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10 hours ago, polybear said:

. . . . . Have some cash with you - most stalls accept cards, but many were struggling with the signal inside the Hall; I heard from one stall holder that if they wanted to use the Ally Pally signal (whatever that may be) for their card readers they'd be charged £78 for the weekend.  


I expect that those struggling had card readers that are linked to a mobile phone and they had chosen a network with a poor signal in that area. I used to help a friend with his trade stand at shows BC (Before Covid) and he had a sim card from one company in his phone and another in a mobile wifi unit so he had two chances of getting a good signal. The 'Ally Pally Signal' would have been their own wifi network - £78 for the password to connect ?


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1 minute ago, Mike Bellamy said:


I expect that those struggling had card readers that are linked to a mobile phone and they had chosen a network with a poor signal in that area. I used to help a friend with his trade stand at shows BC (Before Covid) and he had a sim card from one company in his phone and another in a mobile wifi unit so he had two chances of getting a good signal. The 'Ally Pally Signal' would have been their own wifi network - £78 for the password to connect ?



Sounds to me like there looking to 'maximise there profit margins'. U fortunately there's a lot of it going on and from some very big companies as well. I'm afraid they well be shooting themselves in the foot.

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Morning all.

We are off to Enfield soon to see AditI’s Mum. I did wonder about popping down to Alexandra Palace for a couple of hours but have decided not to. Perhaps next year.

We have got a few items of shopping to take over. AditI’s sister and family arrived back from India early this morning. However they are being careful and won’t come round to see MiL until they are sure (multiple negative tests) they are not contagious. The cousin they were staying with tested positive for Covid (was symptom free) yesterday. AditI’s sister and family all tested negative. The cousin who was positive had a PCR test prior to a meeting with Prime Minister Modi. I suspect the meeting was postponed!



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Morning all from Estuary-Land. The arthritis/sciatica was going hammer and tongs last night. Extremely painful, if passing a kidney stone is ten on the pain scale this was about twelve. Also if I stand for about five minutes it feels as if my hip joints are on fire and I have to sit down. Not doing much today except taking it easy.

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A somewhat dull and achy day - the air feels damp even though it isn't raining.  There was sun first thing for a short while.


Yesterday was showery.  After breakfast I went out for a walk, after about 15 minutes i turned round and headed for home because of the usual aches and pains emanating from my shoulder etc.  I know what causes it and little can be done except to avoid using the shoulder too much for digging, cutting and so on.  I am becoming ambidextrous. It has happened before and has got better in time with care.


While I had coffee I once again looked at some of my old photos, now I have the colour sorted out on the TV they look good.  Later in the day I made a small start on sorting out the family photo albums, the first one has lots of photos of me up to about 2 years old.  I have realised that these are amongst the ones I have negatives for and have already scanned so I just need to caption the scans then the prints can go.  One of them shows me at 1 year old on the Brighton Belle.


Between the showers I pruned a large rose bush in the front garden, it is now much smaller and neater.  I just hope it grows.


I had a look at the exercise recommendations for older people - about 150 minutes a week of "aerobic exercise", also suggested as being exercise where you are a bit out of breath so you can talk but not sing.  Usually I do a lot more than that - in some ways too much at times.  According to my phone I am still doing 2.5 - 3 miles of walking a day plus the usual gardening and so on.



Edited by DaveF
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Good afternoon everyone 


Late on parade today due to having a bit of a lie in and breakfast in bed. As it's mother's day I made the breakfast. Then it was straight outside to make the most of the sunshine. So far this morning I've planted 14 hellebores and 2 allium and done a fair bit of weeding too. I'm currently sat on the bench under the workshop window having a well earned muggertea. 


Back later. 



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1 hour ago, petethemole said:

Hose warming, or Chauffage des Tuyaux, is a French spring festival celebrated by gardeners and car owners.  

Nah, that’s when I put my tights on the radiator…



Yep, slow day.

Edited by PhilH
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My mother always said I was spoiled, so that makes sense.  To be fair, revealing the story is not really going to affect one's enjoyment of the film, as it's not a whodunit mystery and there are no plot twists, just bleak reality and a descent into insanity.  I will edit my post to include 'spoiler alert' though!

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4 hours ago, BSW01 said:

Good afternoon everyone 


Late on parade today due to having a bit of a lie in and breakfast in bed. As it's mother's day I made the breakfast. Then it was straight outside to make the most of the sunshine. So far this morning I've planted 14 hellebores and 2 allium and done a fair bit of weeding too. I'm currently sat on the bench under the workshop window having a well earned muggertea. 


Back later. 




Wow that's a lot of hellebores. Just come back from B & Q where they wanted just short of £13 for them which is cheeky as prior to that was at a nursery and they were changing less than a tenner and had a better choice.

Edited by Winslow Boy
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Afternoon Awl ,

Last day of Snowflakes Sailing Club's season three races, a variety of trophies, for classes and overall.


Wind started north westerly, then westerly and finally south westerly. It started 7mph, and the average dropped eventually to not a lot.


Race one , 4P, 1P, 2P. X2 Not a lot of tide.


We lined up for the start and... Double hooter.. we were over by a few inches, by the time we'd turned round, and restarted we were well and truly last. 

The wind was a close haul up to the first bend. With little tide, when ever a sight wind shift allowed we moved out into the middle of the river. The allowed us to pass the two slowest competitors as they lost speed when the wind shifted slightly against them.


Rounding the bend it was tacking up to buoy 4, we gained quite a lot catching up to the lead group.

But on rounding buoy 4  two put up spinnakers and another for some reason went extremely well down wind with out a spinnaker. They went off without us leaving two more to try to get past.

As we got round the bend again we went slightly to windward of them with an increasing out going tide, we got past one on the straight down to the club.

On rounding the corner we came up to the dinghy fleet which was doing 3P, 1P, 2P. We went wide in narrow out on buoy one . That put us to windward of a couple of dinghies and another Yeoman, but it was tight on the wind, as we approached the others they protected their position by going up to windward. So we dove down to the bank with less tide, this allowed us to pass all three to leeward.

We passed buoy 2, but carried on that tack , till near the clubhouse, then tacked.

This meant on the long straight up to the bend we weren't too close to the wind,, we gained considerably on the lead 3 boats.

Follow the leader to buoy 4, on the return we were behind one of the spinnaker boats, sufficiently close to ensure they didn't get way before bend . We held out into the tide that was with us, they went to the bank, in the ever lightening wind the tide helped considerably we passed them and slowly goy away to the finish in position 3.


Race 2, wind westerly, occasionally west South west. Now down to 4mph strong out going tide, if we were lucky. 4P, 1P, 2P, 3P, 1P, 2P

All boats abreast at the start line and we weren't where we wanted, on the leeward end.


We were out of the increasing tide, with a puff of WSW, we got enough wind  to pop out In front of everyone. From then on it was picking when to tack, doing so when the wind was all across the river, rather than just when we were forced to, really paid off. We gradually pulled away, the worry was the return down wind, after buoy 4.

As expected the lead spinnaker boat came charging down towards us. But was about 30yards behind as we rounded the bend and they had to drop their spinnaker. With dropping wind, we went for straight down the middle maximum tide with us. They tried the leeward bank for more wind.. 

The tide won, we gained more distance all the way down to buoy 1, we slowly increased this up to buoy 2, and then buoy 3. Returning to the corner the race was shortened as we drifted in.

For some reason the back half of the fleet got really separated dropping behind, we almost caught up with them on lap 2,!!!


Race 3, we lead at the start, middle finish... Drifting very slowly...

Not surprising really, our main competitor was packing up his boat to be towed to his summer club.


So we won the overall trophy, 





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3 hours ago, petethemole said:

Hose warming, or Chauffage des Tuyaux, is a French spring festival celebrated by gardeners and car owners.  It marks the time of year when hosepipes that have been stored for the winter are brought back into use. The first water through flushes out stale water, bugs and any residual ice and makes the hosepipe more flexible, ready for use. 

Some of us are still waiting for the hosepipe ban to be lifted despite there now being more than plenty of water available.  


Edit : It appears that it was in fact quietly lifted way back in November.  No-one at Thames Water bothered to tell any of their customers though.  

Edited by Gwiwer
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1 hour ago, Gwiwer said:

It appears that it was in fact quietly lifted way back in November.

Hopefully you will still continue to have sufficient water in the Thames watershed come the summer.


Tomorrow's equinox should bring rain here. Despite a record rainfall last Monday*, we still have a deficit, though snowpacks are above normal, which is the most important thing.


* Which took the Portland metro area out of "D0 - Abnormally Dry" status on the drought monitor. Parts of central Oregon remain in the highest category "D4 - Exceptional Drought" status.


Three days >15°C have finally seen daffodils and crocuses bloom for the first time this year. Today sees a heavy overcast with rain to come later and we won't see 15°C for a while - with low elevation snow threatened for next weekend.


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9 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:


Sounds to me like there looking to 'maximise there profit margins'. U fortunately there's a lot of it going on and from some very big companies as well. I'm afraid they well be shooting themselves in the foot.


WE got a quote from a company that hires out mobile wifi  setups  for events and the price came back as just under $2700 for 50 connecting devices, plus extra if the site deviated from what their standard kit catered for especially in an area with a problematical 4G signal. . Prices went rapidly north for extra device capacity and also for any data used over the initial 12GB provided as part of the rental so while they are possibly pocketing a little by  charging 78 pounds shillings and ounces its  no where near all of it. 

Edited by monkeysarefun
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