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6 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:

Mrs NHN came home with a brand new laptop work supplied out of the blue - for work but can be used for most personal stuff too, bar ebay.

Plug a flat panel monitor, keyboard and mouse into it and I suspect that (Windows aside) she will be delighted.


Or don't 'plug in' a keyboard and mouse. Bluetooth versions are fine.


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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1 hour ago, PhilJ W said:

I know a couple of people who still run Win7 and haven't been bothered by hackers.

That is a bit like those people who say they have been driving for x years and have never had an accident. I wonder how many they may have caused though. 

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1 hour ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Bluetooth versions are fine.

I agree. However I have learned where the spare batteries are kept, none of mine have docking stations!

Edited by Tony_S
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3 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:


Ancient - 10+ years, it's Win7 Home Premium.  H has declared it not really worth upgrading as the mother board is older than Father Time or something. Apparently the memory slots are old hat and more not really available easily.  it is running a lot better though, having being defraggled.  It'll do for now but the lack of security updates for Win7 is a concern.


Nothing wrong with running Win7.. I have it on my laptop. You just need to ensure you  some antivirus software as well. I use Avast which is free. Relative recommended it to me and he should know as computers are his thing.

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31 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:

I have no intention of ever doing any banking on any machine connected to the interweb - that's how it is.  Once bitten.....I use a different credit card for internet transactions, with a low credit limit, or paypal.  As for Linux etc - no.  Too much farting on.  I just want it to work for simple things, word, e mail, interweb, pictures. A bit of XL occasionally. 

I'm a linux enthusiast (building from source, so old machines are regrettably no-longer practical for compiling), so feel free to disregard this comment. But word processing (libreoffice - in general use it is reputed to cope better than MS Word with old MS documents, although it might give issues with some firms' in-house standards that rely on MS macros if I understood comments elsewhere)  email - maybe thunderbird ?, browsing - firefox, picures - ImageMagick for basic manipulating or changing format, gimp for general manipulation of photos) are the easy things and any recent ubuntu-derived distribution should have no trouble installing on an old (BIOS, not UEFI) machine. For less old machines with UEFI (so called trusted computing and secure boot as in MS own the machine, not you) then installing can be a lot harder.


But I agree that using applications that are built to only run on some version of MS Windows is not an easy path for linux users.


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45 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

That is a bit like those people who say they have been driving for x years and have never had an accident. I wonder how many they may have caused though. 

None that I am even remotely aware of. So far. 47 years licensed and not a point nor a parking fine to my name. Yet. 

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2 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

Not specifically, no. 

Which leads on to all manner of opportunities. 

Is the contract one which allows anything unless proscribed or allows nothing unless permitted?  

The contract also omits any mention of being required to work!  It specifies my duties, hours and days of attendance, standards of presentation and a few important things I am required to have about my person. It also specifies my rate of remuneration. But at no point does it say I must carry out those duties ….. 


Hmmmm 🤔



Yes but just think of all the forms you'd have to fill in. Then there's all the mess that'll have to be sorted as well. So on balance although it might give you a brief moment of delight I just don't see it being worthwhile to be honest.

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Like NHN I will not do internet banking, also the same as him its only a low limit credit card or PayPal.

53 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

None that I am even remotely aware of. So far. 47 years licensed and not a point nor a parking fine to my name. Yet. 

 I passed my driving test (in the snow) 55 years ago and also have a clean licence, not even a parking ticket.

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1 hour ago, Winslow Boy said:


Nothing wrong with running Win7.. I have it on my laptop. You just need to ensure you  some antivirus software as well. I use Avast which is free. Relative recommended it to me and he should know as computers are his thing.

Up until late 2021 the RAAF here had a standalone system that we looked after  performing a specific task that was still running Windows NT.  There was no  real need  to upgrade it because it was self-contained and no way to do it anyway  because  the company that installed it were long gone so there was no upgrade path. It finally only got decommisioned because the  requirement it was fulfilling  went away. 

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55 minutes ago, polybear said:




Bear here........

Ok, so here goes.......




- @iL Dottore's suggestion shows a somewhat worrying development  - there's a distinct possibility that iD has been mixing with Captain Cynical a little too often.......


- as for @Winslow Boy's guess - no, I'm very pleased to say; somehow the thought of scoffin' NHS LDC thru' a straw doesn't appeal.


- @monkeysarefun Chimpy's guess isn't too far off the mark - though dodgy artwork by Tracy Emin, cake and beans don't come into it.


Stunt Bear did indeed fall down the Rattin' Piggin' Stairs (it had to happen sometime); the "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek" bit being that "OH SHIIIIIIIIIIIIT" moment, knowing what's coming and there's nottalot that Bear can do about it. The "DoinkaDoinkaDoinkaDoinka" is the sound a Bear makes as he bounces off numerous stair treads on the way down, followed by the "Splodge" bit (that's where Bear face-plants the hall floor (still carpeted, luckily).

Immediately after the last "Doinka" but before the "Splodge" a certain Bear did enter that rather worrying area of psychic experience that precedes "The Big Lunch" (a.k.a very painful Sh1t Street) during which, whilst "On Finals" the Port Rear Undercarriage Paw collapsed backwards in a rather worrying** manner. 


(** Bear had images of PM'ing a certain Fraggle, asking for the name of a Recommended Ankle Surgeon....).


Very, very fortunately I somehow got away with the whole experience - no idea how.  Even the undercarriage was fully operational this morning, though I did have a brief spell of minor pins & needles but that soon disappeared.

And where was the Mobile during all this?  In the Kitchen, on charge....... 



Now I can go to bed!

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15 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:

@Winslow Boy I use AVG, the full paid up one, it served us well in the business so use it at home too.


@polybear Bruising coming out in the sole is a classic sign of a Lisfranc Fracture, hence mentioning that to Warren the other day.  Many Lisfrancs are caused in falling/tripping down stairs (although mine wasn't) and believe me you don't want one.  The surgeon's summary was 'they don't do well' and my GP just said 'Yeurgh'.  They were both right. :-(




Look Neil when you post  injury 'porn' can you like issue a warning before hand. I'm now not going to get any sleep because I'll have images of mangled toes rolling around inside the old bonce and it's not like there's much else in there to start of with.

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7 minutes ago, Winslow Boy said:


Look Neil when you post  injury 'porn' can you like issue a warning before hand. I'm now not going to get any sleep because I'll have images of mangled toes rolling around inside the old bonce and it's not like there's much else in there to start of with.


Sorry - but at least I didn't post the real photos again....

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37 minutes ago, Winslow Boy said:


Look Neil when you post  injury 'porn' can you like issue a warning before hand. I'm now not going to get any sleep because I’ll have images of mangled toes rolling around inside the old bonce and it's not like there's much else in there to start of with.

That would be some injury! 🤕

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4 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

One of the UK papers was reporting today that our household appliance could be spying on us and reporting back to China. Does this mean we need to play music loudly to confuse them. Also the article said the data would be transmitted by the 5G network which doesn’t actually exist here in our postcode yet. I think any data originating from our oven and dishwasher would be very boring.  Though perhaps our German appliances don’t have Chinese chips.


Bear had better watch out then. He scoffs chips left right and centre. God knows what they'll make of that when they his print report off. I think our swiss medical practitioner should be okay as all his chips are hand made.

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  • RMweb Premium
30 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

One of the UK papers was reporting today that our household appliance could be spying on us and reporting back to China. Does this mean we need to play music loudly to confuse them. Also the article said the data would be transmitted by the 5G network which doesn’t actually exist here in our postcode yet. I think any data originating from our oven and dishwasher would be very boring.  Though perhaps our German appliances don’t have Chinese chips.

Let me guess, the Daily Wail or the Daily Excess, must be a slow news day.

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