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10 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Been all over the late night comedy circuit in the last couple of days. It's meritless and I would be very surprised if even a Florida judge agrees to hear the case.


A UK attempt at a claim that I really, really hope fails:




The fact that escooters (apart from being illegal) generally aren't fitted with lights - so maybe that explains why she didn't see the pothole.....


9 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

Spent much of the day at the old premises sorting out years, nay, decades worth of junk from the attic. Still got to decide how to get rid of it. I had thought about having a little display cabinet at the new premises showing some of the old artefacts I knew we had. Unfortunately I didn’t think we’d have enough to fill a cabinet so didn’t bother but boy have I found some bits that would have made an interesting display.



Collectables can sell very well on the 'bay.....


Bear here.....

Well I guess I'll be firing up the washing machine today, followed by some H/S/L work; I'll start by splodging some Paint Stripper on wall areas to get rid of the paint which results from some bozo council painter doing the skirting and architrave many moons ago.  Obviously he'd never heard of masking tape - a little overspill I can understand - but when it hits 2" wide he moves into the tw@t category in this Bear's book.  Right, time to get the little furry ar5e in gear - running very late.


And finally.....

Good - I find it it bluddy criminal that they were even allowed to buy the place; the plans included bulldozing some Grade 2 listed buildings in the process:



Bear gone.



Edited by polybear
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The case Polybear links to really annoys me. People blithely break the law and then make a claim when they get hurt doing it.


It reminds me of a case I read in the paper in the 80s or 90s about a burglar who successfully sued a householder for the pain of breaking his leg. He'd fallen over a model railway that was under the window he'd entered the house by. 


Whatever happened to the doctrine that you bear some responsibility for your own actions; the woman who got stuck in Braford loo and broke her leg trying to climb out, when the loo roll holder she as standing on spun and tipped her off, lost most of her compensation; it was Bradford DC's fault she got locked in but not their fault she chose a very risky way of trying to escape (rather than, say, shouting for help). Somehow the law now follows the case of the woman who spilled yoghurt in Tesco and then injured herself slipping in it (Ward v Tesco Stores IIRC). She won compensation!

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Good morning everyone 


Another dull but dry start to the day here in the northwest corner of England and I hope today goes better than yesterday!  So, what have I got planned for today then? Well, as it’s now December the Christmas tree is going up along with the rest of the decorations, although I’m not decorating the tree today, as Ava is helping me with that tomorrow. This will be a first, as I usually do all this on my own, so it will make a pleasant change.


So, that’s my day planned out, bak later. 



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Morning all from Estuary-Land. I have a smart meter and it appears that my energy supplier has put me on the overnight reduced rate. I usually run the washing machine overnight which I did so a couple of nights ago. On checking the smart meter I found that instead of a blip of about £1 it was about 50p. FYI my energy supplier is Octopus who I've been with for about fifteen years.

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15 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:

Would more thinner layers be better. I do layers of cotton stuff and feel much less bulky for the same warmth. Learnt the principle from  hillwalkers





I use a combination of thin cotton and wool layers. When going out when chilly, I add a thin lightweight fleece or my thicker, heavier fleece. When really cold, I wear both! If I am just out and about and no wind to speak of, I might wear a fleece lined knitted wool hooded jacket with plenty of thin layers underneath, including a bobble hat - to keep the hood up!


Looks like Little Red Hiding Hood has turned up with some friends!


Off for a ride at Haigh Woodland Park (a few years back).




When wearing boots as a hill walker, whatever the weather, I used to wear a pair of thickish short wool socks over knee length socks with the top of the short socks rolled over the top of the boots - keeps stones out, among other things!  In the good olde days, my YHA boots had a single skin of leather.  My current pair of Brashers are double skinned leather with some techie lining in between. So far I have only needed a single pair of wool socks.


My working boots are cheap, & in-the-sale, Dunlop leather boots which have a steel toe cap and a steel sole plate. In the summer, they are fine with a single thin pair of short wool socks - not quite so comfortable in thin cotton socks. A couple of years ago, I treated the boots to some sheepskin wool insoles. Lovely all year round except during this year's heatwave when I had to remove them - feet too hot, boots too tight!  In winter, so far, I have found a single pair of long wool socks is enough with the insoles underfoot.*


For the hands, I find a thin inner silk glove adds extra warmth to a lined or unlined wool or leather glove - really handy for those outdoor jobs or pastimes.



*I did get ribbed about my shiny boots down on the trax when I first turned up in them which gave rise to my working motto: "Shiny loco (deserves) Shiny boots"! Ribbing terminated! But I was smiling as, being kept polished, the leather was never hard, cracked, or soaking up water, oil, grease, ash, coal dust, mud and dirt.... and they are still going strong! Though, I must say, some of my thinking was influenced by (reportedly ;) GWR and Southern** practices in turning out smartly dressed.


** No disrespect meant to others, just not a LMS/LNER "expert"*** on these matters! 🤣

*** Term used very loosely. 😂


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On 30/11/2022 at 17:31, polybear said:


@iL Dottore What wondrous Chrimbotat can we expect to be announced by CCI Gmbh Inc. this festive season?  

I have it on good authority that the 2022 limited edition Christmas release from Chrimbotat is a bit of high-tech wizardry that will shock and revolutionise the culinary world.


Stay tuned…

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1 hour ago, PupCam said:



Whilst I'm at this end of the telescope..........



Telescope?  B.S.  Bear can spot an Arduino-Guided Rocket Launcher a mile off.....🤣)


Bear here.....

Washing half done - I need to hang the first load out and get load number 2 going.  Then it'll be splurging another coat of PS on top of the first coat applied earlier today; after that I'll mess about with the College Project some more.


In other news.....

No sign as yet of the Evri/Hermes collection booked for today.....


And finally.....

A certain Bear has been rather naughty and splurged a smallish amount of gronkits on yet another extension to The Great Kit Mountain - this time a choo choo that has failed to sell previously and I was the only bidder today.  Result.


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27 minutes ago, polybear said:

Evri/Hermes collection booked for today.....

Royal Mail booked online yesterday, package collected this morning. I suspect Evri are also extra busy at present with people diverting their Royal Mail stuff to them this week. 

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4 hours ago, TheQ said:

Why the calendar?

We have a number of calendars. However the one by the boiler is THE calendar. If something isn’t on that one, then it doesn’t officially exist. I have registered for online reminders for medical appointments but still consult the paper one. Our new calendar for next year has arrived so I suppose it is time to start transferring the 2023 appointments scrawled at the end of the December 2022 page.

Edited by Tony_S
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35 minutes ago, jjb1970 said:

Off to London for two weeks, just waiting for take off, be good y'all. I have two weeks at IMO on GHG negotiations, oh joy. I should probably take it more seriously but I just find it hard not to laugh at hundreds of people flying around the world to talk about reducing emissions on a regular basis. 

If you're inbound to LHR then wave as you come over ... depending upon the wind of course because if it's in the western half of the compass you'll land over Windsor Castle not over the Hill of Strawberries.  


People ARE talking about aircraft emissions and sometimes they fly around the world to do so.  Some influential folk are well aware of the net carbon deficit per passenger air-kilometre.  Meetings are also held via electronic means but sometimes you have to do things in person.  Steps are being taken on two counts that I am aware of namely to reduce the air-kilometres being flown (which has an impact upon the viability of that industry and the employment of tens of thousands worldwide) and to reduce the carbon-footprint of aircraft by seeking alternative or more efficient fuels (which acknowledges that aviation will remain with us but seeks to benefit as many people as possible through reduced emissions).  


Much the same is true on a localised scale for any form of transport.  Rail is preferred over road and bus over car because they are mass-transit systems generating lower carbon footprints per user-kilometre.  Terrestrial transport can be electrified or hydrogen powered neither of which is 100% carbon-neutral and "clean" but both of which are better than burning fossil fuel at point of travel.  Aircraft cannot, yet, be powered by anything much other than aviation spirit - AvGas - unless we rely on the wind.  Which is neither safe nor reliable enough for commercial use.  


Alternatives are coming.  Who, twenty years ago, would have given serious credence to the idea of petrol and diesel-powered road vehicles being no longer sold (by law) and potentially phased out entirely within the lifetime of some of us here.  At least we don't dig up rocks and set fire to them for power any more.  Well not very much and not very often.  

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