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Looks like The Boss is in luck.  The rain stopped a couple of minutes after she left and we've now got some blue sky and sunshine appearing through the clouds.   If it stays like that for next hour or so there may be peace in our my time!  😂

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Morning all 

Sun is shining no kamikaze pigeons so far. 


The so called conspiracy theorists who deny acts of terror occoured should be renamed Nut Jobs.

 That bloke who has been stalking victims should be locked in a padded cell.


Not many ToT ers last night due to heavy rain. We leave a basket of sweets near the front door there were still some left but they had to be thrown away 

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1 hour ago, DaveF said:

In the 1970s I took  photos of a SNCF 141R by the docks at Harwich, when it came to the UK to be preserved and they are now on flickr.  I had an e mail from the current owners, the loco is now in Vallorbe, asking if they could use the photos on their website - so I said yes.




Ask for a full set of their Files in payment 😁


Bear here.....

Washing done.  Tick.  Post Office & Chemist visited.  Tick.  Bluddy great cardboard box that once housed a loft ladder disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.  Tick.

Paint Stripper?  Yes - it worked - and pretty well too; the wrinkled residue virtually fell off when confronted with a scraper, though one or two areas did need slightly more effort - but not unreasonably so.  I've just order a 5L container of the same stuff, plus 5L of the nasty stuff too.  That's another half a Deltic gone......

A larger area has been splurged with PS and covered with plastic - hopefully that will have worked it's magic by this evening; I think I'll leave this coat and not apply a second layer half-way thru' just to see what happens.

I had a call from one of the M.E. Group Buddies - he'd had a search of a scrapyard for a 400mm length of 20mm round steel bar for a certain Bear, sadly without joy ☹️.  So it looks like it'll be the 'bay; I messaged one seller to ask about a 400mm length (they list 330mm or 500mm) but as yet they still haven't replied 🤬

The conversation with Buddy then went onto matters that would no doubt be classified as non-PC, in particular the inappropriate sorry, very appropriate use of the word "invaded" 😉.  

Bear gone.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Rain-sunshine-rain-sunshine has been the weather today, now it's clouding over again. Arthur Itis got out of his cage a little while ago but the co-codamol is putting him back.

3 hours ago, PupCam said:

Hmmm.  That means I'm too!   Eligible for the register not 73!     I'll have to look into that.

 I didn't know that there was a Priority Service Register either. How do you get your name on it?

4 hours ago, polybear said:

Paint Stripper?  Yes - it worked - and pretty well too; the wrinkled residue virtually fell off when confronted with a scraper, though one or two areas did need slightly more effort - but not unreasonably so. 

What is the name of this wonderous stuff? I have a couple of chairs dating back to 1936 that are under umpteen coats of paint. They have an interesting history, they started out as church pews from St. Nicholas church in Elm Park which was consecrated in 1936. The church despite being less than twenty years old was replaced by a new church in the early 50's and the church authorities sold off some of the fittings including the pews which looked like ordinary dining chairs. At the time furniture was rationed and they were limited to two per person. However my dad and my grandparents all went and got a pair of chairs each giving us six in all. Some had a small plywood box on the back for a prayer book. Over the years they have disappeared and only two remain. I seem to recall that some houses very near the church were badly damaged in the Blitz and perhaps the church was also damaged hence it needed replacement.

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1 hour ago, PhilJ W said:

What is the name of this wonderous stuff? I have a couple of chairs dating back to 1936 that are under umpteen coats of paint. 


This is the view that Bear was presented with before lifting the plastic bag this morning:




- and after a bit of not too strenuous scraping (the paint on the plaster came off very easily):





The stuff I used is this - which seems to be pretty paw-friendly




(They do a 500ml test bottle which I purchased - though it's an expensive way to buy it).


Given the choice I'd prefer to use this though:




- which is basically the same as how Nitromors used to be (i.e. most definitely NOT paw-friendly); I used modern Nitromors during the kitchen refurb on pipework and it was cr@p - I had some dregs of old Nitromors and that sorted the paint in minutes.  However, bearing in mind the size of the area I now have to be stripped (a staircase) and the fact that the fumes rise and will collect upstairs then using the second type is not the best idea - I'd have to do it in small areas and with a fan blowing downwards from the landing.  If you're doing chairs - which can easily be taken outside - then I'd go for the Nitromors type stuff unless you have particular health concerns.  Rumour has it that old Nitromors is pretty good at reducing certain whitemetal assemblies assembled with Araldite etc.  (Eeek!) into a kit of parts once again too.......


I'll be checking progress on the larger area of PS I applied at 8am today to see how well that's worked - today's test hasn't had a second application on top of the first like yesterday had.

The main thing to remember with the friendly type is it takes time - don't try and rush it, expecting it to work as quickly as old Nitromors used to.  




Edited by polybear
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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, polybear said:

Rumour has it that old Nitromors is pretty good at reducing certain whitemetal assemblies assembled with Araldite etc.  (Eeek!) into a kit of parts once again too.......



 That deffo works , I did several 2nd hand kit purchases that way , use a plastic tub with

a tight lid , place item in tub , coat well with product , close lid and leave to percolate

for a couple of days , they just fall apart after that .


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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, polybear said:

I'll be checking progress on the larger area of PS I applied at 8am today to see how well that's worked - today's test hasn't had a second application on top of the first like yesterday had.



...And here's the result of the second test:




However, whilst a quick scrape took the flaky bubbly stuff off with ease it did leave the vast majority of an underlying paint layer - it's possible that would scrape off fairly easily, but I'd like this to be nice n' easy and also to minimise risk of damage to the underlying wood due to hard scraping.  So I stopped and bunged a second coat over the top of the first (the instructions recommend this rather than scrape then reapply).


I'm resigned to the fact that the stair stringers won't ever look brilliant - they're a hundred years old and have had their fair share of whacks (young cubs sliding down the stairs on various improvised "sledges" probably didn't help....); after stripping the paint I'll have deep joy sanding n' filling to get them "as good as is reasonably possible" before re-painting.  I did do a lot of trawling the 'net to see if there was any magical way of easily covering the stringers but drew a blank unfortunately.  Turdycurses.


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4 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

You mention the Covid vaccination system possibly being capped. Or it might be that the take up of those eligible is very low. A couple of weeks ago one of the family medics said only 10% of the vaccination appointments they had available had been taken up.  Very low response from those in their 50s. It would seem very different compared with the situation when the first vaccines were available. 

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Today's on-off-on-off rain gave Arthur Itis a field day today. Thanks @polybear for the info on the paint stripper so I'll be ordering some shortly, and clearing a bit of space in the garage to work on the chairs. Now to tackle Farcebook, be back later. 

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three weeks til summer and its a maximum 19 degrees today in this sub-tropical paradise. Yesterdays Melbourne Cup Day  had a wind chill meaning the race was run in  5 degrees apparent temperature.  Forecasts for the next few days  mention "Antarctic winds" , "polar vortexes" and "unseasonal snow". 


All this cold wet  weather is making it annoyingly easy for the "Global Warming?! Ha! " clowns on Sky Australia to mock the science. 

Edited by monkeysarefun
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