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  • RMweb Premium
21 minutes ago, Barry O said:

Shame the Russians no longer use T62.. or T64 for that money.. and I don't think they have any concerns about Leo 2



Their current tank is theT74, the 'turret launcher'. There are later models but they and the T74 are only updated versions of the T62. Despite their losses the Russians have hundreds of tanks, far more than those supplied to Ukraine by NATO.

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Good Morning All,


I was most amused by the photo comment on sending tanks to the Ukraine. However, people forget something: the T-62 (or even the T-90) may be outclassed in every respect by western tanks, but the Russians have a lot of them and they regard their soldiers as expendable.


In WWII although, technically, the German tanks from the Panther onwards were better than the Russian tanks, the Germans never had enough of them (not only because they couldn’t produce enough of them, but also because the Germans tanks often broke down due their mechanical  complexity). So all the Russians had to was throw enough tanks (and men) at a Panther, Tiger, Jagdpanther or Jagdtiger until the German tanks ran out of ammo and/or were overwhelmed.


Sir Basil Liddell-Hart, in an introduction he wrote to a book on tank warfare, recounted a trip he took in Eastern Germany just after the war ended. He noted burnt out Tigers, Panthers, etc. with 10, 20, 30 destroyed Russian tanks in front of each German tank. The Soviets just threw men and machines at their targets until they had reached their objective, no matter the cost.


Some commentators have noted that Russian military tactics haven’t really moved on since Stalin’s time. Whether or not Putin’s regime will be happy to accept the sort of casualties that Stalin dismissed as an acceptable price to achieve a war aim remains to be seen. But one mustn’t forget Russia is one of a number of countries in the world where the state is deemed more important than the individual. Individuals are expendable and replaceable.

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Good morning everyone 


A dull and wet start to the day here in the northwest corner of England, with a temperature of 0C, it’s quite cool, but the rain has meant that we’ve no frost. My chauffeuring services are required this morning and once I’ve dropped Sheila off at the church hall we’re her Zumba class takes place, I shall head off to Halfords. I not only of want to return a can of spray paint ( I bought the wrong colour) I also want to buy a set of wiper blades for the car. The rear wiper blade has split, so I thought I might as well change the whole lot, as they’ve all been on the car since new! 

This afternoon Charlie is calling round for his weekly model making session, we heard from James last night and he won’t be joining us this week, so it’s just the two of us and we’ll probably go to the workshop today. 

Back later. 


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  • RMweb Premium
34 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

Their current tank is theT74, the 'turret launcher'. There are later models but they and the T74 are only updated versions of the T62. Despite their losses the Russians have hundreds of tanks, far more than those supplied to Ukraine by NATO.

Nope the latest tank is T14 Armata. They seem to be worried about losing these so are using T90, T80 and T72. While the same ish designers are involved they are not really T62 developments. They have used Gas Turbines in some types, have a very useful gun launched missile in some vehicles and much improved armour.


Both standard as well as explosive reactive armour and, on T14, an active protection system



Edited by Barry O
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35 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

Good Morning All,


I was most amused by the photo comment on sending tanks to the Ukraine. However, people forget something: the T-62 (or even the T-90) may be outclassed in every respect by western tanks, but the Russians have a lot of them and they regard their soldiers as expendable.


In WWII although, technically, the German tanks from the Panther onwards were better than the Russian tanks, the Germans never had enough of them (not only because they couldn’t produce enough of them, but also because the Germans tanks often broke down due their mechanical  complexity). So all the Russians had to was throw enough tanks (and men) at a Panther, Tiger, Jagdpanther or Jagdtiger until the German tanks ran out of ammo and/or were overwhelmed.


Sir Basil Liddell-Hart, in an introduction he wrote to a book on tank warfare, recounted a trip he took in Eastern Germany just after the war ended. He noted burnt out Tigers, Panthers, etc. with 10, 20, 30 destroyed Russian tanks in front of each German tank. The Soviets just threw men and machines at their targets until they had reached their objective, no matter the cost.


Some commentators have noted that Russian military tactics haven’t really moved on since Stalin’s time. Whether or not Putin’s regime will be happy to accept the sort of casualties that Stalin dismissed as an acceptable price to achieve a war aim remains to be seen. But one mustn’t forget Russia is one of a number of countries in the world where the state is deemed more important than the individual. Individuals are expendable and replaceable.



I can see why the Ukraine's want tanks b as they are 'relatively easy' ( note the '.  ') to use but tanks are limited by there range. The alternative are helicopter gunships ( Apache I think was one) which are more versatile but of course they take longer to train on.

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6 minutes ago, Barry O said:

Nope the latestvtank is T14 Armata. They seem to becworried about losing these so ate using T90, T80 and T72. While the same ish designers are involved they are not really T62 developments. They have used Gas Turbines in some types, have a very useful gun launched missile in dome vehicles and much improved armour.



The Russians failure to achieve air superiority given their much larger air force is a mystery to me - attack from the air can make a tanks life a miserable one no matter how advanced it might be.


They seem very risk adverse when it comes to their ai force compared to the poor infantry.

Edited by monkeysarefun
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  • RMweb Premium
1 minute ago, Winslow Boy said:



I can see why the Ukraine's want tanks b as they are 'relatively easy' ( note the '.  ') to use but tanks are limited by there range. The alternative are helicopter gunships ( Apache I think was one) which are more versatile but of course they take longer to train on.

Erm.. Apache has a very limited active range and has to refuel. They may gain ground but can't hold ground. A modern tank can travel up to 450km on roads (about half that on cross country) but in overwatch they can see in situ as long as you need them to.

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@Barry O Why did you find my post "funny"?


I qualified my statement by saying "....the T-62 (or even the T-90) may be outclassed..."


However, my observations about how the Soviets just threw men and material against German targets is hardly contentious. And from newspaper reports it seems that Putin's military is continuing the Soviet tactic of considering their troops as expendable. And it's hardly a stretch to contend that if faced with a "superior" military technology, Putin would just continue to throw troops against the objective.


And as much as we in the West find it distasteful or "wrong", in many countries the citizen is there to serve the state and not the other way around. Again, hardly a contentious observation.

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  • RMweb Premium
3 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:


Oh a bit of a dilemma there Jamie. If its too cold you get to stay inside listening to music doing the odd bit of ironing - one shirt every 2 minutes?, and its warm or if it isn't your outside working up a sweat. I know which one I'd be hoping for and it isn't the 2 minute one.

Dilema was solved when I went out of the door.  The grass was damp not crunchy.  So up to the silo for 2 socks of Poules pondeuse( chicken feed for egg laying hens), then got stuck into feeding the cement mixer.  Both bits of shuttering filled with concrete after 5 mixes.  Now sitting by the log burner reading.  Theviron might be wielded after lunch.  Suitable aurally administered anaesthetic  will be taken.

2 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:



I can see why the Ukraine's want tanks b as they are 'relatively easy' ( note the '.  ') to use but tanks are limited by there range. The alternative are helicopter gunships ( Apache I think was one) which are more versatile but of course they take longer to train on.

There's a ginger haired Apache pilot sitti g in California......



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  • RMweb Premium
10 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

more and more people are saying “Invasion Day” instead of "Australia Day"

Without wishing to breach the rule on politics it bears comment to state that the issue has become more divisive in recent years. 

I respect the rights of Indigenous Australians to be identified as the Traditional Custodians of the land. I have no objection if those of other backgrounds wish to party on. All I ask is that a harmonious and respectful way be found to accept widely differing cultures, beliefs and traditions. 

For further comment those able to do so may visit my Farcebook account. 

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  • RMweb Premium
16 hours ago, southern42 said:

' evening all from red dragon land.


Clear skies possible so I am doing early dinner so Mr Suvvern can get his telescope out - so long as the clouds stay away and the moon does not get in the way. If it works out it will give me a chance for an extra toot on the flute to work on the tricky bits. 


Time enough to get a mugadecaf...



' morning all from red dragon land.


Clear skies did not materialise, yesterday evening. Telescope did not venture out. So, I settled down and watched Bob Ross (The joy of painting), converting some of his ideas into 3D ideas for muddling;  Sister Boniface (which just so happened to feature a race between an unmentionable vehicle running on parallel bits of metal and a police car); and Prof Jim Al-Khalili - all's well that ends well (maybe?) out there in the deep dark sky - instead of having a toot on the flute or two. 


Better make up for it now, 🤣


After lunch, since it is bright and sunny, I intend to varnish over the transfers on those little orange boxes with flanged wheels to protect them when I come to do some additional work on them.


Best get on.

Keep warm / cool. Be good. Think ahead!


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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, jamie92208 said:

There's a ginger haired Apache pilot sitting in California......




"Dear Daddy,

I want the Royal Titles & Positions back, Security paid for me + family for life and a (very) nice little yearly Bunce to keep the Wolves at bay....

.....or I'm off to blow up some Ruskies......


Your Obedient Spare,



1 hour ago, Gwiwer said:

All I ask is that a harmonious and respectful way be found to accept widely differing cultures, beliefs and traditions. 


There's more chance of Knitting Fog.....


Bear here......

Iron-on patch applied to the inside of Beary Jeans to stop the torn kneecap getting any worse; hopefully it'll allow them to continue service as "slobbing about Jeans" for a bit longer.  Tick.

Then it was sorting the next stage of the M.E. Club Project - including digging out some 1/2" & 3/8" steel bar from the shed (I knew those off-cuts would come in handy one day).  Tick.

Postie then arrived with 3 rolls of lining paper + paste - another Tick.  All this excitement is getting too much for a certain Bear.......

Bear gone.

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3 hours ago, Barry O said:

Erm.. Apache has a very limited active range and has to refuel. They may gain ground but can't hold ground. A modern tank can travel up to 450km on roads (about half that on cross country) but in overwatch they can see in situ as long as you need them to.


I've just re-read my earlier posting and realised that I hadn't also stated about holding territory along with the training for which I apologize.


I also quoted the Apache knowing it had been superceded but couldn't remember by what hence my use of helicopter gunships. 


I trust you'll pardon my oversight and I have paid my taxes before you ask.

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  • RMweb Premium
42 minutes ago, polybear said:

Dear Daddy,


I want the Royal Titles & Positions back, Security paid for me + family for life and a (very) nice little yearly Bunce to keep the Wolves at bay....

.....or I'm off to blow up some Ruskies......



Your Obedient Spare,

Ginge ...


Dear 'Spare',


Please find enclosed one dictionary with certain words underlined and two air tickets. 


Bye then,





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  • RMweb Premium
3 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

... And as much as we in the West find it distasteful or "wrong", in many countries the citizen is there to serve the state and not the other way around. ...


And who or what comprises 'the state'? It is a number of 'citizens' with power, obtained by various means - 'fair' or 'foul' - though I'd better avoid discussing how these may be defined. If they take decisions with the intention of doing 'the right thing' and trying to benefit the country (state) as a whole, then personally I wouldn't be too worried and would be inclined to 'do my bit' for the community/society. But if the ruling class - in any type of political administration - just use state resources to act in their own self-interest, then to my way of thinking, that's just a protection racket run at state level. 


One of the reasons I have been so grumpy over the last few years is that during my adult life, I have put a lot into society/the state and then when I needed some help, was denied it and if I protested at this, was ignored, condemned or gaslighted. This has also been the case for others I know and reading ERs and hearing about some other contributors' problems, I get the impression that that's not too unrepresentative a sample. I won't discuss possible causes here, for the obvious reason but I can see the effects of a lot of people being treated unfairly, cheated and denied justice by various public sector organisations. I think a mutiny could be brewing... 

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon Awl, The Snowman here..

Rudder, sanded, lots of dust,, mask and goggles worn, much needed.


Console sanded, not so much  dust,, mask and goggles worn, much needed.

Console ends glassfibred


Last cut in sail sewn up,

Sail old lower fitting removed, sail now in workshop, ready for extension to luff wire.


Ben the happy Collie enjoyed his walk, a deer crossed our path, he stayed and watched as I instructed.


SWMBO has just had a wooly delivery, a parcel containing both parallel bits alignment parts and boat parts is imminent.


Ocular inspection required.




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  • RMweb Gold
7 hours ago, TheQ said:

Hmm, the MRC has just had to confirm to the authorities, we don't have a TV .....

Most of us go there to escape the TV...

We had to confirm that at Gresley some years ago.

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  • RMweb Premium
5 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

The Russians failure to achieve air superiority given their much larger air force is a mystery to me - attack from the air can make a tanks life a miserable one no matter how advanced it might be.


They seem very risk adverse when it comes to their ai force compared to the poor infantry.


They've been rather protective of their ground force. When Ukraine counter attacked around Kharkiv the Russian army stepped back and held it's forces together, avoiding losing large numbers of troops or getting sucked into battles to relieve encircled formations. In Kherson they withdrew for a similar reason and established a much more easily defended line. In both case the Russians appear to have extracted heavy losses from the Ukrainian attackers.


In Donbas they're using the Wagner PMC to do most of the fighting. Wagner has recruited a lot of criminals on the promise of a pardon if they survive. They appear to have done almost all of the fighting in the Bhakmut and Soledar areas and are waging a grinding battle of attrition.


A lot of people are criticising Russia for using criminals, but at the risk of sounding callous it strikes me as a smart move. Their actual army is avoiding the meatgrinder battles and the men who join Wagner have the promise of a clean slate if they make it through to the end.

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  • RMweb Premium
19 minutes ago, jjb1970 said:

A lot of people are criticising Russia for using criminals, but at the risk of sounding callous it strikes me as a smart move. Their actual army is avoiding the meatgrinder battles and the men who join Wagner have the promise of a clean slate if they make it through to the end.


And if they do get killed then Russia don't have to provide them with free bed n' board in a Prison.  Win-Win.

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