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1 hour ago, PhilJ W said:

This dropped into my in-box the other day. Are people stupid enough to fall for it?




I am Mrs.Kristalina Georgieva,Managing Director(MD) of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).I am delighted to inform you that the contract/Inheritance Lottery panel of the UN/COVID19 Awarded Payment has been approved.All Governmental and Non-Governmental,NGO's,Finance Companies,Banks,Security Companies and Diplomat(s) which have been in contact with you of late have been instructed to back off from your transaction and you have been advised NOT to respond to them anymore since  the  International Monetary Fund(IMF) Head Office is now directly in  charge of your Covid-19/Contract/Lottery/Inheritance payment US$15,500,000.00(Fifteen Million, five  hundred thousand United State Dollars)


You are hereby advised NOT to remit further payment to any institution(s) with respect to your transaction as your fund will be transferred to you directly from our source.I hope this is clear.Any action contrary to this instruction is at your own risk.


In order for us to proceed you must get back to me with:

Your Full Name:

Your Address:

Your Age:

Your Direct Phone Numbers:

Your Profession:


Detailed information would be given to you immediately you respond.

Mrs Georgieva.


It's a lot more convincing than a lot of the complete crepe many in this nation are happy to believe. I better leave it at that 😀

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I used to commute between Carlisle and Sellafield using the A595 (though there were several variations of route to give a bit of variety) and although most drivers were pretty decent in making progress at 60 there were plenty of monospeed 40 drivers and lunatics trying to see how quickly they could lose their license (the A595 was a favourite for mobile speed camera units). I hated driving in the day when we had a three shift system a changeover at 14:00 as that was when all the monospeed types in trilby hats were out. Night was when the real nutters came out, early doors was great as the only people on the road to get to Sellafield at 07:00 were people with somewhere to go but little interest in trying to break the land speed record. When we went to a 12-hour two shift system 07:00 to 19:00 it was great. What amused me driving home at night was being overtaken by some lunatic (usually in either an Impreza STi, Mitsubishi Evo, BMW 3 or any sort of Audi) doing crazy speeds only to see the same car a few vehicles ahead at a traffic light in Carlisle.

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49 minutes ago, jjb1970 said:

If there is one thing I like about the USA (and there are many) it is cinnamon buns, nowhere else does cinnamon buns like the US. Lovely soft bread rolled with heaps of cinnamon, lovely.


But those buns are in Canada eh?


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5 hours ago, TheQ said:

Having spent many an hour sat in traffic jams on the Manchester ship canal bridge, it's not often I've got near that time for the shorter distance of MK to Bae Warton or back.


We had one guy who used to claim spectacularly short times for travel , after one such trip from Coningsby to MK, I pointed out to him, the only person losing out was himself,

A, he lost overtime, as at that time we often got back after normal working hours.

B, if he lost his licence he'd lose his job.

Then finally a light switched on in his brain ... He didn't do it again.


I often sat on motorways, at 70 in the inside lane of the motorway with two lanes of traffic hammering past... 




Well I would have probably been the one behind you then young man as I was a regular on the M6 / M1 in days of yore.

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Mooring Awl, at a more proper time.

3 hours sleep, long awake, 3 hours sleep short awake, short sleep.


Ben the I want Collie has been patrolled, he didn't snuffle much, he found little fishy, so he wanted to play instead,, which he took out last night, I wasn't going out in the rain to get it, so it's been well washed.. 


pH's car looks like ours does, we've long since given up trying to keep it clean, the roads outside are almost permanently muddy..


1975 -76 regularly M1-M6 - M74 up to Scotland,

1976-78 M5- M6- M74 to Scotland, 

1983-85 M74- M6 from Scotland, 

1986 M5- M6- M74 to Scotland

1988 to 1996 M1 / M6, I was a regular to Sealand, Warton , and  M74 on up to Scotland,

Since then it's rare to go that way as I normally go up the east side to Scotch corner and beyond.

Ps all the above included return journeys.


I'm getting hungry


Time for Breakfast.


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8 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

This dropped into my in-box the other day. Are people stupid enough to fall for it?


After reading this one, most definitely yes:




"Woman is duped out of £27,000 by 'Russian astronaut' who convinced her he'd marry her if she could pay his 'rocket landing fees' needed to leave the International Space Station"




3 hours ago, pH said:

What are the views of our resident connoisseurs of baked goods about this creation?




“Chocolate gingerbread dream donut” (sic)


The cream kills it 🤢


Mind you, Bear isn't the hugest Donut fan - though if they have jam in the middle (essential) then they're more than edible.


Bear here.....

Will Bear stick some landing coving on the wall today?  Or wimp out, do a Co-op run then priming of hall walls in readiness for coving (which is some way off cos' other stuff - such as boxing in some radiator pipes and consumer unit - need doing first) followed by MIUABGA?  The latter option is just in the lead at the moment....


In other news......

Anyone fancy a 1/4 scale Ducati for Chrimbo?  I know of at least one Bear that does - though I don't fancy the price quite so much ☹️)


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1 hour ago, TheQ said:

Mooring Awl, at a more proper time.

3 hours sleep, long awake, 3 hours sleep short awake, short sleep.


Ben the I want Collie has been patrolled, he didn't snuffle much, he found little fishy, so he wanted to play instead,, which he took out last night, I wasn't going out in the rain to get it, so it's been well washed.. 


pH's car looks like ours does, we've long since given up trying to keep it clean, the roads outside are almost permanently muddy..


1975 -76 regularly M1-M6 - M74 up to Scotland,

1976-78 M5- M6- M74 to Scotland, 

1983-85 M74- M6 from Scotland, 

1986 M5- M6- M74 to Scotland

1988 to 1996 M1 / M6, I was a regular to Sealand, Warton , and  M74 on up to Scotland,

Since then it's rare to go that way as I normally go up the east side to Scotch corner and beyond.

Ps all the above included return journeys.


I'm getting hungry


Time for Breakfast.



Bygum that's a lot of miles young man. I thought I was bad t with the M1/M6 but I'm nothing, I will add the M25/M11 only when they were moving of course, compared to that lot.


I think though  I only saw one accident in that time but probably sat in the queue dozens of times. It does make you wonder though what our parents thought about being able to jump in a vehicle and go from one end of the country to the other.

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2 hours ago, Barry O said:

Ey up!


Hope @simontaylor484is OK..  he is very quiet at the moment.


Not chuckinitdarn here at the m9ment. Lots of rain.i wonder if the reservoirs are starting to fill up? If not then Yorkshire Water will pick from a number of excuses..


Wrong type of rain

Rain too heavy

Rain fall in wrong place

We have a leak


All of the above...




More cricket homework arrived at 10pm last night. Downloaded, corrected, replied..


I did once do RAC Gunnery School (Lulworth) to Leeds in a shade over 3 hours.. no roadworks, no traffic jams and a veryclear and quiet road   ( it's just under 300 miles..the stupidity of young managers!


Time to drink my mugatea and take another pink pill.


Stay safe!



You forgot a couple.

  • Rain didn't meet our stringent safety standards - so was returned.
  • Rain was left at the reservoir next door
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Good morning everyone 


Well the rain has finally stopped falling and there are very small gaps in the clouds were I can see bits of blue. We’re hoping it stays like this all day, as Sheila and I are taking Ava to visit RHS Bridgewater tonight to see their light show! 


But before that, I’ll shortly be heading off to the butchers for the weekly meat rations and a pork pie for my dinner. Then it’s a trip to the Trafford Centre for a few more bits and pieces.  The afternoon is free at the moment, but that could change. 


My quickest car run was returning from Carlisle after watching Man Utd. The game finished just before 5pm and we (there was 4 in the car) we’re back in our local at 7pm! That was M6, M61, M60 (but it called was the M63 then)! 


Back later. 



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Bear here....

Well Option 2 won the day - so it was Co-op first second**, T break then in a few minutes it'll be priming various areas of wall.  Yippee.  I've decided that there's only a certain amount of DIY in a Bear - and the amount left in this Bear is starting to disappear rapidly.  As to whether or not that amount gets replenished during quiet periods (and upon copious applications of cake) remains to be seen.....


(**Technically speaking, 1st Prize goes to fitting the spacers I made yesterday to the flux stand)

Right, pass the PVA Puppers....

Bear gone.

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