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No significant snow to report either, just hit 30 but with lovely ocean breezes -  perfect beach weather but not  everything is idyllic in Sydney right now - from  north of Manly down to Bondi and beyond the surf is poor, though the Bondi  webcam shows theres those still willing to give anything   a go.


("Dangerous" storms due  later apparently..)






Edited by monkeysarefun
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I'd enjoy a bit of cold, stinking hot day here, I think I could literally fry an egg on the pavement (and being Singapore the pavements are probably clean enough to do so). 


I have been booking flights, out of interest I used a VPN to check Singapore Airlines UK prices and managed to stay on that sight long enough to find prices an awful lot lower than they are here before being locked out. SQ prices here are ridiculous. They're a superb airline, service is impeccable, flights are direct to the destinations I need to fly to and the whole experience is polished, but there's no way I can justify paying more than double compared to other good airlines.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not as cold this morning but still a chilly -2C and not likely to get much higher. A bit too icy to risk going out with my dodgy legs this morning so any shopping will be done this afternoon.

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1 hour ago, New Haven Neil said:

Morning world, from a windy, 4c rock, that has had little more snaa.  For @Winslow Boy Ian, here's some we had earlier, it's on the next mail plane for you.




A day of domestic servitude beckons, shopping, bank, post office, all the exciting stuff.  I know how to live.  Well, doing it all will keep me alive, and safe from threats about reduction in play times.


Its alright youngman we got an early delivery. So me an DD willbe going sledging later as schools are closed due to 'inclement weather' either that or someone forgot to feed the meter.

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1 hour ago, Tony_S said:

Morning all.

I don’t think there will be too many people sunbathing on our local beaches, it is rather chilly. I put the bins out and the front lawn was quite crunchy with frost. 
I will be going out later to the Land Rover garage in Chelmsford for them to diagnose the sim reader on my car sat nav. I have already suggested it needs replacing not diagnosing.



You like to live dangerously don't you. You 'ordinary man' (please note '.  ') against 'highly trained, knowledgeable & experienced technican' they won't stand a chance.

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Bear here....

General faffing about so far, including shifting the uncollected ebay stuff back into the muddlin' room.  Poo.

Postie has just delivered two parcels - both are muddlin' items from the 'bay; hopefully they'll be as hoped.


In other news.....

This is worth noting - I suspect Amazon will be taking a very close look at some individuals at the moment:


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The blood letting has been completed, only 5 minutes late, so almost on schedule, but then whats a few of minutes here or there? But I bet I wouldn’t have been seen if I was late though!


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3 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

Morning world, from a windy, 4c rock, that has had little more snaa.  For @Winslow Boy Ian, here's some we had earlier, it's on the next mail plane for you.




A day of domestic servitude beckons, shopping, bank, post office, all the exciting stuff.  I know how to live.  Well, doing it all will keep me alive, and safe from threats about reduction in play times.

Couldn't comment on this as none appropriate - absolutely hate the cold, snow and particularly ice.


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13 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

What constitutes a 'green' cemetery in the UK? Sustainable 'caskets'? (Like wicker or cardboard?)


It is now legal in Oregon for one's remains to be composted. The whole sustainable funerary market will likely grow quickly. (No pun intended.)


There are various non-traditional options available. This was something I looked into for my mother and there are several cemeteries within an hour's drive offering 'green' options, sometimes at a higher (though not grossly so) price. I've seen cardboard coffins advertised locally. Shrouds and bio-degradable coffins are options here: https://www.doncaster.gov.uk/services/births-marriages-deaths-nationality/woodland-and-meadowland-burial 

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1 hour ago, polybear said:

This is worth noting - I suspect Amazon will be taking a very close look at some individuals at the moment:


Indeed, someone else received a packet of cornflakes instead of the expected item. I did think it was a dodgy vendor but it could easily be someone in Amazon.

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A'noon.  Sunny and blue skies now, a blistering 6c and the snaa is mostly gone. A still breeze though, making the 'feels like' 1c.


@PeterBB that was a 'library' photo from the heavy 2012 snow we had, that is the most we have seen here.  I wouldn't be venturing out in it to play trains now, too many bits have broken on this skeleton since then.  It was a fun day though, the loco cleared the whole line without human assistance.  Well, bar lighting it up in the first place.

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51 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

The media module needs replacing. They even ordered the part and got it paid for by the warranty while I was waiting for Aditi to come and get me.  I had asked her not to leave home to collect me in case they were unable to get the part supplied for a while. 
I am quite happy for it to take a day or so , I prefer it to multiple  trips to Chelmsford and back. I know there is a Land Rover garage in Southend but I would prefer not to go there. My neighbour did and I value his “recommendation”. 

Aditi is thinking about a  trip the French Alps when the weather is a bit warmer. Doing similar trips was why we bought the car as it met all the environmental requirements for places we meant to visit. Covid intervened so it hasn’t really had its intended use. 


That's good news. Which all dealerships were as good as that.


Relative of mine was messed royally around by Jaguar last year. He was without his car for about three months whilst they sent for a chip from Japan.


This was prearranged with them and they still insisted on waiting till they had it before ordering it. They then tried fobbing him off with a hire car that had to be returned.


To say he wasn't pleased would be an understatement.

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