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33 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

The husband of one of my US colleagues had a gun pulled on him and was mugged in broad daylight in a downtown parking lot.


That was just a month ago. And, from what the San Francisco based colleagues said when my colleague spoke about her husband’s misadventure at a TC (she is based in Minnesota), this is no longer an unusual occurrence in SF


I must admit I have felt really rather uncomfortable in San Francisco the last couple of visits. At one time Oakland on the other side of the bay had a terrible reputation but the last visit I actually felt more at ease in Oakland than SF. I have a colleague whose wife works for Netflix and visits every month. Admittedly she is a Singaporean lady and so lives a very sheltered life here (people here have a very different sensitivity to crime than people in Britain, they tend to just take safety and security for granted) but she tells me she now feels unsafe in SF and doesn't leave her hotel unaccompanied. I find it rather sad as I love San Francisco and the Bay area, it's a wonderful place.

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Interesting observations about the final hours of WWI. like @polybear and @pH have commented, there was a lot of pointless military activity on the last day just because the Allies could.

I would argue that WWII started on Armistice day 1918. The Allies “point scoring” (as PB neatly put it), the near starvation of Germany (especially civilians) due to the British naval blockade, the savage reparations insisted on by the French, the occupation of the Ruhr all combined to make a very fertile soil for post WWI German ultra right wing ultranationalism. 

Had the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers' Party) and its charismatic leader never existed, then such was Germany at that time that an alternative ultra right wing ultranationalist party would have emerged. World War II was pretty much inevitable.


Fortunately at the end of WWII, and in its immediate aftermath, the French were not in the driving seat (by many accounts, the French were ready to repeat the same mistakes of 1918 again in 1945). Churchill had the right idea “In War, Resolution; In Defeat, Defiance; In Victory, Magnanimity; and in Peace, Good Will.” and with mammoth US investment (via the Marshall Plan) the western allies really did achieve the ultimate victory: that of turning enemy into friend, foe into ally (the Russians in the East, understandably had a definite “they will pay” attitude).

How much of the aims of the Marshall Plan were humanitarian aims and how much down to the US wanting to have a buffer between them and the Soviet Union is open for debate.


Ironically, given how the Axis countries have become very prosperous, peaceful, with an up-to-date infrastructure and a well off populace, it’s almost as though they are the ones who won the war. 

As some political commentators have mused: “did Britain win the war and loose the peace”?

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Like for @jjb1970, my New Orleans excursion was not a pleasant experience . I was quite looking forward to my trip: Cajun and Creole food, blues, jazz and zydeco - what’s not to like?

Unfortunately, my trip wasn’t that enjoyable. Even just outside of the convention centre (I was there for a medical conference) New Orleans felt run-down, seedy, sleazy, dirty even. We were warned not to “stray” from a well beaten path (basically just a few blocks of downtown).  

I fully expected Bourbon Street to be “touristy” - but never on the scale of the over priced, tawdry, tourist trap it has become. Annoyingly, I didn’t find any decent Creole and Cajun food (the closest I got was with a “Po’ Boy” from a convenience store). Nor did I find any blues, jazz or zydeco (apart from the places on Bourbon St - so massively overpriced and barely authentic music)


Chicago was a different: a very decent steak dinner at Mortons of Chicago and rock and roll at the original House of Blues (it was George Thorogood & The Destroyers - as you ask). And Chicago never felt, sleazy, tawdry or unsafe.



p.s. The first few minutes of Jim Jarmusch’s film Down By Law perfectly encapsulates the feel of part of my New Orleans experience… 

Edited by iL Dottore
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  • RMweb Premium

Dates for when wars start and end can be very slippery and open to different interpretation. For example, we think WW2 started on 1 September 1939, European people generally object to any suggestion that it started on 7 December 1941 yet few appreciate that the war started on 7 July 1937 for China. That then begs the question, was there a WW2, or two separate wars? The war fought between the Western Allies and the USSR against Germany and its allies (Italy, Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Slovakia) overlapped in time with the war fought between the Western Allies and Japan but in reality there was virtually no meaningful cooperation between Germany and Japan and both wars were fought for entirely different reasons and with different objectives. While the USA was closely allied with Britain in the West and a close ally in terms of the military aspect of the war in Japan they were very resistant to the idea of supporting re-establishment of the British, Dutch and French empires in Asia. I've always fought that WW2 is much more accurately considered as two wars overlapping in time. In the case of WW2 there was brutal fighting in Central and Eastern Europe long after the Western Armistice, and the war between the Central Powers and Russia ended with the Treaty on 3 March 1918. And of course there were the military interventions in the Russian civil war. So for a Russian WW1 might have very different dates to a British or French person.

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  • RMweb Premium
5 hours ago, jjb1970 said:

Dates for when wars start and end can be very slippery and open to different interpretation. For example, we think WW2 started on 1 September 1939, European people generally object to any suggestion that it started on 7 December 1941 yet few appreciate that the war started on 7 July 1937 for China. That then begs the question, was there a WW2, or two separate wars? The war fought between the Western Allies and the USSR against Germany and its allies (Italy, Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Slovakia) overlapped in time with the war fought between the Western Allies and Japan but in reality there was virtually no meaningful cooperation between Germany and Japan and both wars were fought for entirely different reasons and with different objectives. While the USA was closely allied with Britain in the West and a close ally in terms of the military aspect of the war in Japan they were very resistant to the idea of supporting re-establishment of the British, Dutch and French empires in Asia. I've always fought that WW2 is much more accurately considered as two wars overlapping in time. In the case of WW2 there was brutal fighting in Central and Eastern Europe long after the Western Armistice, and the war between the Central Powers and Russia ended with the Treaty on 3 March 1918. And of course there were the military interventions in the Russian civil war. So for a Russian WW1 might have very different dates to a British or French person.

I visited the naval memorial at Chatham and the WW1 deaths continue until 1921 mainly due to fighting in various parts of Russia.  



Edited by jamie92208
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Morning all from Estuary-Land. I was woken up by Arthur Itis this morning but I managed to get back to sleep again. No papers arrived yesterday and todays haven't arrived yet, I'll be going down to the newsagents later to find out what's happening. Thats it for now, be back later.

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Good morning everyone 


It’s a grey and dull start the day here in the northwest corner of England. Today will see me start to put things back in the underfloor storage area, finally getting things into there final position. I’m expecting this to me a couple of days to sort out properly, but the end result should make it all worth while, finally freeing up large cellar room and giving me a more organised storage space. Items that are likely to be required the most closest to the access doors, items less likely to be needed furthest away. 


Best get on with it then, back later. 



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16 hours ago, J. S. Bach said:

Sounds like west on something to south on I-81 to west on I-40 to south on I-75. How did you avoid Knoxville? 😺 Anyway your journey reminded me of:




I did note the knitting! 😂

Yes, I did do quite a lot in my time but not half as much as Mum did though neither of us took it out with us like Miss Marples did (at least in the tv shows, she did - I have not read the books so no comment in that direction).

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15 hours ago, AndyID said:


"Pardon me boy, is this the cat that chewed your new shoes?"


Of course "boy" is completely unacceptable these days, as it should be.


Are "girl", "laddie", "mate", "you chaps", "you guys"... any better? 😲


I remember them all, in turn, among others! I doubt it will get any better, whatever the next substitution. 

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1 hour ago, southern42 said:


Are "girl", "laddie", "mate", "you chaps", "you guys"... any better? 😲


I remember them all, in turn, among others! I doubt it will get any better, whatever the next substitution. 

Presumably because "boy" was what a white man called a black man, asserting his own superiority. Interestingly in an episode of "Power" we watched the other night, one black dealer who'd newly become the king pin said to another "I ain't your n****r no more, boy"*. the n word seemed to mean friend. I don't recommend Power; it's no more than OK, but Elder Lurker has been enjoying it.


* he even said boy with a hint of southern twang.

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  • RMweb Premium

Of course, Boy in these contexts can have a much older derivation, it is often a corruption of "Bor" meaning friend in the East Anglian dialect, as derived from "Neighbour" / "Neighbor" which derives from neahgebur / nehebur "Near dweller" in versions of old Saxon.


Meanwhile my work at work has been at a halt we have 150uV noise being picked up on my major system and so it seems on other major systems.. Headless chickens are running around trying to find the source.

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  • RMweb Premium
14 hours ago, Dave Hunt said:

Fame at last for ERs. In today's Daily Telegraph there is a picture of Baz at the Warley show. Well, the caption says it's Baz but since he's holding a 7mm scale DMU in front of his face it's difficult to tell - mind you, the pose does improve the scene.




Oh how we need a link......


4 hours ago, TheQ said:

Mooring awl, 

10.5 working days left, not including the remains of this day.😀


Are the grown-ups getting nervous yet?


4 hours ago, TheQ said:

Dangerous places..

Manchester ( UMIST?  it was a long time ago).. The only Open University used place, where the introduction briefing at the beginning gives you dire warnings not to walk alone at night between various bits of campus, women always to walk around in groups, not just twos..


Bear used to stay in Salisbury quite a bit during the 90's; whilst walking around town in the evenings I always had the feeling that something was about to kick off, though had never seen any trouble, nor ever did.


2 hours ago, southern42 said:


Are "girl", "laddie", "mate", "you chaps", "you guys"... any better? 😲


I remember them all, in turn, among others! I doubt it will get any better, whatever the next substitution. 


It seems that the term "Monkeypox" has now been deemed to be unacceptable - it's now going to be called MPox.  I can't help but think it's PC gone mad.

Right, MIUABGA....though I'm not exactly sure what it is I'm gonna make up at the moment....

Bear gone.

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