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Good morning everyone 


Another frosty start to the day here in the northwest corner of England where it’s currently -2C outside. I will have a guest with me when I go to the Trafford Centre this morning, so I’m planning on going to the cafe at John Lewis first! After that there is nothing else planned. 


Back later. 



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I think it all depends on the local driver. I remember a few years ago there was a lot of complaints about a low cost delivery outfit, sorry I can't remember which one but the media had pictures of trucks stopping in car parks to give out delivery packages to drivers. At the time they were the company everybody loved to hate yet the driver for our area was superb and delivered terrific service, much better than RM or Parcel Force. Which isn't to say other drivers might not have deserved the reputation the company picked up.

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1 hour ago, Coombe Barton said:

Especially for @monkeysarefun - it's reached the front page of the BBC website - about Toadzilla


Although putting them in your freezer is one recommended way of euthanasing them, hitting them with a golf stick thingy so they go pop is more fun, though in that one's case I have a Monty python Meaning Of Life Mr Creosote scene in my mind if someone attempted that.

All up however, cane toads are more @Ozexpatriateterritory!.

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46 minutes ago, PupCam said:

Andromedia as it turns out is a bit of a disappointing smudge with Puppers' telescope however the fact that I actually found it gave me more bounce than even Tigger could handle.  




Bear sees a green LED poked thru' a black bit of cardboard that's covered in dandruff - is that it??



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1 hour ago, PupCam said:

Morning (pre-munch) All!


Psst!    Don't mention it to Winslow Boy but there's been more activity in the Puppershire Observatory.   


Last night I managed to find, see and photograph a galaxy for the very first time.    Andromeda since you asked 😃

201 photos were taken with 120 of them being stacked over night while Puppers was sleeping (that's the way to do it said Mr Punch). 


Andromedia as it turns out is a bit of a disappointing smudge with Puppers' telescope however the fact that I actually found it gave me more bounce than even Tigger could handle.   I still need a lot more practice and experience with the post-stacking processing though!






Our Evri delivery person used to be excellent (she lives in the village) but unfortunately she disappeared from the scene about 6 months ago. Not certain if that's due to ill health or she just got fed up but either way it's a great shame she's gone.    The service ever since has been absolutely appalling.


Light pollution - Made the news on the BBC website today:




Another cold and clear day today.    Hmm, better charge the camera battery up just-in-case it lasts until the early evening.








Look if you want to post snaps of interstellar phenomena that's fine by Mr Puppers. All I ask is that you check your appliances first as that looks like a piece of green

s ..t to me.


Anyway shouldn't it be red as it's getting further away from us- you see I do know some things I'm not just good looking.

Edited by Winslow Boy
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6 minutes ago, polybear said:


I'd expect them to (a) ensure that someone is in, and (b) actually hand them the package to ensure they're delivering the drugs to the right house.  


A friend of my delivers drugs. We tease him by making out he's a drug dealer.


He says that they have strict instructions about leaving them - not in the blue bin (not certain about other coloured bins)- not to be squashed flat and pushed through the letter box-not in plain sight etc etc.

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1 hour ago, petethemole said:

Some of Mrs mole's Amazon orders are delivered by Evri.  I think some of the traders that sell through Amazon but also have their own sales sites just use the one courier.  Our local Evri guy is very good.

If it is an independent seller selling on the Amazon platform, they may choose to have Amazon fulfil their order, or to use their own courier - orders through Amazon or fulfilled by Amazon are delivered by Amazon's own people.  Otherwise could be pot luck as to what carrier is used.

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1 hour ago, PupCam said:

Morning (pre-munch) All!


Psst!    Don't mention it to Winslow Boy but there's been more activity in the Puppershire Observatory.   


Last night I managed to find, see and photograph a galaxy for the very first time.    Andromeda since you asked 😃

201 photos were taken with 120 of them being stacked over night while Puppers was sleeping (that's the way to do it said Mr Punch). 


Andromedia as it turns out is a bit of a disappointing smudge with Puppers' telescope however the fact that I actually found it gave me more bounce than even Tigger could handle.   I still need a lot more practice and experience with the post-stacking processing though!






Our Evri delivery person used to be excellent (she lives in the village) but unfortunately she disappeared from the scene about 6 months ago. Not certain if that's due to ill health or she just got fed up but either way it's a great shame she's gone.    The service ever since has been absolutely appalling.


Light pollution - Made the news on the BBC website today:




Another cold and clear day today.    Hmm, better charge the camera battery up just-in-case it lasts until the early evening.







You should be able to pull a bit more out of it in the post processing, not sure if this is any help.




Orion and Sagittarius both have good stuff that's pretty easy to process, Orion with M42 and the Horse head nebula, while Sagittarius has the Triffid and the lagoon nebulae. Rho Ophiuchi in Ophiuchus is good too, don't need a telescope for that. 


Then there's comet C/2022 E3 hanging around at the moment..

Edited by monkeysarefun
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