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40 minutes ago, PupCam said:


Well you can't park your car  at Hitchin railway station to use the train for a start!  

But then, you won't be able to buy a ticket with cash from a human there soon and so you wouldn't be able to legally get on a train anyway.


Now come on everybody we've all got to save the planet and use public transport ......



Yes I'm getting slightly concerned about this impact.    I expect they'll be a new version of the tremendously helpful UK Government's Protect and Survive leaflet issued.  Won't there?


Oh now look, Puppers is getting all wound up!   I must go and read another chapter of the Grumpy Gits Guide to Life 🤣


TTFNQ or maybe Night All!



Well I suppose that'll make the green 's...t'  easier to photo at least. Mind you you'll probably have to wait a bit say 3 to 4 billion years.

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38 minutes ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Perhaps there's a tremendously helpful "UK Government's Protect and Survive leaflet" for that too?


As it happens there is but it's out of print at the moment. I believe it's being updated by the Government's Home office. However as there all working from home at moment it might take some time 4 billion years should be enough.

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3 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

"It's not @PupCam, but it is

   pupcams Chilean cousin!"




(The southern hemisphere is the place to be for star gazing)


No it isn't.  All the constellations are upside down, that is if they can even be seen.

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1 hour ago, Ozexpatriate said:

I take it you've seen the 'documentary' where a VW van swerves down the road trying to hit as many as possible going pop, pop, pop, pop, etc?



True, but funnily enough, from *home* you are closer than he Airlie Beach vicinity where that toad was found.


True, and the Crocs are getting nearer to me to with a credible sighting last week of a 3metre Saltie off Stradbroke Island....

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10 hours ago, PupCam said:

Morning (pre-munch) All!


Psst!    Don't mention it to Winslow Boy but there's been more activity in the Puppershire Observatory.   






Puppers still need to up his game . We need pictures like this .




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1 minute ago, monkeysarefun said:

a 3metre Saltie off Stradbroke Island

Plenty of good mangrove habitat in Moreton Bay, though very over-fished. I never heard of crocs locally - even the QLD state government shows their range stopping around Gladstone.


Had a school camping trip (no amenities) on South Straddie in grade 7. We never even thought about salties. 

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4 hours ago, The White Rabbit said:

That sounds like an insinuating suggestion you should not be let out by yourself. What happens if you are on your own and don't have the latest piece of shiny tech, with no friends or relatives to 'turn to'? 


I agree, it's discrimination against many in our society, including those who think for themselves and decide (for whatever reason) not to buy the latest shiny toy. State

You can be as tech savvy and equipped as you like but if you don't have a signal you are in the same boat as those with neither, which again those in charge of these things don't seem to realize from the comfort of  their 5G encased offices because you get treated the same way.


For instance our government website for Medicare, tax, car rego etc sends you a code to your mobile to authenticate your login. There's a button that says "I can't access my mobile" which when pressed just  tells you to call their help desk Mon to Fri, 8 to 4. I did do that back before a mobile tower went in down the road, when I had zero signal here and wanted to do my tax return. I wanted to see if they could make  emailing the code an option. The reply was no, instead I should just use their mobile app rather than my laptop, and drive to a location with mobile  coverage.  Problem solved.


Similarly the previous government wanted to slash funding to the ABC local radio network which does vital service during emergencies like fires and floods by transmitting evacuation warnings etc. The reason for the proposed cuts was that the warnings etc were being SMSed to every phone in the affected areas so no need for the radio. No thought that many areas have no coverage, those that do, often  lose coverage when towers are burned down, flooded etc or that mobile batteries go flat pretty quick and many people are to busy fighting fires or moving their stuff from flood waters to pause that and go plug their phone into a charger if they even have power for it, then sit beside the phone while it charges waiting for possible texts. 

In comparison everyone has a battery powered transistor they can keep tuned to the local ABC.  The issue went away when we voted them off the island for that and other stupidity.

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7 minutes ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Plenty of good mangrove habitat in Moreton Bay, though very over-fished. I never heard of crocs locally - even the QLD state government shows their range stopping around Gladstone.


Had a school camping trip (no amenities) on South Straddie in grade 7. We never even thought about salties. 


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6 hours ago, The White Rabbit said:


That sounds like an insinuating suggestion you should not be let out by yourself. What happens if you are on your own and don't have the latest piece of shiny tech, with no friends or relatives to 'turn to'? 


I agree, it's discrimination against many in our society, including those who think for themselves and decide (for whatever reason) not to buy the latest shiny toy. State sanctioned peer pressure? Pah! 


I use online banking (I find the apps my banks use excellent) and am an enthusiast of on-line shopping (trudging around shops has little appeal for me). I never watch broadcast TV and as an Englishman living abroad and with an Asian extended family and friends all over the world (a side effect of working in an industry like shipping and as a lobbyist) so I love things like WhatsApp which have been transformative. I even used to like Facebook until my feed became so clogged up with upper carp I had zero interest in that I lost a lot of interest in the platform. I never carry much more than $10 as cash as I use paywave for everything when I do go to the shops and in restaurants (what people call contactless here). So I like technology.


BUT, I agree with your point. There are applications for which physical transactions should still be available, and if people like going to the shop and using cash I don't think they should be forced to move to payment platforms. Even in a high-tech place like Singapore (people here are obsessed with having the latest toys) MRT stations have manned ticket offices open between first and last services and banks still offer branch services (and they seem to be well used).


And if you end up without a phone or tablet, or lose connection, have an issue with roaming overseas etc then there needs to be an alternative. In fairness, these businesses do seem to have provision for such scenarios, the problem is few know what they are (either customers or people within businesses) and if you lose connectivity how are you meant to find out? 


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2 minutes ago, jjb1970 said:

And if you end up without a phone or tablet, or lose connection, have an issue with roaming overseas etc then there needs to be an alternative. In fairness, these businesses do seem to have provision for such scenarios, the problem is few know what they are (either customers or people within businesses) and if you lose connectivity how are you meant to find out? 


My bank keeps encouraging me to use its online app. In the end, I had to (needed to pay a new bill while my cable connection was broken). Normally I use a browser on my desktop, I have low confidence that a phone will not eventually be stolen, lost, broken or just with a flat battery (or lacking signal, of course). But recently I wanted to cancel a Standing Order (remember them ?) and discovered I can only do that via the online app.

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3 hours ago, BSW01 said:

Here are some phots I took yesterday of the finished 3D seascape

Looks great!


The biggest challenge I would have is deciding on the colour. Grey-green is more 'prototypical' for most stormy weather/heavy seas, but most people associate 'blue' with the colour of water so that is always a good choice - viewers will recognize better it as 'water'.


Looking into the depths in the Pacific around Hawai'i (from a dive boat where the dolphins were playing in the bow wake) I was surprised how much indigo I could see.


Do you propose to carve out a spot for your Walrus to float?


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