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  • RMweb Premium

Ey up!


Today 8nvolves..


A preb8am phone call about cricket


Surveyor visiting to check that we can fite solar panels to the roof and ch3ckmout battery location

Meeting from 2pm to 5:30pm..cricket

Course from 5:30 until 7:30.. more cricket..


Tomorrow.. another couple of phone calls about... cricket


For a "volunteer" job this is getting out of hand.. no muddling time!


Rod Stewart has had his railway as Railway of the month in Railway Modeller, as has Jules Holland.

Roger Daltrey has done some work on Gresley Beat and has his own layout

Phil Collins is also a Railway Modeller.. so Rod is not alone as a musician who likes model railways.


Stay safe.



Edited by Barry O
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10 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

Whats with the English thing of always talking  down your celebrities, hoping they'll move elsewhere and so on? Same for your sports people and national teams  - its fatalistically assumed they are hopeless and will lose in the early stages.…

There seems to be something in the British psyche that resents success. I wonder if this is a legacy of the British class system, when everyone, at all social levels, were (are?) expected to “know their place“. Not only that, but each social class was/is not monolithic, but had (has) its own internal social hierarchy as well. For example, in British Nobility [aristocracy] the pecking order [order of precedence] is Duke > Marquis > Earl > Viscount > Bishop > Knights > Esquire > Gentleman and God Forbid if you seated at the table a mere Bishop ahead of an Earl…

A well travelled American of my acquaintance made the observation (quite possibly with tongue in cheek) that the difference between success in the US and success in the UK is that in the UK if you were successful and you bought yourself a Rolls-Royce someone would key it, whereas in the US if you were successful and you bought yourself a Rolls-Royce, someone would steal it.


Terry Pratchett, that sage and insightful observer of life, in one of his novels described the whole business of social hierarchy as “crab bucket“ (also known as “crab mentality” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab_mentality])


TBH I adhere to the Captain Cynical social heirarchy: Captain Cynical + iL Dottore > Select Inner Circle (including “Faithful Dogs”) > Trusted Minions > everyone else….

Edited by iL Dottore
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Lots of cloud but there are some blue patches and even a glimmer of brightness in the East.  Sunshine and heavy blustery showers along with the chance of hail and thunder are on offer today.  10°C rising to a maximum of 16°C.


Also Backache day but no surprise there although it 's not quite as bad this morning and at the moment I can even stand up straight.  

After breakfast a walk to Asda is scheduled as The Boss wants to select salad vegetables herself due to Sainsbury's inability to do it properly last week.  Hopefully the walk will do me and The Back etc some good.

Not much else planned apart from paying my credit card bill but that's only a matter of tapping some keys. 

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

I must admit I find British people are often very negative (I'm not excepting myself).


What I find worse is the degree of supercilious sneering which is now so prevalent. I used to enjoy reading 'Private Eye', I still buy a copy when I visit England even though I stopped buying each issue many years ago as it's a good way to pick up on stories less likely to be picked up by the main media but whereas I once found it to be sharply observed and witty I now find it to be just more of that supercilious sneering. I also find something rather dishonest about it pretending to still be some sort of rebel outpost of the media when it is just as much a part of the media establishment as any of the tabloids or broadsheets.

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  • RMweb Premium
8 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:



I assume that is why he was at Woodpeckers. He's touring her ATM so I guess he ran low on humbrol rust or something.


I like the idea of all the weird powder housekeeping would discover whenever  he vacates the room, must run the local police drugs labs ragged. 


There was a story of one Big Name Musical Type who was in a Hotel Room Suite when Reception said that The Police were here to see him....

So he flushed all his "Gear" PDQ before they arrived at the door.

And indeed it was The Police....the Group.


8 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

I like how you obviously had in mind the intention of including an example of a Really Hot Day ......and picked 35!


I knew it'd get a reaction 😁


55 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

TBH I adhere to the Captain Cynical social heirarchy: Captain Cynical + iL Dottore > Select Inner Circle (including “Faithful Dogs”) > Trusted Minions > everyone else….


Bear knows his place....


Bear here....

The Beary neck is somewhat stiff at the moment so I'll dodge the papering again today methinks.  So today is designated as a MIUABGAD methinks.

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  • RMweb Premium

Bear's back....


Just had an email from EDF to tell me what the new G & E prices will be from 1st April....they're going DOWN!!




Hang on a minute......

The B'sterds sorry, make that B'STERDS are putting the Standing Charges UP!!  🤬 🤬


Yes, Rant.



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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone 


We had some rain last night, lots of the of the stuff, everywhere is wet, very wet. Needless to say, I’ll not be doing much in the garden today. But despite the many grey clouds in the sky, the sun is shining, but I fear it won’t last. Sheila is busy getting herself ready for her Zumba class, I shall be providing the chauffeur service. After that, it’s a sort of MIUAIGA day as I’ve not been given any tasks to complete whilst Sheila is out and with her seemingly (we will hopefully find out on Monday) up and coming eye op, there doesn’t seem any point in starting anything that I could be classed as a big job. 

Back later. 


Edited by BSW01
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  • RMweb Premium

One of the nice things about life in Singapore is I quite enjoy watching the TV news. There's a news channel, CNA, it has various magazine type shows and documentaries but the main bulletins are concise summaries of the important stories of the day and they are quite good are separating news from op-ed.


I find UK TV news dreadful. BBC News 24 has always been a case of desperately trying to find content to try and fill their schedule. The 'news' is more accurately a lot of talking heads waffling about stuff, most of which are either promoting a narrative or don't have much of an understanding of what they're talking about. Interviews are now just egos acting in a rude and confrontational way, at the same time as being seemingly unable to ask a genuinely searching question. Jeremy Paxman seemed to establish a template, however Paxman was a very sharp interviewer who could skewer people with a surgically aimed question. The current crop are just arrogant egos full of their own importance. And it is all so parochial. I find British TV news and newspapers horrible.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. The weather forecast is frequent heavy showers, much to the delight of Arthur Itis. Not much sleep last night because of aching joints so I might be going back to bed shortly.  

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2 hours ago, Barry O said:


Rod Steart has had his railway as Railway of the month in RailwayModeller, as has Jules Holland.

Roger Daltrey has done some work on Gresley Beat and has his own layout

Phil Collins is also a Railway Modeller.. so Rod is not alone as a musician who likes model railways.


Stay safe.



Jules Holland popped into our exhibition a couple of years ago. He was performing in Sheffield that evening.


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  • RMweb Gold

I do sympathise with those who have bad backs.  I remember spending several months when I was in my thirties walking with a stick for much of the time and getting through a lot of painkillers.  It was caused by moving furniture around.


Now the pain I get is from wear and tear, partly in the middle area of the back but more from the neck which seems to bring about pain anywhere in the right side of back and chest.  At least mine stops when I stay still.


It was dull and wet here, the sun is just coming out.


Yesterday I managed to find the paints I need for a model - they had hidden themselves behind a pile of family photo albums.  Then I wanted to install some software and realised that my copy was very old and that a new version would be better so I now have a new copy of Nero and a number of freebies - it will just make some things I am doing with my old videos a bit easier and quicker.


Lunch was "lightly smoked" salmon and new potatoes - delicious - and a great deal cheaper than going out to buy fish and chips.  After lunch I started to look through a book of photos of Nottingham's Railways, it is helping check a few of the locations Dad used so I make sure the captions are reasonably accurate.  It also brought back a lot of memories of the late 50s and early 60s.


I also had a walk and had a look at the roadside daffodils which are doing very well this year.  When I got back my neighbour was just getting out of her car so we had a good chat about the state of the world.  Lastly after tea I continued sorting out plant pots and have got rid of the cracked plastic ones.  Then once again it was music, TV and book.




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