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18 minutes ago, PeterBB said:

Well we are an erudite group this morning, not heard that word for a long time.


I think you've misspelt Herudite as I'm certain it begins with an aitch.


To honest I was most put out that I'll dottore did mention me in his list of things that have occurred. Especially as I went to all that effect growing him a pineapple.

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3 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

…To honest I was most put out that I'll dottore did mention me in his list of things that have occurred. Especially as I went to all that effect growing him a pineapple.

My apologies for not mentioning you in that post, but I’m saving up for a special @Winslow Boy edition bumper omnibus post.


I can ask Captain Cynical if he has anything he’d like to say about you…

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3 hours ago, Tony_S said:

Was he going to put it in a pizza?


I have a policy of not asking since a very unfortunate incident involving a cucumber and and some gentleman's relish.

The sight of such still makes me break out in a sweat.

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10 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

My apologies for not mentioning you in that post, but I’m saving up for a special @Winslow Boy edition bumper omnibus post.


I can ask Captain Cynical if he has anything he’d like to say about you…


Yes please I take great pleasure in reading my reviews.


I even cut and paste ones into my file of fun so that I remember them long after.

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  • RMweb Premium

One oddity, while down at the SC was, what I think was an F35, nose up, under carriage down, heading for RAF Coltishall, problem, RAF Coltishall was closed in 2006, the grass is a solar farm, the airman's accomodation was improved to become a prison. The sgt's mess, asylum seekers accommodation..


Then a while later a A400M the Hercules replacement, did the same thing, several times...

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I have just arisen from a bit of unintended eyelid inspection. Arthur Itis is making a few grumbles but the Nurofen has silenced him. Just remembered its SEERS night tonight so I've got to get ready, be back later. 

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3 hours ago, Ian Abel said:

BIN day.

I am convinced the BIN services have all, in unison, changed their trucks to some clever QUIET variety. I know it's not my hearing as I can hear the morning dog alarms quite clearly, the BIN trucks however seem silent!


Yesterday evening service schola singing was, reported by many, excellent, so we'll take that as a suggestion we can actually hold a tune or two 🤣

Following that "success" re repaired to a watering hole for an evening light celebration <hic>


Sadly, we received news last evening that our friend Sue, who was in hospice care, had finally succumbed. A blessing in many ways as she was in a lot of pain in her final weeks. We'll be heading to Iowa tomorrow for a Saturday funeral.


Tonight, ramping up again with rehearsal as the Easter singing marathon draws ever nearer. Per and/or post rehearsal happy-hours will be welcomed.


-5c and sunny at BIN time, high of +1c expected.




It is my understanding that they are called Ninja Dustcarts.

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2 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

For @Winslow Boy


Winslow Boy slowly rode into town, his eyes beneath his Stetson squinting in the hot Arizona sun, a rivulet of sweat slowly making its way down through the stubble on his hollow cheeks. He dismounted in front of the railroad station, a battered and faded sign proclaiming that the building belonged to the Tucson, Phoenix and Strawberry Hill railroad. A grizzled old timer, wearing a typical railroad workers uniform of slogan T-shirt, Bermuda shorts and Doc Martins, slowly got up from his rocking chair. “What can I do for you, son?” asked the veteran railroader. Winslow Boy replied “I’m looking for someone who calls himself, iL Dottore”. “The Doc?” chuckled the old man “at this time of day, you’ll find him at the @polybear igloo bar and pizza parlour” Winslow Boy turned to go. “Wait a minute son” said the old timer. “We’re pretty friendly in this town and I’d like to know who I’m dealing with. I’m @Gwiwer and you are…?” Winslow Boy hesitated, then slowly replied “some people call me The Man with No Sheds


Winslow Boy pushed his way through the double doors and into the cool gloom of the saloon. He marched over to the bar, where a stocky individual in a cook’s apron covered with wallpaper paste and flecks of paint was slowly polishing some glasses. Winslow Boy put a gold $20 piece on the counter and said “a bottle of your best mescal, some hay and water for my horse Barbie, and I wanna know where’s iL Dottore” The man in the apron slowly took the gold piece off the counter, placed a grubby bottle and a polished glass in front of the Winslow Boy and yelled at a scrawny youth “see to the hoss”. He then looked at Winslow boy and nodded towards a crowded table and answered “over there”.


Winslow Boy took his bottle and glass, and slowly made his way to the table.


At its head, and the centre of attention of the ruffians around him, was an elegantly dressed tall thin man with a shock of immaculately coiffured white hair. “Take a seat boy“ drawled the tall thin man with a big grin. “I’m iL Dottore and these are my associates: Crazy Q, Shotgun Puppers, Flyboy Hunt, Tony Psycho, Smiley GrandadBob and Le Rosbif” as The Doc said each man’s name, they either nodded or laconically raised a hand. “And you are?“ asked The Doc, “They call me The Man with No Sheds” replied Winslow Boy” The saloon went deathly quiet. The tall thin man’s big grin got even bigger: “I’ve been expecting you son“




You forgot to include where I spit out the wad of apple flavoured energy bar  into the spittoon making a resounding clang as it contacted the rim of the receptacle and slowly slid down into its depths.

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9 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:




I think you've misspelt Herudite as I'm certain it begins with an aitch.


To honest I was most put out that I'll dottore did mention me in his list of things that have occurred. Especially as I went to all that effect growing him a pineapple.



On my phone I read that as "begins with an itch"  and I thought "no, thats psoriasis".


I hope you leased him the pineapple like you did there when  it was the good old days.


https://www.ianvisits.co.uk/articles/when-lononders-would-rent-pineapples-instead-of-eating-them-36529/#:~:text=The richest fruit in the,pineapple instead of buying one.


Edited by monkeysarefun
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1 minute ago, monkeysarefun said:



On my phone I read that as "begins with an itch"  and I thought "no, thats psoriasis".


I hope you leased him the pineapple like yous did when  it was the good old days there.


https://www.ianvisits.co.uk/articles/when-lononders-would-rent-pineapples-instead-of-eating-them-36529/#:~:text=The richest fruit in the,pineapple instead of buying one.



No just sale stopped leasing after the cucumber incident.

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