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3 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

Welcome to Moan-day. Prefixed by a big fat “You’re” 


Holiday to Devon is cancelled. Our friends both have the dreaded two red lines today so there’s no chance of being ok by mid-week.  

A week Upon the Hill of Strawberries it is, then. 

Dr. SWMBO has taken herself off to the National Gallery this morning and instructed me that the house must be clean by the time she returns. I guess that’s my day spoken for. 

I’ll be back later. I’m just going to utter the name of that well-known location on the River Lea (or Lee) called Bow Locks. 


I've been there. Quite a few times I'm sad to say - physically and metaphorically for those interested.

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2 hours ago, The White Rabbit said:


I had visions of an aircraft (bomber?) gun turret... so does that mean Bear is more grounded than I - or not as much of a high flyer?  


Nice to see Donk again, I was thinking it had been a while since we'd seen him. He may be busy with those balloons, we seem to have had one a day for the last three days. 


Back on the ground, we have the first of our yellow crocuses out. I've planted a few clumps in what I hoped would be suitable spots, this one is by the side and partly underneath a small lavender bush. One squirrel was spotted this morning on our peanut feeder, didn't stay for too long but just sampled a few while upside down - they taste better apparently - and then scampered off, down the tree and then 'inspected the estate' via the rocks and walls. Had a sip of water from a birdbath, then went to investigate the holly. First time I've seen one in the garden for a while. 


A little progress made earlier, two books sold earlier, so it's time to pack them. RM seem to be having a promotion atm on some services and with free collection. Though as per Bear's warning, if they lose these, I should be OK for stamps for a while. 


If you want squirrels I'd be quite happy to share mine. The little so and so's munch my bulbs- the ones paid for with my hard earned muular.

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1 hour ago, Winslow Boy said:


If you want squirrels I'd be quite happy to share mine. The little so and so's munch my bulbs- the ones paid for with my hard earned muular.

And destroy bird feeders as well as pulling out bulbs.


Edited by PeterBB
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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Feeling a little better but as weak as a kitten. At least I'm not feeling feverish as I was for the last couple of days.

3 hours ago, woodenhead said:

Just to help you along, here is the after picture once out of the suit


Where's the eye bleach?

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1 hour ago, Grizz said:

Please forgive my ignorance…..Question….What is the current Deltic exchange rate? Or are we talking about the Deltic Standard? 

So is it similar to Pounds and Pence? with Deltics and say….erm….Class 25s? 


1 Deltic = 170 tokens.


16 minutes ago, woodenhead said:

Out to purchase a Valentine's present for Mrs W.


Nothing tacky or frilly...


How about a Deltic?.  Green, naturally.

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7 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:


I have nice wax canyons if your interested Jamie ? Only thing is I'll need them back as I use them myself when trying to get some sense out of officials now a days.

I am still wondering exactly  what you use wax canyons for.  I did wonder if there was a Brazilian connection.

6 hours ago, BoD said:

The sun is always over the yard arm somewhere in the world.  
Problem solved.

Come to the Charente,  it's always Pineau time.



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36 minutes ago, Ian Abel said:

Managed to wrench my wrist doing "something" down there......



You might want to re-phrase that.......🤣


5 minutes ago, PupCam said:

Whilst there it would have been rude not to nose in a couple of the hangars


The Arrow Active has always been a favourite (there are so many!) aeroplane of Puppers it's clearly having a bit of attention.




And a couple of Hatfield's finest (again, there are so many!)








Believe it or not, that's one Museum a certain Bear has never visited (though I have been around the garden and in the cafe back in the days when you could......).

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6 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

That which came out of the taps was among the purest and most naturally-filtered piped water anywhere.


You've not been to Adelaide then?!  It'd be better to drink the  water out of a vase of old flowers.

Edited by monkeysarefun
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3 minutes ago, monkeysarefun said:


You've not been to Adelaide then!  It'd be better to drink the  water out of a vase of old flowers.

I can remember years ago that in the Southend area there were frequent announcements about the local tap water being unsuitable for fish. 

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