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1 hour ago, polybear said:


'Sterds.  It seems that once a house has been burgled there's a 1 in 4 chance it'll be hit again; as to whether or not this will apply in the MRC's case is anyone's guess.  Time to invest in some particularly nasty scrote traps methinks.

It has been broken into once before, all that was taken was bags of crisps and Kit Kats from the canteen. There is a burglar alarm but the clubhouse is some distance from occupied houses.

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1 hour ago, Tony_S said:

My car did pass its MoT, have its service and get its SIM card problem sorted. I haven’t got it back as I didn’t want to be trying to get to the garage by 5.30. We will go to. Chelmsford tomorrow after lunch to get it. While,I was waiting for Aditi this morning I had a look at the new cars. I don’t think I will be buying a PHEV Defender. It was over £100000.  Seats looked comfy though.


Very reasonable. That's only 12.5K per seat (if you get the eight seater). That's only about twice what I paid for IDSPIDY's seats and TBH they are not terribly comfy.

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9 minutes ago, jamie92208 said:

Not a lot else to e lighten the world with apart from the fact that I have discovered that so eone has written a book called Day Dog. This is a semi fictional account of going to Giggleswick school in the mid 60's.  I was also a day dog in that era. If you passed your 11 plus the county sent you there as a day boy.  I'm now trying to locate a copy but Amazon keeps sending me round in circles. I don't do kindle.




There's one showing now:




If you need help just pm me.



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9 hours ago, Tony_S said:

While,I was waiting for Aditi this morning I had a look at the new cars. I don’t think I will be buying a PHEV Defender. It was over £100000.  Seats looked comfy though.


HOW MUCH??  Bluddy Hell.  And a leccy range of "up to 27 miles" 😭

The Bearmobile came new in 2016 for 9K (they're somewhat more now though), so eleven of them plus six Deltics and several LDC's with the change.


8 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

Splitting it generated a price of £66 each. 


You can email Amazon Tokens for n'owt.....


8 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

It has been broken into once before, all that was taken was bags of crisps and Kit Kats from the canteen. There is a burglar alarm but the clubhouse is some distance from occupied houses.


Sounds like you need an Autodialler added to the alarm system (easy and not too expensive) - if there's wifi in the MRC then you could add an Alexa and indoor camera to check if there are scrotes inbound in the event of an alarm.  Maybe some steel bars across the windows and doors too.

But for a bit of fun you could add a few of these too:




You'll need to add the cost of a mop & bucket though, for when they sh1t themselves.


Bear here.......

The coving is looking "pretty good" - but will get a last coat this morning just to be sure; the joints seem to have come out pretty reasonably too.  I'll also bung one last coat on the ceiling rose and with luck get that fitted & wired this afternoon.  Apart from that it'll be MIUABGA.

Bear gone.

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19 minutes ago, BSW01 said:

I forgot to mention last night, but Sheila has got an appointment for a consultation to have her eyes done privately. If all goes to plan, she may get them done before Christmas! I do hope it happens as she’s really struggling at the moment. 


Back later. 




Isn't it amazing just how quickly things happen when you wave a cheque book........

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13 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Much, much cheaper in the long run - they don't need to send emergency crews out in the rain and wind and snow every time the line from the transformer falls down or the transformer on the pole gets struck by lightning, or the pole gets hit by a car. The increased reliability of a buried supply is vastly higher.


The installation of a buried supply is more expensive than a pole-mount transformer.



There are trade offs. Overhead is quicker and cheaper to install initially, especially long runs. Underground is generally more reliable and so cheaper to maintain, but (important in the kind of areas where you and I live) at least as vulnerable to serious earthquakes. And once there’s been serious disruption like that, you’re doing an almost complete rebuild which would be cheaper and quicker (again) with overhead.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not a good night last night as Arthur Itis was having a party and invited both hips along.

1 hour ago, polybear said:

Sounds like you need an Autodialler added to the alarm system (easy and not too expensive) - if there's wifi in the MRC then you could add an Alexa and indoor camera to check if there are scrotes inbound in the event of an alarm.  Maybe some steel bars across the windows and doors too.

But for a bit of fun you could add a few of these too:



You'll need to add the cost of a mop & bucket though, for when they sh1t themselves.

Unfortunately there is no land line and mobile reception is poor. The alarm was installed after the last break in. They broke into the kitchen as before by removing a pane of glass in the window. Fortunately the layouts and tools are kept at the other end of the building and they would have to get through three locked doors to reach them.  

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Well, Sunday is sorted, with a ticket for Yujang Wang with the Philharmonia Orchestra and Santtu-Matias Rouvali at the Southbank bought. Yuja Wang is a wonderful pianist, sometimes people accuse me of living in the past as most of the performances I listen to are older recordings, pianists like Emil Gilels, conductors like George Szell, Karl Bohm and Karajan. However, it's more a reflection of the recording industry and the way many classical labels and performers push out cross-over releases and repetoire I'm not particularly interested in. However I think Yuja Wang is wonderful, she could make a huge amount just churning out the same old same old but she has a very adventurous and interesting repertoire, including promoting contemporary compositions. Her Ligeti performances have been excellent (another contemporary pianist I love is Pierre Laurent Aimard, synonymous with Ligeti) and she is a pianist of rare skill and substance. Really looking forward to it.

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' morning all from red dragon land.

Cloudy. Wet. Colder first thing at 3.7C.


C cards list done. I guess writing them out will begin after lunch. <<big breath>>

(Some editing tools still absent from the menubar.)


Time for a quick toot-on-the-flute. Yesterday, I started adding some twiddly bits to verse 2 beginning with the easier ones since I know how to play them, now. It is putting them into a different sequence of notes that takes the time and concentration, not to mention getting the fingers to get their act together but it is coming along!



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