't wake again until gone 8.

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1 hour ago, TheQ said:

SWMBO's late aunt and uncle used to go to Malta every winter , it was cheaper to pay for bed and breakfast in a hotel there, than keep the heating on all winter in the UK.

When I visited Malta twenty years ago I was seriously considering buying an apartment out there where I could spend a few months in the winter and let it out to holidaymakers during the summer. At the time I was hoping for a redundancy/early retirement but that fell through so the apartment didn't happen. That holiday was in March and about 75% of the hotel residents were UK senior citizens on B&B for three months. 

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Greetings all from a sunny LBG - blue skies out of the windows look great. It was frosty in Sidcup when I left the house this morning. Still coughing but not as much  as a few days ago - having said that yesterday evening my throat and chest were very tickly - but I managed a reasonable night's sleep.

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2 hours ago, TheQ said:

The failures of many HMG military contracts, are caused by the men from the ministry repeatedly changing the specifications during development. 

One of the (many) reasons that the two Scottish Ferries are years late and millions over budget was that there was an element of design/redesign as-you-go. Apparently this was actually catered for in the original contracts.


Not so long ago the press reported, in the way that they do, that all the electrical cables on the ship were too short and had to replaced.  What they didn’t explain was that in one of the re-designs/reshuffles the transformers and switchgear had to be moved. Not far… but enough to cause the problems..

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15 hours ago, Tony_S said:

Matthew went to a Geography Conference for students in Malta during the Christmas holidays.  The delegates were housed in a Scout hut. There was no heating. One day there was  an excursion to Gozo. I don’t think Matthew or his friend Wendy fancied the look of the sea so sat in a cafe all day planning the next conference. That was in Seville. 


I remember being at work (way back in my working days), in the depths of winter, and getting an email from the Rollercoaster, Alton Towers, aka the Bay of Biscay. He was out on a Research Vessel doing some marine science technology stuff, though not a lot of it by the sound of it!


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On science and anti-science, I think the attitudes we see are symptoms of a much deeper malaise.


Many people have lost trust on the traditional media and have migrated to 'alternative' news, which in many cases is providing even more blatant confirmation bias than the regular news (which is bad enough). There's a famous comment ascribed to G.K.Chesterton - When Man ceases to worship God he does not worship nothing but worships everything. I think this could be adapted to say that when a person ceases to believe information from official sources and the media then they believe anything.


And the real problem is, there are perfectly sound reasons why people don't believe official sources of information and the media. I've no idea how to fix that one.

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On runaway train movies, I remember the 1980's movie with Jon Voight, set in Alaska. That was a classic, I never realised it was adapted from a 1960's idea by among others Akira Kurosawa of 'Seven Samurai' fame.

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3 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

iD so so correct about folk's inability to actually understand, or even skim, science etc.  I worked with an intelligent man, really good IT skills, accountancy etc who really, really was convinced about the flat earth thing, all based on an atmospheric anomaly from the Victorian era.  As for moon landings....#sigh#...it got very tiresome.



Bear has heard rumour that there are those who believe the World revolves around all things Great Western.  Now that is weird.....🤣


1 hour ago, southern42 said:

A bit of noise next-door, this morning. New neighbours are adding a driveway on the far side of their house and putting up a wall in place of the gate on our side.  That means the public right of way, running right in front of us to their house, will be no longer. No pedestrians passing all the time setting off the door watch ( "Motion detected at the front door" ) every time someone walks past.



Doesn't that mean there's a risk that Mr & Mrs Public will object to the loss of "their" right of way, with grief and expense incoming as a result?

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1 hour ago, southern42 said:

' morning all from red dragon land.


A bit of noise next-door, this morning. New neighbours are adding a driveway on the far side of their house and putting up a wall in place of the gate on our side.  That means the public right of way, running right in front of us to their house, will be no longer. No pedestrians passing all the time setting off the door watch ( "Motion detected at the front door" ) every time someone walks past.

😁 <<BFG Big Fat Grin>>  


Another BFG, 😁 this morning.  The next song for my flute is going to be a big step up, so I started, a few month ago, by learning to SING the notes by name ("sa, ri, ga" etc,}* first, note by note . Yesterday, I had a go at singing the first line at double speed, then double again from memory. Wow, that worked. This morning, off the cuff, I played the tune, with sa ri ga, etc  in my head, just blowing lightly across the hole to see how I would get along. No problem. Wow! I thought. So, I played it again, but properly. WoaH! I thought, and played it again! No music in front of me and not a note wrong!  I played it twice more, even giving it a bit of expression. It sounded as if I had been playing it for ever!

Not only was it another BFG, 😁  but a cracking great laugh-out-loud in disbelief! It looks Like my progress is all mapped out now - SING-GING! If it works for them...


I had better get playing singing...


Take care. Be good. Watch out for those off-the-cuff moments!





One hopes they've applied to the local council to do that,  because if they haven't all it will is a disgruntled walker to complain and the proverbial will start flying.

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The topic of kitchens is rather a sore one at Schloss iD.


When we bought the house, it was empty – the then current owners having already moved into their retirement flat – which meant we could happily refurbish the house without either ourselves or our possessions getting in the way.


For the kitchen, I wanted to have stainless steel cupboards and countertops as well as any professional kitchen equipment that could fit in to such a small place. This was vehemently vetoed by Mrs iD (and believe you me, you don’t know what “vehement” IS until Mrs iD does it to you ☹️).

Why? I don’t know. It’s far too small to be a live-in kitchen (so no need for all that comfy, cozy, farmhouse kitchen look), it’s even too small to be an eat-in kitchen with a breakfast nook. Furthermore, I do 99.9% of the cooking not Mrs iD….

So we ended up with the usual domestic style kitchen with maple fronts and the usual “looks good, is expensive, but is totally useless“ kitchen equipment that is usually fostered onto domestic consumers (there is almost a happy ending to this sad tale of woe: about a decade ago, I was able to swap out the hob and the fridge to hard-to-find* domestic units which were much closer in terms of functionality to their professional counterparts [even then Mrs iD asked if I really needed a fridge that went down to 2°C])


After my retirement, refurbishment of the kitchen and bathrooms is on the books and I think there will be some serious negotiating over the outfitting of both (I still want my professional kitchen)

It could well go to DEFCON 4 and who blinks first…..


* hard-to-find as in hidden away in the back of the catalogue and not promoted by the kitchen outfitters..

Edited by iL Dottore
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12 minutes ago, polybear said:

Bear has heard rumour that there are those who believe the World revolves around all things Great Western.  Now that is weird.....🤣

What’s even weirder are those people who believe that trains can be clean, comfortable, fast and on time AND TICKETS DON’T COST AN ARM AND A LEG!!

Sheeesh, some people will believe anything

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20 hours ago, 45156 said:

Islay malt fans - a quick heads up - Morereasons are offering Smokehead for £26 a bottle  - gentle it isn't.


They've also got Talisker Skye at £25.



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