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4 hours ago, iL Dottore said:


  • Little Pink Pills PLC (wholesale legal and non-legal pharmaceutical materials: @Erichill16 Apothecary In Chief


A minor correction,  my none core, special supply business for discerning customers  is known  by the innocuous name


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7 minutes ago, Erichill16 said:

A minor correction,  my none core, special supply business for discerning customers  is known  by the innocuous name


Thank you. I will update the contact list…



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4 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Captain Cynical Industries GmbH PRESS RELEASE


There have been rumours in the business and financial community about the forthcoming changes to the CCI GmbH boardroom structure. We can now announce that in June Captain Cynical will be stepping back from his role as CEO and semi-retiring. The Alpine Angel of Death will also be stepping down from her role as CFO at CCI GmbHThe Throat Ripper and The Emasculator will remain on the board for the next 6 months, taking on the role of interim CEO and interim CFO respectively, before retiring after having downsized the company to the level that can be easily managed by a semi-retired Captain Cynical.


CCI GmbH could not have become the success it is without the support and collaboration of numerous companies and individuals who Captain Cynical hopes you will now support with your business.


CC heartily recommends the following companies (speciality and contact person in brackets) and in no particular order they are:

  • Hunt Aviation (private jets, helicopters and bombers: @Dave Hunt Chief Aviator)
  • Industrial Cake and Beanz (external event catering: @polybear Lead Microwave Operator)
  • Ben “The Entrepreneur” Collie’s Working Dogs (external event security: @TheQ Senior Handler)
  • Sheds-R-Us (temporary external venue structures: @Winslow Boy Senior Erector)
  • Antipodean Arachnidae Inc (provider of poisonous flora and fauna to the trade: @monkeysarefun CEO) 
  • Le Gendarme Heureux (private investigations and general dirt digging up: @jamie92208 Flic Majeure)
  • The Platform King (provider of uniforms and other amusing garb: @Gwiwer Head Stylist)
  • Little Pink Pills PLC (wholesale legal and non-legal pharmaceutical materials: @Erichill16 Apothecary In Chief)
  • You Looking At Me? (CCI GmbH North American Partner in Crime: @Ozexpatriate Kingpin and Made Man)
  • Donk Financial Services (CCI GmbH offshore “money management” partner: @New Haven Neil Head of Laundry)
  • Kowloon Dragon Triad (CCI GmbH SE Asia Partner @jjb1970 Mountain Master)

We hope that you will support these excellent businesses with your custom*

Captain Cynical

(soon to be retired) CEO

Captain Cynical Industries GmbH


* use the booking code CCSENTME for a 10% discount on products and services.



Lost for an answer? May I be permitted to advertise this company?

Out of this World Info Tours (00 TWIT) providing the answer to everything @southern42 your Galaxy Girl Guide

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25 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

My apologies, Phij, but there are so many suppliers to CCI GmbH that it’s a bit hard to keep track of ‘em all. But as you asked nicely, here are a few more:

  • Estuary Druidic Body Shaping (clinic for arthritis and sciatica management: @PhilJ W Principal Healer)
  • The Smiling Vintner (supplier of rare and valuable whiskies: @grandadbob Master Toper)
  • The Telescopic Eye (visual surveillance services: @PupCam Investigative Astronomer)
  • Howzat? LLC (adjudication services: @Barry O Master Mediator)
  • TootSweet (musical quartet for hire: @southern42 Lady Flautist)

There may be more….


Sorry, Just noticed this one. 

Better get some practice in, then.... :-/


Edited by southern42
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27 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

My apologies, Phij, but there are so many suppliers to CCI GmbH that it’s a bit hard to keep track of ‘em all. But as you asked nicely, here are a few more:

  • Estuary Druidic Body Shaping (clinic for arthritis and sciatica management: @PhilJ W Principal Healer)
  • The Smiling Vintner (supplier of rare and valuable whiskies: @grandadbob Master Toper)
  • The Telescopic Eye (visual surveillance services: @PupCam Investigative Astronomer)
  • Howzat? LLC (adjudication services: @Barry O Master Mediator)
  • TootSweet (musical quartet for hire: @southern42 Lady Flautist)

There may be more….

I could be a guardian of the northern territories looking out for Viking incursions,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,oh hang on I am of Danish Viking descent myself, oh well takes one to know one.

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2 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

Those sausages look delicious, more info please.


It's a restaurant called Marche, which is a brand of Movenpick (I am guessing it is a local franchise operation rather than the actual Movenpick company, but I may be wrong with that). They specialise in hearty Swiss German and Italian fare, sausages, schnitzels, rosti, pizza etc. They do pretty good sauerkraut, potato salad, mustard and such like. The place is a bit cheesy in trying to replicate the Heidi style but it is very good and I find something oddly alluring about young Singaporean ladies dressed like alpine fraulein. For anyone in Singapore looking for a hearty meal and wanting something other than rice or noodles (as much as I like Asian food, I also like to have western food and not everyone visiting Asia takes to the local cuisine) I'd recommend it. Prices are mid-scale, not cheap but not expensive, portions are large and I've never left hungry or dissatisfied. 


On the sausages, it's a mix of veal, garlic pork and cheese frankfurter. They're very good. Sausages here tend to be either Chinese style sausages which are a type of dried sausage and sweet (I like them but not all do) or frankfurter style. A local chain (Phoon Huat/Redman) does very acceptable British sausages (Cumberland, Pork, Lincolnshire, Oxford banger etc) for cooking at home, I am guessing they bought the recipes from a British sausage maker as they are actually very British in taste and texture (that may sound obvious, but food made overseas tends to be coloured by local tastes and customs, evolving into something different). And in extremis, M&S sell sausages flown in from Blighty. I say extremis as they're pricey, I go to M&S to buy good cheese and luxuries, and love having them here to get a taste of home but they are expensive. Not M&S UK expensive, but properly expensive.

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Another Swiss import we get here is ovomaltine chocolate products, remember those? I loved them as a kid, then they disappeared from the UK. When I used to go on business trips to Switzerland I always made a point of bringing a few bars home.

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5 minutes ago, jjb1970 said:


It's a restaurant called Marche, which is a brand of Movenpick (I am guessing it is a local franchise operation rather than the actual Movenpick company, but I may be wrong with that). They specialise in hearty Swiss German and Italian fare, sausages, schnitzels, rosti, pizza etc. They do pretty good sauerkraut, potato salad, mustard and such like. The place is a bit cheesy in trying to replicate the Heidi style but it is very good and I find something oddly alluring about young Singaporean ladies dressed like alpine fraulein. For anyone in Singapore looking for a hearty meal and wanting something other than rice or noodles (as much as I like Asian food, I also like to have western food and not everyone visiting Asia takes to the local cuisine) I'd recommend it. Prices are mid-scale, not cheap but not expensive, portions are large and I've never left hungry or dissatisfied. 


On the sausages, it's a mix of veal, garlic pork and cheese frankfurter. They're very good. Sausages here tend to be either Chinese style sausages which are a type of dried sausage and sweet (I like them but not all do) or frankfurter style. A local chain (Phoon Huat/Redman) does very acceptable British sausages (Cumberland, Pork, Lincolnshire, Oxford banger etc) for cooking at home, I am guessing they bought the recipes from a British sausage maker as they are actually very British in taste and texture (that may sound obvious, but food made overseas tends to be coloured by local tastes and customs, evolving into something different). And in extremis, M&S sell sausages flown in from Blighty. I say extremis as they're pricey, I go to M&S to buy good cheese and luxuries, and love having them here to get a taste of home but they are expensive. Not M&S UK expensive, but properly expensive.

We had a meal at that restaurant. The food was excellent.. but a bit bizarre in that I have never eaten a meal while surrounded by Mountain Goats.



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42 minutes ago, Barry O said:

but a bit bizarre in that I have never eaten a meal while surrounded by Mountain Goats.

The nearest I have to that experience is eating in a fish and chip restaurant in Cromer near the cliffs where goats graze. 

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Afternoon Peeps!


2 hours ago, polybear said:


I think maybe a small, no, make that a very, very big FFS might be in order .....     #1


2 hours ago, tigerburnie said:

I could be a guardian of the northern territories looking out for Viking incursions,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,oh hang on I am of Danish Viking descent myself, oh well takes one to know one.


Seems like you are ideally qualified!  See note #1


In Other News


Replacement flowers arrived and seem to have been well received.   Perhaps a congratulatory Email to customer services is warranted?    Yes, thought so.  

As the company "came good" I'll name it; Zing Flowers.     No connection just a (now) satisfied customer (albeit delayed satisfaction!)


Just finished making the adapter with the rare earth magnet in it for the engine timing gadget.    Works a treat particularly now it's had a hardware & software upgrade.   The upgrade was to add a Piezo buzzer and modify the code so that a tone is generated when it is on the ignition timing mark.   Should make timing a doddle now.   Well, as much of a doddle as it can be given that the magneto is timed by moving the drive gear round on the taper of the mag shaft and then tightening the retaining nut thus moving the drive gear .......


Looks like a quite decent helmet* of motorcycles will be heading to Old Warden tomorrow morning to try out breakfast.    Can @polybear get the Honda sorted in time?   We'll be there about 10:00 😄


* Seems like an appropriate if not the official collective noun for motorcycles.   No doubt many others are available.



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55 minutes ago, PupCam said:

Seems like an appropriate if not the official collective noun for motorcycles.   No doubt many others are available.

The only one I know of is “pack” but perhaps that isn’t really suitable for vintage bike groups. 

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Yes, Skippy is sold in the UK. It came as a substitute on Ocado when my usual Good Earth) was unavailable. it was OK.


I have to be careful with peanut butter seeing as Younger Lurker is allergic to peanuts (but no so bad that I can’t have them at all). Mind you I have never bought Bombay mix again as that was one of the things he had that set him off…


still got my cold, half the time my breathing sounds like the noise space dust makes on your tongue. It is quite disconcerting to have fully breathed out and to hear the crackling noise continuing. Work consisted of realising one of the business groups had made an error in their VAT reporting which means we owe HMRC a fair old sum and having to start  spreading the bad news. Internal reactions are not too bad so far but we haven’t told HMRC yet!


today I watched the F1 quali highlights and have been for a walk.

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5 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

Those sausages look delicious, more info please.

This may be of use (and is closer to home)


These are only in German:  https://www.fleischtheke.info/schweiz  https://www.suttero.ch/sortiment/wurstwaren/ (Use google translate or deepL to translate for you).


In addition to the above, there are plenty of local sausages which are not made by the big producers - some are regional and yet others may only be found in a small corner of a particular Kanton. As we head towards spring, and the first wild garlic appears many butchers make a seasonal bratwurst with wild garlic: https://www.vomfritz.ch/collections/wurstwaren-charcuterie/products/barlauchbratwurst-5x150g


Finally, I have never encountered a sausage I didn’t like (including blood sausages like black pudding, and Morcillo), with one exception: Andouilette https://www.foodandwine.com/lifestyle/andouillette-french-sausage-association I may be a fearless Gastronaut, but intestines are one of the few things I will not eat (and, yes, I have tried these things before concluding that I don’t like them)


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1 hour ago, Tony_S said:

The only one I know of is “pack” but perhaps that isn’t really suitable for vintage bike groups. 


A Leak?


41 minutes ago, southern42 said:

...Dandelions will provide a certain bear with a big pot of honey!





Talking of Honey....

...is nothing sacred?




Bear here.....

Washing done.  Tick

Much sorting in the muddlin' room, with more to do; I also decided that the old stair handrails were no longer required as I want to fit some rather G.T. new ones, so rather than take a saw to them I bunged them on Freegle and got a taker very quickly - with rapid collection thrown in.  Tick.

I finally decided that one (the very last in fact) of the packing boxes for a very large decorative kitchen end panel (7ft+ long) was no longer required, so I cut it into numerous bits then glued the bits together in very best Blue Peter fashion to create a blanking panel to be used when sanding and recoating the hardwood Conservatory windows - it'll keep the dust and creepies out of the Conservatory until the window can be shut again.  It also means I've finally got rid of the box (it was only an inch thick though) out of the Conservatory at long last.  That'll be another Tick.


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2 hours ago, Tony_S said:

vintage bike groups. 

Are you referring to the bikes, the riders or both.

If the riders then surely it must be a triumph of riders.

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