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1 hour ago, Dave Hunt said:

It really is a magnificent bit of modelling

And Mr. Stewart no doubt has the budget to support it!  


If I had half his talent for making money with my voice I'd be twice as well off 🤣

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1 hour ago, grandadbob said:

@polybear Please Bear can I borrow some Turdycurses?   


For a fellow sufferer?  Absolutely - fill yer boots.  Can I borrow some of your cake in return?  Just askin' for a friend.....


39 minutes ago, PhilH said:

......I invested a lot of money in one of these new generation mattresses. What a difference, I’d go as far as to say night and day. Back pain, unless I do something stupid, is almost a distant memory now, so for me it has been a totally worthwhile investment.



Would that be a Memory Foam Jobbie by any chance?

Incidentally, and on a totally different subject, ISTR (unless I'm totally mistaken - which is highly likely) that you'd laid your paws on a live steam loco (kit?) to build.  Am I right, and did you ever start it/finish it?


In totally other news....

Bear had a Pizza n' chips for din dins....

Bear's Tip of the Day:  Remember to remove the cardboard base from the Pizza before bungin' it in the oven.  Oops.  Well it didn't catch fire and it tasted ok as well, so panic over.

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10 minutes ago, Winslow Boy said:

I'm totally p£&£#d off at the moment. Why I hear you cry- don't all shout at once. Well as you'll all sitting comfortably I shall explain.


Here goes, I recently received notification that one of my financial investments was maturing and the financial institution that it was with wanted to know what I wanted to do. So having decided that I didn't want to keep it with them I have been trying to get my money back. Good I do it not on your nelly. Despite calls, emails, chat boxing would they let me have it back. Nope, Narda, Neit, Nein.


What is with companies. Why is it they deliberately make things difficult.


Any so if here about a spate of bank robberies in the north west don't let own that you might know who it is 


Have they given a reason why?  Ask for a copy of their Formal Complaints Procedure - and if that doesn't focus their attention then casually mention the Financial Services Ombudsman.  That'll focus their attention.

Edited by polybear
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  • RMweb Premium
16 minutes ago, Winslow Boy said:

I'm totally p£&£#d off at the moment. Why I hear you cry- don't all shout at once. Well as you'll all sitting comfortably I shall explain.


Here goes, I recently received notification that one of my financial investments was maturing and the financial institution that it was with wanted to know what I wanted to do. So having decided that I didn't want to keep it with them I have been trying to get my money back. Good I do it not on your nelly. Despite calls, emails, chat boxing would they let me have it back. Nope, Narda, Neit, Nein.


What is with companies. Why is it they deliberately make things difficult.


Any so if here about a spate of bank robberies in the north west don't let own that you might know who it is 

Quite a contrast with the two pensions I cashed in both Aviva and Prudential couldn't wait to get shut of me and my money... The company cannot hang on to your cash and force you to take what they offer. What he said.

Edited by skipepsi
Bears faster typing speed.
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12 minutes ago, skipepsi said:

Quite a contrast with the two pensions I cashed in both Aviva and Prudential couldn't wait to get shut of me and my money... The company cannot hang on to your cash and force you to take what they offer. What he said.


And if it's a Private Pension (I suspect it's not in this case) you most definitely don't have to accept the offer they give - there is the "Open Market Option"** where you can get a much better deal from other companies - I helped a friend do this and it can be very worthwhile.

HOWEVER anyone looking into this needs to take care as there are crooks (literally) out there.


p.s. Bear isn't a Financial Adviser.....


**An 'Open Market Option' is the term used to describe the choice you have to buy an annuity or one of the other types of retirement income products from another company that is not your current pension provider.


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On pensions the Singaporean system is much better. Here they have a government investment fund and special retirement savings accounts for private retirement investments. The SRS is just a type of bank account, you can just leave your money in the bank or invest it but it is under your control and at retirement it's up to you what to do with it. Payments into an SRS account are deducted from tax the same as UK pensions. It avoids that whole entanglement with pension companies and the issue with annuities being such poor value. One of the few positive opinions I have of recent governments is the pension reforms to give people more choices and avoid being locked into annuities.

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25 minutes ago, southern42 said:

I would be delighted to know what sort of bee it is,

Buff-tailed Bumble Bee Bombus terrestris

Edited by Gwiwer
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Discovered that fake Marmite spreads better than the branded stuff.


During Covid Marmite struggled to supply any product as it depended on the UK breweries to supply waste product to turn into delicous yeast extract.  But it was always difficult to spread until they invented the runnier squeezable product that was great for sandwiches.


You cannot get the squeezable version any more, still on the website but not supplied and calls from fans of the product are falling on deaf ears.  The non squeezable product seems even more difficult to spread now and I am not sure if that is a knock on from Covid or simply how the product has always been.


However, revalation today, got myself an Aldi Mighty Yeast - tastes just as good and it spreads like chocolate spread - yes.


Happy bunny today

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Had a run out with my pal around various DIY/Trade stores, just to keep him company he was bored with his own company.


Daffs here are just about over now, I was taken to task yesterday by one of our USA correspondents for p!ssing him off with the photos I posted of ours several weeks ago - he still has many inches of snow never mind daffs.


Oops sounds like the boss is home.....

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  • RMweb Premium
2 hours ago, grandadbob said:

 Totally agree Dave and armchair, pills and hot water bottle all in action here but then your final few words about your friend put my problems into perspective.

Totally agree.

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