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Morning all,


Looks clear and dry here with a whole 2.6C outside, so risk of black ice, I guess (found several patches yesterday on my way to work!)


cricket - there, mentioned!


Now, come on, Don, not too many questions this early in the morning! BTW, people have dogs but it's cats that have people!

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Morning All,


= A1X!!


Whoops :icon_redface: - I'm a bit lost where steam locos are concerned!



Another question, this time for Robert; What happened between you and Thomas on the layout?


We made quite good progress Don. We got the cork trackbed laid, the track pinned down and yesterday we made a start on the wiring.


The weather is fairly warm this morning and the thaw seems to have set in properly this time. Probably not a bad thing - it will be nice to see some green again!


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Still a bit under the impression of a strange dream I had and will need to sort myself out first... Almost 2 degrees outside again. New computer's still working fine - very much so, in fact :D .


Be back to you later.

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Morning all.....Just heard about the cricket, so no surprise there....sad.gif


Sadly young pup had to be returned to his home as the elder of our two did not take kindly to the new addition. We could see after 24 hours it was not going to work, so before any real damage was done, he went back to his brothers and sisters. He was a happy little soul, so it was unfair to him. Just pleased that Mrs S was quick to recognise the issues.....


Sorry to add to the depressing news, but it's Monday as well.....

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Looks distinctly grey and damp outside the window this morning. Tricky one on the dog front Gordon. Probably more difficult when you already have two, adding to the pack rather than creating a pack and all that. Pure speculation on my part of course.




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  • RMweb Gold

It must be a work day, as Matthew needed a lift to college. It is General Studies AS (resit) examination today and I did't want him to be late because a bus driver doesn't stop. He has an Economics AS examination tomorrow. His economics tutor has just been taken ill (apparently he may not be back soon) and the replacement seems to have been a graduate of the Basil Fawlty Training Institute. Matthew was quite pleased for the first time in his college life to be told off for being "too clever". He then got criticised for talking in group work. It would appear that this tutor expects students to put their hands up for permission to talk during group work. The students have been told they can't complain as economics tutors are difficult to find!



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Morning all. Don't pop in much but thought I'd say good day eh! How's she goin' my trout? (Newfie speak, and no I'm not a Newfie))


Good seeing you on Saturday Tony. Next month I'm hoping to have my modules completed to the point where they can be brought along to work on. At the moment they are just piles of cut 12mm ply.


Today is my last client paid first class Pendolino thrash. ??230 ticket, ??980 daily billing rate, all for a 90 minute weekly status meeting. Your tax ???????? hard at work. blink.gif

Spent yesterday at the Cantebury Exhibition. Went in with the intention of not spending any money. Ended up with a 4-CEP. ohmy.gif



edit: I see we are still having problems with regional character sets on the forum.

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  • RMweb Gold

I've never travelled by Pendolino. I thought I might be getting some interesting train journeys if I went with Matthew on university open days but the trip to Leicester was on whatever East Midlands Trains had repainted. It was at least punctual and other expeditions were by car or local train.


Good seeing you on Saturday Tony. Next month I'm hoping to have my modules completed to the point where they can be brought along to work on. At the moment they are just piles of cut 12mm ply.


That is more advanced than mine. I'm still reading the spec sheet.


On Sunday I didn't do much at all. I just put up some bird boxes and took the dog for a walk. I didn't even do any cooking as my wife decided she wanted to cook something. It may have been a ploy to avoid starting studying but the end result was very tasty.



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Sorry the pup didn't work out, Gordon.

It probably was a territory thing.


I can see more green outside so presume Summer is approaching.

About 50/50 Green and White at present.

The ice will take some time to melt.


I'll sign off now before I break it again.

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Afternoon all! Down in Durham now, though Dad's op has been postponed indefinItely. A mre urent case came in for that surgeon. I still had to take some time off though, as I'm close to my maximum for carrying over to the new leave year which begins on 1st Feb.


More snow here than I expected. There's none left in Edinburgh.


A stoat or weasel ran across the road in front of my car on the drive down. How do you tell the difference?

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Looking at the picture of the weasel standing, I was reminded of the South African meerkat, so I looked it up too, but see it's a type of Mongoose, unrelated to your weasel or stoat.

Also discovered that the plural of mongoos is "mongooses".

There is the hoary story of the chap who wrote to the pet shop asking for two mongi, er two mongee, oh darn, send me one moongoose and then send me another one.

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