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7 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:


Look Neil when you post  injury 'porn' can you like issue a warning before hand.

Are you one of those puritanical prodnoses one hears about, Winnie, dear boy?


I’d hardly call what @New Haven Neil posted “injury” porn. I mean it’s just about Page 3 level let alone top shelf (craniotomy) or under the counter (full frontal bowel resection) stuff.


And heaven knows what most on ER would make of such things in real life: the sights, the sounds, the smells

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8 hours ago, polybear said:




Bear here........

Ok, so here goes.......




- @iL Dottore's suggestion shows a somewhat worrying development  - there's a distinct possibility that iD has been mixing with Captain Cynical a little too often.......


- as for @Winslow Boy's guess - no, I'm very pleased to say; somehow the thought of scoffin' NHS LDC thru' a straw doesn't appeal.


- @monkeysarefun Chimpy's guess isn't too far off the mark - though dodgy artwork by Tracy Emin, cake and beans don't come into it.


Stunt Bear did indeed fall down the Rattin' Piggin' Stairs (it had to happen sometime); the "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek" bit being that "OH SHIIIIIIIIIIIIT" moment, knowing what's coming and there's nottalot that Bear can do about it. The "DoinkaDoinkaDoinkaDoinka" is the sound a Bear makes as he bounces off numerous stair treads on the way down, followed by the "Splodge" bit (that's where Bear face-plants the hall floor (still carpeted, luckily).

Immediately after the last "Doinka" but before the "Splodge" a certain Bear did enter that rather worrying area of psychic experience that precedes "The Big Lunch" (a.k.a very painful Sh1t Street) during which, whilst "On Finals" the Port Rear Undercarriage Paw collapsed backwards in a rather worrying** manner. 


(** Bear had images of PM'ing a certain Fraggle, asking for the name of a Recommended Ankle Surgeon....).


Very, very fortunately I somehow got away with the whole experience - no idea how.  Even the undercarriage was fully operational this morning, though I did have a brief spell of minor pins & needles but that soon disappeared.

And where was the Mobile during all this?  In the Kitchen, on charge....... 



Captain Cynical offers his felicitations that The Bear has had no serious sequelae to his tumble. 

Learning that The Bear Bounces is also a very useful bit of information for Captain Cynical to have (should he need to weaponise it at some future timepoint)


Edited by iL Dottore
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9 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

None that I am even remotely aware of. So far. 47 years licensed and not a point nor a parking fine to my name. Yet. 

Given the breathtaking tales you have recounted of your rocket fuelled speeding adventures in the Australian outback, one wonders how “you got away with it


A specially concocted @Gwiwer radar reflecting paint or a @Gwiwer industries home-made radar and radio scrambler, perhaps?


Enquiring minds need to be told.


Edited by iL Dottore
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9 hours ago, zarniwhoop said:

I'm a linux enthusiast (building from source, so old machines are regrettably no-longer practical for compiling), so feel free to disregard this comment. But word processing (libreoffice - in general use it is reputed to cope better than MS Word with old MS documents, although it might give issues with some firms' in-house standards that rely on MS macros if I understood comments elsewhere)  email - maybe thunderbird ?, browsing - firefox, picures - ImageMagick for basic manipulating or changing format, gimp for general manipulation of photos) are the easy things and any recent ubuntu-derived distribution should have no trouble installing on an old (BIOS, not UEFI) machine. For less old machines with UEFI (so called trusted computing and secure boot as in MS own the machine, not you) then installing can be a lot harder.


But I agree that using applications that are built to only run on some version of MS Windows is not an easy path for linux users.


Even though I am completely clueless about LINUX, my experience is such that I have found once it is installed, and you have all the extras that you want/need bolted on (a browser, a Wi-Fi connection, Libre Office etc) you really don’t have to do anything to the computer’s software beyond setting the parameters of each individual software program to your own preference (much as you would do with any software program that runs on Windows). 

My ancient tower PC (mentioned above) actually lives in my workshop, and will only need some tinkering with when I get the 3D printer.


My overall impression of installing LINUX onto an ancient computer is that it is absolutely great for those of us, who – when it comes to using computers – are firmly in the camp of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it“ and who have absolutely no desire for the latest whizbang software, with all the bells and whistles.

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19 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

There is no speed limit in parts of the outback. 

To bumble along at the standard 100 or 110kmh would have been fine, saved a little fuel but increased the journey time - the latter already measured in chunks of day rather than hours. 

There is of course also very little traffic meaning the chances of a contre-temps is very small. The biggest risks are of striking a wandering animal (they have zero road sense) or of drifting off to sleep and drifting off the road …..  



I fear you are taking my post too literally, Rick. 😀


‘Twas but a humorous bagatelle, intended to amuse….

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10 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:


Look Neil when you post  injury 'porn' can you like issue a warning before hand. I'm now not going to get any sleep because I'll have images of mangled toes rolling around inside the old bonce and it's not like there's much else in there to start of with.


Even the cartoon made a certain Bear wince.....


3 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Captain Cynical offers his felicitations that The Bear has had no serious sequelae to his tumble. 

Learning that The Bear Bounces is also a very useful bit of information for Captain Cynical to have (should he need to weaponise it at some future timepoint)



'Tis rumoured that Bear has been nominated for a "Highly Commended" Award from Tigger, no less.......


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3 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Are you one of those puritanical prodnoses one hears about, Winnie, dear boy?


I’d hardly call what @New Haven Neil posted “injury” porn. I mean it’s just about Page 3 level let alone top shelf (craniotomy) or under the counter (full frontal bowel resection) stuff.


And heaven knows what most on ER would make of such things in real life: the sights, the sounds, the smells


Urgh thank you very much. Just when I'm tucking into my chocolate flavoured rice crispys and marmite covered toast I don't need to know about boiled brains and scrambled intestines I'll have you know.


You see what you've started Neil this is all your fault. 

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3 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Are you one of those puritanical prodnoses one hears about, Winnie, dear boy?


I’d hardly call what @New Haven Neil posted “injury” porn. I mean it’s just about Page 3 level let alone top shelf (craniotomy) or under the counter (full frontal bowel resection) stuff.


And heaven knows what most on ER would make of such things in real life: the sights, the sounds, the smells


14 minutes ago, Winslow Boy said:


Urgh thank you very much. Just when I'm tucking into my chocolate flavoured rice crispys and marmite covered toast I don't need to know about boiled brains and scrambled intestines I'll have you know.


You see what you've started Neil this is all your fault. 

Should I post pictures of my eczema here, that will put everyone off their breakfast.

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53 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:


Should I post pictures of my eczema here, that will put everyone off their breakfast.

It wouldn't bother me, Phil*


But it might frighten the tinies....


*it wasn't unknown for me to go straight from an autopsy to Lunch (after thoroughly washing one's hands, of course)

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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, PhilJ W said:

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Again not a bad night last night despite the eczema being a bit sore. Also Arthur Itis is waking up with the stiff joints this morning but I kept moving about. 

Have you had any tests to see if your eczema is caused by allergies?



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